Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Spring Is In The Air!!


After our winter, which wasn't really much of a winter at all, it seems as though spring is officially here, as far as I'm concerned. I think it's safe at this point to put the snow shovels in the basement.

When spring comes, it seems to pop up everywhere. Spring plants, like daffodils for instance, are dormant one day, and poking through the ground the next day.

In our neighborhood, you can hear the sounds of lawn mowers during the week. Leaf blowers are a necessity, but are so noisy. While my ability to get around is limited right now, I still like to sit on the porch and watch the world go by. And, if I'm at one end of the porch, I can see my flower beds, which aren't in good shape at all.

Yesterday, one of our neighbors, who unfortunately for them sit higher than our house, and when they're on their deck, they have a birds eye view into our backyard. And, I'm fully aware that some work needs to be done in the yard. Several trees that have been in the ground for 30 have lived out their purpose. One group of these trees were plants in front of my kitchen window, which faces directly into the window of a neighbor, who lives behind us. Basically, I don't want to be in the kitchen and have him wave at me. Replacement plants? I have no idea at the moment. But, at least for me, I don't want to plant another set of Leland Cypress trees. But, it's entirely possible that Jeff, may feel differently.

The girls were on high alert as the neighbor's land-caper was working in their backyard. Our landscaper came out yesterday, to discuss with Jeff what work needs to be done in the backyard. While I listened to the conversation between Jeff and the landscaper, I tried, and it was hard for me, not to voice an opinion. Basically, trees will come down and the yard will once again be seeded and fertilized. Jeff did buy some grass seed, but the store was closed, so he wasn't able to buy fertilizer, but it's on his list.

It's such a nice day outside, I will do some loops around the circle. Since I'm using a rollator, I can stop walking and rest between laps. My goal, and it's a small one, for most people, but huge for me. Doing 5 loops generally results in my sitting down between the loops. Aw, I'm really loving getting old! 

Happy Spring Time.



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