Friday, January 18, 2013




After lounging around the house for the past two days with alternating chills and sweats, I believe I may be on the mend and today I'm going back to work.  So during my hiatus I had plenty of time to think about stuff.  Of course my thinking came in between napping and hours of brainless television.

You will recall my filing cabinet dilemma while Jeff was out of town last week.  I wanted to give you an update.  When Jeff got home he discovered, as I did, that two out of the four drawers were unlocked but the actual cabinet was locked.  Even with my best efforts the stupid lock remained steady.  Drat those old heavy steel cabinets.  When Jeff looked at the cabinet he said that two of the drawers had at one time or another been switched out - they didn't lock - and couldn't lock.  Hmm.  We checked the other cabinets in the basement and couldn't find any drawers out of place.  Must have bought it that way.  Anyway, rather than drill the lock out he was able to unscrew it (or something) from behind permanently removing the lock.  The lock has not been destroyed and with the lock and screws put safely back inside the cabinet, it could be a semi-locking cabinet again one day.  The odds of that happening are of course slim and none. At least as long as we own it.

I don't know how where you stand on self-flushing toilets and automatic water and soap.  It all works swell until they don't.  I have more times than I can count stood like an idiot in a bathroom waiting for the water/soap to come out.  When it doesn't work you switch sinks until you can get water and/or soap to come out.  Sometimes washing up is a two sink process - one sink allows you to have water - and the other one will give you soap.  I really do prefer to turn on my own water to my desired temperature and pump out my own soap.  But I realize why offices and stores have gone down this path.  It's cleaner and probably saves more money.  I'm sure some folks like this but I'm not a huge fan.

Computer are everywhere and they are a great tool until they don't work.  When they don't the urge to throw them down an elevator shaft is very strong.  I hate sitting down at a computer, press the wake-up bar and either get nada or a very s-l-o-w response.  I have zero tolerance for either.  I type fast and my brain works fast so the blasted computer needs to do the same.  Ever type something and you find the computer dawdling behind what you've typed.  What's all that about?  Please don't tell me that the machine can't keep up.  Years ago when I was having significant problems with my computer at work I was actually told that I "am too fast" (i.e., when I hit the spacebar I believed that the computer should get moving - now).  Just think of how many generations of children who have grown up or will grow up with the mantra Ctrl-Alt-Del being a large part of their language. With a typewriter you simply inserted paper and typed.  If it was a manual typewriter it always typed even when the power was out!  Of course completely retyping a document after revisions or too many typos (not something I suffered from of course was something that no secretary relished.  And yes back in the day we were secretaries - today we are administrative assistants.  Whatever.  I've been a secretary full time since 1968 and when ever I decide to take myself out of the game I'll still be a secretary.  Titles don't mean very much to me - you are basically going to get the same wage whether you are a secretary or an AA. 

Went out on Ebay recently to look at some vintage toys for Benjamin and realize that if I had kept some of  the boys' toys - I could sell them for big big bucks today.  Trouble is I didn't.  When kids outgrow their toys most of us are just glad to get rid of them and make room for the next phase of play.  One of Benjamin's favorite things to play with is an old Mattel Sto 'n Go railroad that can be folded up at the end of play.  I don't know why I kept it but I do now that when Benjamin leaves the house, this old toy slides beautifully under a couch, chair or cabinet!  Love it.  I'm looking for more toys like this for him but it appears that I'm going to have to spend big bucks to do so.  So if you haven't tossed out all of the old toys - hang on to them - they are worth money.

One more thing and then I'll go I promise.  Jeff tells me that with the copy and pasting that I do of some of my writing - you the reader are seeing everything in all caps.  I'm sorry for that.  If that is the way you are seeing the blog I apologize - I'm not really screaming at you.  :)

It's Friday and for most of us a long weekend - yeah.  Enjoy.


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