Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fun Facts

 January 16, 2013

Fun Facts

I did some research and I know you're all thinking - again.  And I found many sites offering up the latest fun trivia and/or knowledge about this day or the next.  Now I'm wondering who gets to decide what today, this week or this month are going to be recognized for.  

Oh I get that we obviously celebrate the biggies, President's Day, Martin Luther King Day and any other federal holidays set by the government.  I'm not questioning those.  In fact I would even support a few more days off and I suspect you would too.

 So in theory I suppose I could put out there on the web that today is: toss out your old toothbrush day, vacuum under your bed day (does anybody really do that?), feed a squirrel day or in some states we could change that to eat a squirrel day. Why couldn't we make today "no oral combat" (i.e., no arguing) day?  I would also like to have a "leave me alone" day.

Today is National Fig Newton Day as well as Do Nothing Day.  Would it be cheating if you ate a fig newton while doing nothing?  January is recognized, among other things, hot tea and oatmeal monthA whole month for oatmeal?  Are hash browns getting equal recognition?  Because if they're not they should be.  I know I would rather eat hash browns than oatmeal.  That may not be fair because I just really like potatoes - any old way you want to cook 'em - they're all good.

I can't do much about the do nothing day - I think folks would notice at the office - but I do happen to have some "low calorie, low fat, low sugar, low taste fake newtons"  in the pantry.  Maybe if I heated them up and added just a wee bit of butter or sugar - or perhaps both - then I could not only celebrate the day but also the month if I washed down my fake newton with a cup of tea!  It'd be like killing two birds with one stone.  As for oatmeal I did that yesterday so I'm good for the month.

Just a heads up - tomorrow is hot buttered rum day so you better either celebrate that really early in the morning before going to work or when you get home.  Pretty sure that having a hot toddy at work is a no-no.



Thought of the Day:

“Never be afraid to try something new.  Remember, amateurs built the Ark.  Professionals built the Titanic.”  -Unknown

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