Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wilma Update

Wilma Update

For those of you who don’t know who Wilma is – and that would be most of you - she is the heroine of the world’s next greatest novel written by none other than yours truly!  Okay world’s greatest novel may be a stretch (ya think?) but I’ve poured plenty of time and effort not to mention imagination into Wilma’s story.

In a nutshell, Wilma is an old, retired, widowed librarian who happens to have Lincoln’s diary in her possession.  Don’t bother to ask any of the how and why questions because you’ll get no answers from me. Suffice it to say that Wilma comes to Washington in her orthopedic shoes and elastic waist pants to donate the diary to the Library of Congress.  And that’s where the “fun” begins. 

I have been plodding along with Wilma for about a year and a half and have hundreds of pages and more rewrites than you can imagine.  Occasionally, I put Wilma away for a while until a novel (love that don’t you?) thought comes to mind and I can wrap up another loose end.  Parts one and two are in pretty good shape and I have even loaned those parts out to people for reading.  When they read I ask that they only concentrate on the story, forget the boring stuff like grammar.  All I want to know is if they feel compelled to keep reading. 

If Wilma was to ever make onto the big screen (and you know that’s never going to happen), I have decided that Kathy Bates would make a great Wilma.  I’ve no actors in mind for the bad guys but they can’t be somebody gorgeous like George Clooney.  No I need somebody a bit rough looking like Tony in the Sopranos – he’d be perfect come to think of it.

Okay got off track there for a bit.  Wilma has been “resting” for a long time now and I’m happy to report that I am back at it and am 78 pages into part three and have figured out a way for the bad guys to steal books from the Library of Congress for resale – but probably not on Ebay!  And I have come up with a way for the good guys to know what the bad guys are doing (some of the time).  Part three isn’t finished but I’m making solid progress. 

Jeff is pining for a new plane which will only happen if Wilma ever sells.  Of course if I “publish” on Amazon and sell her for 99 cents, I’m going to need a LOT of sales before a new plane is going to appear on Jeff’s doorstep!  I do strongly feel the need to keep plugging on with Wilma for she has been with me so long that she's  become a part of me.

Part three will be ready for reading soon and hopefully I can finish the story off before I have to start part four!  Once I’m finished, more or less, then the hard part comes – printing off the hundreds of pages and finding typos, writo’s and general makes no sense-o’s!

If miracles happen then it's possible that Wilma might have a chance for success if and when I can get all the loose ends tied up.  Oh and come up with a good title too!



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