Tuesday, April 2, 2019



This Thursday, Benjamin coming to stay with us for a few days. Time spent with Jeff and I can get boring pretty quick. There are several things that I can't do, at the moment. I can't drive, hence I can't take him anywhere. 

Romping around in the yard is doable for Benjamin, and I can watch him from the porch. I know that Benjamin enjoys some things when he's with us. First, he can sing and dance until he tires himself out. He does this while "watching" television. I am able to, for the most part, tune him out. 

Benjamin is a good singer as well as a dancer. He loves music, and always has. He can't help himself. Scott, was and probably still is, a whistler. Like Benjamin, I don't think he even realizes that he whistles. Bonus: Scott is very good at whistling.

Perhaps, on Saturday, I can have Jeff drive Benjamin and myself to a movie theater. Of course, the first challenge comes with finding an appropriate movie! Sometimes this can be challenging, especially since most movies are all action and/or what I call "dark" movies. This type of movie, is so not appropriate for Benjamin.

In anticipation of Benjamin's arrival, I have stocked up on "monkey drink". He calls it this, because there is a monkey on each bottle. Pop Tarts are in the pantry, and there are plenty of eggs to eat. Oh, and before I forget, popcorn for one of the evenings. Downfall about popcorn is that both dogs LOVE popcorn, and expect you to share!

When we buy an ice cream cone at McDonald's, Bella all but climbs into the front seat, for better access to the cone. I don't mind sharing with her, but sometimes she forgets to lick, and goes for biting into the cone. Unfortunately, Daisy never goes with us, so she doesn't know about ice cream.

While at Costco on Saturday, Bella was on a sit/stay command the end of the cashier. A little girl tried to get close to Bella, and truthfully, everybody does, but I put up my hand to stop her, and she moved away. One of Bella's biggest problems is just how beautiful she is. And, it doesn't hurt that she's extremely obedient when she has her vest on. If we let everybody and their brother pet her, she can lose her focus on working. We do make exceptions of course. At Hopkins, there was a little girl, who was very disabled, and we took Bella to see her. But, if you're just a "regular" person, forget about it. Jeff has put a lot of work into Bella's training, and it definitely shows when she's out with us. We are very proud of her.

This dog isn't Bella, but she's pretty close in size and coloring.  P

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