Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tornado Ben


Tornado Ben

My house is an empty nest.  It's just old Jeff and myself, the two dogs and Emma (parrot).  The boys have all moved out physically though some of their "treasures" have remained behind! Just as soon as each son has a house (and basement) big enough - I know just what to give them for a housewarming gift.  They'll be so pleased!

Once a week the house gets cleaned and Tuesdays have become my favorite day of the week.  When I get home everything and I do mean everything is in it’s place.  A forlorn sock has been located under the chair and popcorn kernels are vacuumed up from where they fell between the sofa cushions.

Last Friday afternoon Ben and his parents were at my house before I got home.  The plan was that Ben would spend the weekend with us and our neighbor.  When I got home at 3:00 my empty and neat nest had been turned completely upside down by one small child in only a few hours.

In the den he had managed to drag in his kitchen as well as all the necessary tools needed to prepare for a tea party.  Little boy chairs were brought in and placed around a small table where a dishtowel was  placed to represent a tablecloth. 

By the end of the evening, the wooden blocks that are kept in their jar were spilled out all over the floor, baby dolls and stuffed animals were wedged in to chairs.  The folding railroad set that is now over 30 years old came out from it’s hiding place under a chair and cars, people, trains and animals were all added to the mix. 

When the day is officially declared over, you must tread very carefully through the land of Ben before reaching safer ground.  The farther away we go from the den the fewer toys are underfoot.  And yes I could clean up before bed - but everything will be returned to the den in the morning.  Think of the time I'm saving.

Would I change anything?  Nope not a thing.  My own children played all over the house except their bedrooms (it was lonely in there) so the house was in a constant turmoil.  It bothered me more then than now.  Why?  Because back then I didn’t appreciate how very fast the years go by.  And once those days are gone they are gone forever.

When Ben came along I was older and I have a fine appreciation for each phase of his life.  I know that he will not play with fake food and plastic kitchens forever; but, while he does it’s all good.  I know that sometimes it seems to be an eternity before your children become adults - but in reality it goes by faster than you think.

Ben doesn't just play with fake food and plan tea parties for his stuffed animals.  This past weekend Ben and Jeff went outside to catch a squirrel and Ben knew exactly how the trap should be set.  He used a milk crate and Jeff tied a long rope to it and then threw the rope over a tree limb.  A small piece of wood held up one corner of the crate and a dry corn cob was put inside.  No squirrels were caught that day but they had tons of fun pretending. 

When Ben’s visits are over it takes only a few minutes to return the toys to their regular storage places and my house is once again neat, tidy and boring.  My advice?  Enjoy the moment regardless of how messy things get.  You won't regret it.


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