Friday, April 26, 2019



Critters - really? Yep. It's the time of the year when people are frequently bothered by things that fly, creep, sting, as well as ticks.

I thought that I had an agreement with the mouses that live full-time in the garage. I "told" them that they could nibble on the stuff in the garage, loose bits of kibble come to mind.  But, they were never to come inside the house. Seems like a fair agreement, but sad to say that the mouses aren't keeping up their part of the agreement. I find "evidence" that the little buggers have been in the pantry. To a mouse, my pantry would be their idea of heaven. Lots of boxes to chew on, as well as bags where they can and do add holes. I don't need to remind myself to clean up the pantry, once I see a shred or drop of evidence, I start to pull out all the "mouse friendly" items, and throw away anything that looks odd. They appear to not yet be able to open up cans!

Our windows are now open, and the screens are in place. And, still flies, some of which are big enough to ride (kidding) find their way into the house. I hate the buzzing sound, as they make their way through the house. I do have a fly squatter thing, and I'm not afraid to use it. But, the first challenge is waiting for said fly to land.

At our mailbox, at this time of the year, until autumn, there is a bumble bee that hovers around the mailbox. I hate bees, wasps, etc., and frankly I'm afraid of them.

When we had some landscaping done last year, there is a large hole, I guess you could call it that, underneath the porch. The men putting down the mulch, refused to get close to the opening, because they could definitely see a critter, a mole or gopher comes to mind. Jeff and I have known for years that there's somebody or perhaps multiple somebodies under the porch, but unless they make the porch collapse, and that doesn't seem likely, we'll all just try to stay out of each other's way.

Lastly, Jeff's favorite - the mosquito. Jeff and I can be sitting next to each other, and the mosquitoes zoom in to bite Jeff. Me, they leave alone. Perhaps they leave me alone, because I'm mean!

Perhaps, you too, suffer from some of these spring and summer "critters". Oh, I forgot about ants. This is the time when they come marching in the house two by two. Hate ants.

Absolutely crappy day outside, which means I will stay inside.

Happy Friday. 



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