Tuesday, April 30, 2019



Today, is a non-event kind of day. Watched American Idol, and I sure wish that the singers, could/would sing a song that I remember. But, thinking about it, I realize that the singers were born long after the 60's. To bad, because music from those years, I happen to think were absolutely the best. These are just my thoughts.

Stacey, and other home schooler (sp) Moms, took the kids out on a field trip. One of the things that the kids were able to do, was to pan for "gold". Who knows, maybe when he's older, he might go to the Yukon, to search for "oodles" of gold. If it was a sure thing, who knows, maybe Jeff and I would move to the Yukon area! Just kidding, of course!

It's likely that we'd find about as much gold, as we do on a lottery ticket. Which is zero. You can't win, if you don't play. I am truly envious of the people who win millions. Heck, I'd be happy if I only won, let's say, oh about $50,000. I don't think that's asking for too much. I mean, people get big winnings, and I would like to be the recipient of mega bucks. If we did win, some huge amount of money, I think I'd get in the bathtub and cover myself with money. A dry bathtub, of course. Otherwise, it would be laundering money!
(Did you get that)?

I'm trying to stay calm about tomorrow. I have bought several, easy to put on, dresses, actually they are more like loungers. I bought mostly sleeveless dresses, because the last think I want to do is try and put on a top that has sleeves. During my recovery, it's going to be all about comfort. To that end, I have recorded a lot of television shows, and today will take off the non-essentials off of my side table. My goal is to make taking care of me less of a burden for Jeff. But, since I'm only "mildly" crazy, Jeff still has his hands full on taking care of me.

We're leaving the girls alone in the house, and the backyard. With Bella on her own, we need to lock down things. My shoes come to mind! We'll shut most of the doors which will limit where the girls can go. Still, we hate that we can't take her tomorrow. But, a surgery center is just not a good place to take a dog. That's just my opinion.

I'm hoping by Friday, that I'll feel up to returning to the keyboard.


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