Saturday, January 19, 2013




Good?  Not so good?  I think there's a case to be made for both sides.  What kind of change are we talking about?  And what kind of person are you?  Some people I know are brave, independent and adventuresome and they love a change as well as a challenge.  Then there are folks like me who are rooted in a spot and avoid change like the plague.  Why?  Fear of failure, something new (a biggie for me) and/or criticism.  This is by no means a complete list of the reasons people give for being against change.

In 1986 when Jeff and I and the boys trekked across the country in our own version of a covered wagon (think 747) to begin our lives afresh 3,000 miles away, it was a good change.  Jeff and I felt just like pioneers who were toting all of our worldly possessions along with us, including three tired, cranky boys and one drugged up dog when we landed at Dulles.  Even though we lived in a rental house for 6 months with the most minimal of furniture and knew nobody we embraced the change.  It was truthfully a very exciting change and one that we have never regretted.

When Jeff and I are taxing off in N874T and heading out of town that is a change in my routine that I  enjoy.  Even though the cabin service on 874T really sucks, there is something so very peaceful flying above the ground looking down on the matchbox cities.  And night flying?  Peaceful, beautiful and soundless (except for the required radio chatter).  

In my working career which began in 1968 (I know before many of you were born) I have held exactly 11 jobs. That is not a lot of jobs and/or change in 45 years.  Clearly if I've got a desk and a job to do - I'm good.  I'm not and never have been looking for the next lily pad to jump on.  My career is winding down and I'm probably working in my last full time job.  I have been sitting at my current desk for 13 years and if I remain physically able to work until I was 70 I only have to work 6 more years!  Of course when I give up my desk permanently then I will experience a CHANGE.  A change unlike anything I've experienced before - retirement.  Yikes.

Quote for the day:  

“You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” –A.A. Milne


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