Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Taxes and Such

Last night while  you guys were lounging around on the sofa and watching television, I was stuck upstairs in the office finishing up the year end accounting.  Blah.  My role in accounting is a very important one.  I am responsible for addressing, stuffing, sealing and applying postage (appropriate amount) to envelopes going to the various tax agencies.  This is a heady responsibility but somebody has to be willing to take on the tough jobs.

Our copy of all these required documents are then three holed punched and put in the “book” (binder actually but book sounds so much more interesting).  Each of the companies has a “book” that is divided into sections: unemployment, sales tax, etc.  You get the idea. It is my job to make sure the "book" is in order which is why I'm paid the big bucks!  (Don't I wish).

After processing taxes I should have also stayed in the office and done some filing – but it’s so boring and unproductive.  You empty the “in” box and tomorrow it’s full again.  Reminds me of doing laundry – never ending!

On a completely different subject I have mailed off a portion of Wilma (world’s next greatest novel) to someone who is going to edit and proofread what I’ve written so far.  I'm excited and scared all at the same time.  I have spent so much time with Wilma and I love my cranky, old librarian.  I talk about her as if she was real and in a way she is probably because I put a lot of me into Wilma.  I talk about her so much that everyone in my "circle" (and I know it's a small circle) knows who she is.  

And besides doing that I sent a query  to an illustrator for the cover page for Wilma as well as illustrating the book I wrote for Benjamin.  I may never see a dime from either of my projects but I would be so proud to have a bound book to hold in my hand – even if I never sold any.  I don’t know that I can afford an illustrator but guess I won’t know the answer to that unless I ask.  I have no idea if Benjamin will grow up to be as sentimental as Mom Mom is but I’d love to leave behind my story for  him. What I do know is this - if I don't take that next step - then I'll never know what might have been.

Today is corn chip day - so grab up some salsa and enjoy.

This quote pretty much sums up how I feel about writing: “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ― Maya Angelou



1 comment:

  1. Regarding the book/s very exciting....fingers crossed!



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