Monday, April 29, 2019

What's New In My World


It' Monday (duh) and not a great looking day outside. For me, and my thermostat has been "broken" for years, I think it's downright chilly. Jeff's thermostat swings the other way - he's always hot. So together we're are an ideal couple. 😃

Yesterday was "shop" day. That means, in case you were wondering, and I know you weren't our weekly trip to Costco and WalMart. And, yes that also means me riding in the stupid little carts. I fee more disabled than I do when just walking around. Trouble is, I'm not able to walk far, hence the cart. Two things come to mind when using a cart: (1) people get in the way; and/or (2) staring (possibly my imagination) wondering why you're in a cart. You look healthy enough. Going forward is one thing, but I'll do just about anything to avoid backing up. When you back up, you get a constant beep-beep sound. I don't like that sound, so I'm not adverse to going around in a circle to get to where I want to go. Yup, it seems that I always take the hard way to do things. Such is my life.

As usual, for a Sunday, it was me, the TV Guide and a highlighter. I "mark" all the shows that I want to watch for the upcoming week. Lunch was a burger and dinner was pizza. And, not that we're in a "rut" of any kind, but we always have pizza on Sunday. The girls like pizza day, because they get the "pizza butts" (i.e, the crust). I wish that we could teach the girls other things, besides eating crust. 

As usual, Bella was just the best. She is truly flawless when her vest is on. On Wednesday, when I'm having surgery the girls will have to stay home. We're giving Bella and Daisy run of the house and backyard. No worries about Daisy getting into nonsense. Bella not so much. I think we'll probably close doors, and put a gate up so that she can't go upstairs. 

Benjamin called me and wanted to thank Pop Pop and myself for the money that was inside his card. He's trying to save money, so that he can buy something. A new video game comes to mind. But, then what does a grandmother know!

Oh, on Shark Tank last night, a lady came on asking for money for her "invention" basically cats DNA. She's working up to dogs and then horses. I want you to think about the last time you seriously wondered what the background of your pet was. The only time, this becomes relevant, in my opinion, is if you have a purebred dog. You get a paper to give you the "family" tree of dogs that gives you all the knowledge you need to know. What do we know about our dogs? We know Bella is a black tonged hound cur. I think that last word isn't a nice word. The definition of a cur is
A cur is a dog that isn't very good — or is a mixed breed. ... When you use the word cur, you're talking about a dog that's either a mutt, very unattractive, aggressive, or all three. Since I don't like the word cur, we just say that she is a hound, at least I do.Well, Bella is for sure a mutt (although we don't think of her that way). She's really very pretty and not aggressive. The only aggression she shows is when the doorbell rings or there's something going on in the backyard. While she is considered on the small size of a "guard" dog, she sounds like a much bigger dog. We know that Bella believes she is protecting her humans.

Other unbelievable products demonstrated on Shark Tank include: a pocket square holder, mouth tape (for sleeping), pool for the bed of a truck. And, my personal favorite is the pop-it-pal pimple  toy. Basically, it's a toy that you put some kind of "stuff" inside, and well you can figure the rest out for yourself. The cost is minimal, less than $20.00.  And, I know it's a better way to deal with "fake" pimples, rather than doing so on your face. Would I buy it? Nope. I know it's cheap, but for me, a bit gross. I'd like to spend that $20.00 some place else!

I wish I could wish you a good morning, but it's late (again no excuse), so good afternoon.

By the way, since I'm having a bit of surgery on Wednesday, there will be no blog that day and perhaps even the day after. But, don't worry, I'll be back at the keyboard as fast as I can.



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