Tuesday, April 16, 2019



First, and foremost, for people everywhere, yesterday was file your tax returns. Basically, the tax month can be a tense time for everyone. A long time ago, you could receipts as a deduction. During those days, I wasn't proud, I would pick up receipts wherever I found them. Unfortunately today, sales tax, at least I believe this to be true, is not a deduction. Basically, for most of us, the biggest deduction is the the interest on your house. Also, in that same time era, you generally had a professional tax person, to take care of this yearly chore. Now, with the help of Turbo Tax, It's pretty easy to fill out a 1040. How much money did you earn, and fingers crossed, how much money will you get back.

Yesterday, Jeff and I went to see a neurosurgeon to see about taking the pain simulator in my back. Here's what we both liked about this doctor: there was no computer in the room. He wrote his notes with a pen on paper. How old school is that? He spent the entire appointment, which lasted longer than the usual "x" amount of minutes allowed. It was refreshing to say the least, to have a doctor actually look at you, and not at the computer. We both came away, and agreeing, that it seemed likely that he would be able to help me. Once this surgery is over, I will be able to have MRI's again. Mind you, I don't like going into the "tube", but perhaps when I have one done on my right leg and foot, they might find, fingers crossed, the root of my problem. Wouldn't that be grand?

I've been watching American Idol, from the start and now to the finale. How do you know that you're old? I'll tell you - it's the songs that these contestants sing. With few exceptions, I don't know the original artist, much less the song they sing. I would so much to hear a constant sing, basally some kind of retro song (CCR perhaps). Pretty sure that's never going to happen!

It isn't a particularly nice day outside. There's no rain or wind, which we had yesterday. Nope. Today, we just have a so-so day. The sky is grayish, and looking out my window on days like this, doesn't make me very happy. Thank you my "SAD" light which makes fake sunshine for me.

When I look around at the kitchen, I'm overwhelmed by the amount of things on the counter. Most of those things are treats for the girls. I would really like to find a different home for all of them. Jeff would likely disagree about this, but I absolutely hate cluttered counter tops.

I think I've run out of steam for today. More tomorrow.



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