Monday, January 28, 2013




This is a favorite topic and one that brings fear to a lot of people.  I couldn’t resist checking on a few statistics (you know how much I love them) to see where we stand on germs.  I found some interesting numbers and I’m still undecided if knowing this much about germs is a good thing or a bad thing!  But one thing is for sure that there were a lot of surprises for me.

I found and took a quick “how many germs are on your keyboard” test.  The result – 2,876,160!  Of course the test could be rigged to freak you out.  I can’t help thinking that if there were that many germs on my keyboard I’d be sick all the time – and I’m not.

I found another site that had some amazing statistics on everybody’s favorite subject – the toilet seat:

·         Steering wheels have 9 times more germs than a toilet seat
·         Computer keyboards have 5 times more germs than a toilet seat
·         A desk has 400 times more germs than a toilet seat (why I wonder?)
·         A phone has 18 times more germs than a toilet seat
·         Kitchen sponges and sinks have more germs than a toilet seat (I think we all knew that one)
·         Restaurant ice cubes may have more germs than a toilet seat (don’t even want to think about that)
·         Shopping carts have more germs than public restrooms and escalators

Clearly people we need to rethink our attitude about toilet seats and escalators (really?) apparently.  It seems that in every article I read on the internet the kitchen sponge leads all lists as having the most germs!  I can’t find any definite number about germs on a toilet seat but most articles say that the bathroom floor is germier (pretty sure that’s not a word but I like it anyway).

So here I sit at my writing space surrounded by a germ ridden keyboard, desk and phone and I’m not bothered in the least.  Now if I could actually see the creepy critters crawling all over my stuff, then war would be declared and Lysol would be sold by the gallons!


It's National Blueberry Pancake Day! 


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