Saturday, April 20, 2019

What a beautiful morning


Once again, Mother Nature has done a 360 turn around from yesterday. It rained most of the day and night, with some significant wind. Let's put it this way, it blew our front door open! Mind you, the door was unlocked, but still. Of course, an open door or gate gives the girls an opportunity to escape. And they did. Bella always comes back super quick, Daisy not so much! Terriers can be very stubborn, and she's no exception.

Lately, we have left the dogs out so they can do their "walk about". They don't go far, basically just behind a few close houses. Our backyard doesn't give them as much room to romp, which they both need.

Today, it's a bright blue day, complete with fluffy clouds. In other words. a window open kind of day. 

Exercise. Today, the rollator and I managed to make 5 loops around the circle. The 5th loop got a little iffy, but I forged on. I'll "walk" around the circle again this afternoon. I know, by most people, a few loops around a circle doesn't seem like much. But, it's huge for me. Small steps, and one foot forward. This is big deal for me. We live at the top of a hill I guess going down the hill might not be a problem, unless the rollator picks up speed - not good. And an even bigger problem is getting back up the hill. Pretty sure, Jeff would have to "push" me a little bit up the hill, and more likely he would have to do a lot more work by pushing me up the hill. I'm so afraid of falling, which makes sense because I've started falling a "tad" more than usual. I do wear a very loud whistle around my neck, that if not Jeff, a neighbor would come to see what my problem was. Likely, they would just find me on the ground, unable to get up.

Benjamin will be 11 on Monday, and I can't believe it. While it was a lot of work, and sometimes frustrating, I miss the little Benjamin. The one that would and could sit on my lap, which was such a joy, and made me very happy. Now, when he sits with me in a chair, there is a bit too much body to fit comfortably. And, being the good grandparent that I am, I jokingly tell him that it's his fault that we no longer fit. 

Most of us, when we are having our own children, there is little time to stop and smell the roses. With a grandchild, at least for me, I can and do more things with him. I have more time. If you work full-time, like I did, there is a strain on your  patience. Juggling career, keeping up on housework and laundry, supervising homework, for example, can wear a person down. That's why grandchildren are truly a blessing. Don't get me wrong, having your children is also a blessing. It's just that grandchildren are cherries on top of a sundae. 

I've opened up all the windows, because before we know it, summer and humidity will be here. After that happens, the a/c runs nearly all the time until autumn arrives.

If you're hunting for eggs today or tomorrow, I hope your little person finds many. I know one year, when Kenny was older than Scott and Andrew, we put an egg on one of the ceiling fan blade. Here's another hint, do count the amount of eggs you hide. Even boiled eggs, left too long without refrigeration, become smelly eggs. When that happens, it's generally a no brainer where the culprit is hiding!

 Image result for picture of egg hunting basket


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