Monday, January 7, 2013

Ebay and Brand Loyalty


Ebay and Brand Loyalty

For many years I have been given Ebay money for Christmas.  It's my favorite thing probably because since it was given to me - it's mine.  I can spend the money any way I want and there is no guilt over what I buy or how much I spend as long as I don't overspend my "money".  Since the holidays are over I don't feel the urge to splurge on anybody else (okay maybe Benjamin but he's the exception).  So over the past few days I began my hunt on Ebay for something that I didn't know I needed but now must have.

One of my favorite manufacturers is C.J. Banks and he/she makes very unique and beautiful sweaters.  I was bidding on a beautiful one and because I was working dutifully in the office allowed that auction to slip away from me.  I don't let a failed buy get me down (much) so I jumped right back in and was able to snag two other sweaters for the price of the one that got away!  Not bad.  One still had it's tags on.

Cover Girl has stopped, after a zillion years, making my favorite shade of lipstick.  I am willing to buy lipstick (new of course) off of Ebay if I can find someone who has a tube or two for sale.  We already know that I'm not adventurous so I see no reason why I should venture out and try and find a new color.  Melon Frost has always been my color.  You know how they say you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince - well you have to try a LOT of lipsticks before you get the right one!  Frogs are free, lipstick is not. 

For 30 years I used Chloe dusting powder and it was readily available in stores.  And then one day it wasn't.  One of the clerks I asked in a high end department store told me that most women (i.e., younger women) don't use dusting powder anymore.  I went immediately on the hunt and found several boxes of the coveted powder on Ebay and paid dearly for the privilege.  I had always thought that I would die if I couldn't use Chloe for the rest of my life.  I have stopped using the powder and I'm still here so I blew that myth.  I do have ONE box stashed way back in a dresser drawer.  I don't intend to use it - or at least anytime soon.  I just take the box out occasionally and inhale the aroma that I love so much.  Perhaps if I allow my powder to get old enough it might fetch big bucks on Ebay!

I am brand loyal to a fault and rigid (there is no other word that can be used) on what I use.  If I like a lipstick I will buy no other brand or color - until that fateful day when the product simply doesn't exist any longer.  I only wear one brand of shoes and have two or three clothes manufacturers that I have stuck with for years.  Coach is my purse brand of choice and I use the same purse until it begins to show it's age after 10 years or so.  I see no sense in changing purses every day or so - it would be my luck that I would forget to put in something that I would ultimately need!  If you don't change purses then this can never happen.  I do, however, occasionally dump the entire purse out and am surprised with what comes out.  Old candy wrappers, loose change, eyeglass repair kit (you never know), fourteen pens, paper and binder clips (why they are there I no longer remember), candy and gum for emergencies and the other day a smashed beyond belief breakfast bar!  I guess it had been there for a while and I failed to notice.

I believe that manufacturers should have to issue a warning (like they did for Twinkies) that they are stopping production of "x" so that we can hoard our favorite items.  It seems like a very reasonable request to me.  Visualize a full page ad in your favorite paper announcing the end of let' say Melon Frost lipstick.  Oh and they should tell us how much inventory they have so that we fanatics can buy it all up!  What would be so hard about that? 

Have a great Monday!


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