Friday, April 12, 2019

Unicorns and Magic


When my right foot became a real issue several years ago, I have endured countless amounts of therapy, shots and a daily round of doctors and students, who kept sticking needles in my foot. The rationale, was of course, to see if I had any feeling in the foot - I didn't.

I remember every time I saw a different doctor, I didn't ask for much, just Unicorns and Rainbows.
I'm not sure how I became so fascinated with this magical creature, but I did, and still do.

When I tell the doctors want I want, I'm sure they're thinking privately. that I must be on the wrong floor. Psychiatric patients were on a completely different floor. Of course, I was on the latter floor. Interestingly, is that I don't remember having received any special "mind" experience. I was locked on the floor, with other patients all of which had different diagnoses. The only thing we had in common was that we were, in one way or the other - mental. As they say, it is what it is.

Later in the year, I spent time in a residential program in Illinois. I was special because I wasn't bulimic or into cutting myself. And, it goes without saying, that I was also the oldest person in our residence. Around this time, I began to feel hopeless, as far as the right foot was concerned.

And, then without warning, I kept telling doctors that all I really wanted was Unicorns and rainbows. Sadly, I finally realized that my dreams of this magical creature was just something I had in my head.

Once I was finally home, I saw several doctors, and always told them what I wanted. Obviously, they were unable to fill my request!

But, my love for Unicorns has never died. In fact, through my family, I know have Unicorn mini figures, a tall Unicorn. Unicorn socks, bags (all sorts of them) a Uniform winter scarf, and even a lovely picture of a Unicorn moving through the forest.

Since thinking about Unicorns, I find that they are everywhere you look. When did Unicorns become a "thing". For a brief amount of time, Target even sold Unicorn ice cream. The only thing special about that ice cream is it came with sparkly bits. 

Netflix has a new and original movie, called The Unicorn Store. I was really tempted to finish the movie, but decided that I stop watching for now. I'll be able to finish the movie later today. The reviews for this movie, are pretty much negative. Okay, it's not a movie like Gone With The Wind, but for me, at least, I am enjoying the movie a great deal.

This week, there was one day that was celebrating Unicorn Day. Note: the Unicorn was first
mentioned in written stories around 2700 BC, and the Unicorn is described as a creature of great power and wisdom. So you see, I'm not not the only person in the world, who, at one time or the other believed in the power of the Unicorn.


  Image result for picture of a unicorn

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