Sunday, April 28, 2019

Oops - Missed A Day


I don't remember why I didn't sit down at the computer, and knock out a few paragraphs. Apologies.

Yesterday, we went to Scott's house for diner. Wendy is a good cook. We had spaghetti, salad, french bread and Aunt Ruby's pound cake. Aunt Ruby was Jeff's great aunt (I think that's right), and had a most delicious recipe for pound cake. The ingredients are deadly: butter, sugar, etc. After it's baked, there is this crunchy sweet top, which I could eat just that all day long! Just saying.

We left our girls out in Scott's front yard. Because our back yard is fairly small, if the girls get the opportunity to do a "run about", they take full advantage of doing so. Of course, they ran toward one of Scott's neighbors, who didn't find the girls as cute as we do. To make matters worse, one of the girls did her business in this man's yard. It was getting dark, but if it had been earlier in the day, we for sure would have gone to pick it up. But, it's pretty hard to find something that is really small.  The rest of the evening, the girls remained inside. It's never good to be at odds with your neighbors, whether you live next to them or an acre or so between them. I have found generally there is one - - - hole, in every neighborhood. I wish we lived somewhere where the girls could just flat out run and burn off some of that energy. But, we don't. We do occasionally in the later afternoon, let the girls out front and they love being let out of the house. They don't go far, just behind a few houses across the street, and then come home. Correction- Bella comes home, but it's harder to get Daisy back inside. Since she finally does come into the house, I figure that she must like it here!

Today, is shopping day. We need a few things from Costco such as fertilizer for the yard. Jeff has the grass seed and Scott's spreader, so that he can, like in our "olden" days, feed the yard.

Giving you advance notice. I will be having shoulder surgery on Thursday, so there won't be a blog that day, and possibly so even on Friday. Forgive me for not being able to blog right away. And with an arm in a sling, It's likely that I won't be able to speed type, as I do now. My memory of current things, like forgetting what Jeff tells me, has not affected by ability to still type fast.

Closing for now, back tomorrow. Happy Sunday.



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