Monday, January 14, 2013

Short Story


Short Story

One of the writing challenges that is given in some writing classes is to write a story incorporating three words that don't necessarily go together.  So for today I took 
Writer, Baloney and Torrent as my three words - and here is their story.  Enjoy.

I refuse to sit down in his office.  I’d rather stand for what I’m sure is going to be my bosses’ latest tirade.  I hadn’t been at the newspaper very long and as a beginning newspaper writer, my area of news was garden club events and the odds on Granny Whitcomb’s elderberry pie taking first place in the fair.  Really heady stuff.

My boss leaned back in his chair and began his torrent of criticisms regarding my writing.  According to him, I couldn’t write, would never be able to write and should find a new line of work.

I listened to him rant, what choice do I have.  When its my turn to talk, I tell him that out of work actors who spend most of their time as gardeners, bartenders or waiters while waiting for their big break still call themselves actors.  They may be unemployed in the trade or have never been seen in any production, but they are actors nonetheless.

Before I can be fired, I decide I might as well quit.  But before I do, I can’t resist telling my boss that his view of my writing ability is baloney.  I may not be what he’s looking for – but I’m still a writer.



  1. Well, I of course, was expecting a baloney and cheese sandwich, and with same, the torrent of criticism for my food choice, from all the critical writers in the group.


  2. Nicely done Jeff. Guess you can finish up Wilma!


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