Wednesday, January 2, 2013




How did you spend New Year's Day?  There were parades and bowl games on television to watch and possible hangovers to nurse.  Back in the day it was considered a real holiday and stores were CLOSED.  This is no longer the case and there are a number of stores open yearning for your business and tempting you with after Christmas sales of seasonal goodies that you will have to STORE for 364 more days!  It's amazing to me that people even want to enter a store, except for necessities, so soon after the holidays.

I spent yesterday in a whirlwind of effort bustling around the office and really getting things done.  I have marked and sealed up three boxes of old battery sales for Kenny to take away this afternoon to store at his house.  I cleaned, filed (yes I really did), sorted, tossed and in general tidied up - at least my half of the office!

Before you announce me a saint, trust me I took my coffee breaks.  Lunch was taken while watching some new kind of show called Mystery Diners where they go into your restaurant "undercover" and see what your employees are doing when you're not around.  What they're doing is downright amazing and led to terminations.  It's too bad that they don't have a show called Mystery Battery Workers!  With our cameras we see enough stupid stuff so I can't imagine what goes on where we can't see!  Maybe ignorance is bliss.

In the afternoon Scott came over to take Jeff out to play.  They drove to Lancaster, PA to "look" at a generator for Scott's new house (yet to be built).  Apparently if you go out to look at a generator it has the same effect on the buyer as does new puppies and kittens!  This generator is huge and stands about 5' tall and is 9' long!  Basically, the Tim Allen of generators.  Did Scott like it?  Nope - he loved it and this wonderful machine is now his.  Good news?  The seller has agreed to store the generator until Scott is ready to install it, which will be much later this year.

Jeff and I really started something among the boys when we bought our generator "Jenny" a few years ago.  Since Scott and Andy are both going to be living out in the sticks, with septic tanks and wells, it means real sense for them to have their own Jennies.  Now that all of us are equipped and the search for a generator is over, I just can't imagine what the next gadget (although calling a 50W generator a gadget is a bit of a stretch) on the wish list will be.  Men and their toys!

Today instead of lounging around and having a leisurely read over a second cup of coffee, I'm finishing this up and getting myself dressed and ready to hit 270 for the morning commute. I only dread going to work while I'm getting ready - once I'm tucked in my cube all is good.  

Have a happy Wednesday.


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