Sunday, January 27, 2013




Yesterday evening Jeff and I had some friends over for dinner.    I can already see the eyes rolling and the ho hums beginning but this was a big deal for me.  I don't entertain.  Haven't for years, so this was huge in my world. 

Jeff and I fixed spaghetti, garlic bread and a salad.  Our friends brought dessert.  My spaghetti isn't the traditional pasta on the plate with red sauce poured over it - nope I make the sauce, then add the pasta, combine it well, top it with cream of mushroom soup and shredded cheese on top.  Bake in the oven until everything gets all gooey and you're done.  It may not sound good - but you really should try it - you won't be disappointed.

While we were shopping at Wegman's on Friday night I bought "real" Parmesan cheese.  I convinced myself that the kind you buy off the shelf in a shake-out canister isn't "really real".  So I bought a container of freshly shredded cheese.  I do think that the cheese we used last night was better than the regular stuff and for sure it has a different texture.  The ingredients are fairly similar, the fresh container has milk, cheese culture, rennet (complex enzymes) and salt.  The other kind includes cheese, powdered cellulose and potassium sorbate which are used to prevent caking and to protect the flavor. Fresh cheese has 35 mg of sodium compared to 85 mg of sodium for the shelf cheese - so if you're watching your sodium it's a no brainer.

Okay where was I before I was so rudely interrupted by cheese?  That's right dinner and company.  At the last minute Benjamin came to the house to spend the night with us.  Once Benjamin arrived the mess began almost immediately.  At least our friends were able to see the house BEFORE the tornado hit!

Dessert was Tres Leches (three milks) cake.  This was an amazing cake, so light and creamy I'm sure this is practically a low calorie dessert!  Not.  Had some Columbian decaf coffee, because we old folks can't do leaded after 4:00

We had a wonderful evening with our friends.  Their son and Benjamin bowled on the Wii and  that game bridged the age gap of 4 years.  Benjamin actually had two strikes in a row - which is a big accomplishment.  I know some adults who have trouble getting one strike much less two but I'm not naming names - but it's not me!

Today is chocolate cake day - but I'm sticking to the rest of the Tres Leches cake!

Happy Sunday.



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