Tuesday, January 22, 2013



Yesterday, my Tivo recorded 6 hours of inauguration activities.  Why didn’t I just watch it live you ask?  Because I wanted to be able to fast forward through the useless chatter – and there was a lot of it.  Even recording for 6 hours I still didn’t get to see the parade!  So I ended up having to record an evening recap show and perhaps I’ll be able to see the parade that way.

The talking heads drove me to distraction and the commercials!  Really?  We have to have commercial breaks during a once every four year occurrence.  Or are the breaks really just designed to give the reporters a break from their nearly non-stop commentary?  There was some very nice groups of singers before the swearing in – but it was difficult to hear them over the "noise" of the reporters.

Everyone and anyone was interviewed and called upon to share their thoughts and opinions and  for the most part I put a lot of that in fast forward mode.  As soon as the President’s speech was over the criticism began.  What is wrong with people?  They can't wait until the next day to attack what he said or what he didn’t say?  Very sad.

Some reporters are more interested in Mrs. Obama’s new hairstyle – bangs!  And of course the clothes.  J. Crew must be loving all the free publicity they're getting. Reporters are always wanting to know who she, and the girls, are wearing.  Her ball gown was - in a word - stunning. 

One of the best part of the President’s speech for me was: “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law,”  “For if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.”

I thought it was a wonderful day even with all the commercials and endless commentary.  The Obamas are a beautiful and loving family who seem real and approachable.  They do normal things like the rest of us – yawn, chew gum, hold hands and wear shorts in public. I'll enjoy watching them for the next four years.

Food for the day:  Blonde Brownies!  

Quote for the day:  "Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time." Leo Buscaglia


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