Thursday, January 31, 2013




It's hard to pin down exactly when email was invented (or is the proper term created?).  It seems that everybody agrees it started sometimes in the 70's but according to the internet looks like it really came into play around 1993.  I for sure don't know.  All I know is that I can't remember a time when we didn't have email.   Once email went viral, so to speak, all other forms of communication grown slowly into decline.  After all when was the last time you sat down and hand wrote a letter?  Hmmm.  Been that long has it?

In the beginning those first emails that trickled in were so much fun.  Of course that is before spam was invented and you actually looked forward to the "you've got mail" message.  The hackers were born and they trolled the wires (some how or another) and tried to think up ways to put those little viruses on your computer which causes all sorts of problems.

Many years and emails later, it has stopped being so much fun.  At the moment I have 414 emails in my inbox here at home that I should do something with but haven't.  And the junk folder?  Overflowing with all of those too good to be true opportunities.  Unfortunately, most of the emails awaiting my attention have something to do with the battery business.  For "BDI" I  currently have 32 folders in Outlook where I hold on to emails that I will likely need in the future regarding accidents, drivers, audits or you name it.

So even though at times I find email somewhat annoying, I still respond like Pavlov's dog when I hear the sound of an incoming message.  I HAVE to look.  It MIGHT be important or urgent.  And as sure as I am sitting here right now, most of my emails were neither of these things.  Nope, typically it's a sale at "x" store(s) or click here to receive the opportunity of a lifetime - NOT. 

If you want my undivided attention - at least for three seconds or so - just send me an email.  I'll look at it in a nanosecond.  What I don't do is process the email right then and there.  I should move, delete, forward or answer it.  And yet, day after day I do none of these things.

And just try and get your name off of a mailing list.  Sometimes it's actually a one time thing but I have some companies that no matter how many times I unsubscribe - the emails keep coming.  And yes, I should do something about that - and I will - some day.  

"Email, instant messaging, and cell phones give us fabulous communication ability, but because we live and work in our own little worlds, that communication is totally disorganized. " Marilyn vos Savant

No food for today - but apparently it's Brandy Alexander day which probably should be consumed AFTER you get home from work today!


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