Sunday, January 13, 2013

Wilma and I need help


Wilma and I Need Help

Okay my friends, Wilma and I need help.  I have in the past few days made remarkable progress on Wilma and have even put what I call part one into single space!  I know this is HUGE.  I'm now reading word for word of part two and realize that I don't have a title for the world's next greatest novel.  So here's what you could do for me - suggest a title.  This book is more fun than realistic as she and the goons and thugs (her words) move around in Washington. There are no deaths and nobody gets hurt.   I know that most of you have never read Wilma - a situation I hope to be able to correct - as soon as I can get her off my computer - and on to a shelf (electronically or real doesn't matter).

To help you with coming up with a title I will give you Wilma in a nutshell:

Wilma, elderly, widowed, retired, sassy librarian is trying to take Abraham Lincoln's diary to the Library of Congress.  While she is planning her trip, a couple of "friends" help her when she gets to the big city by doing everything in their power to prevent her from accomplishing her mission.  She through a series of events ends up homeless and penniless and is befriended by a lady of the night.  (Wilma can't bring herself to say prostitute).  This lady of the night in turn gets Wilma under the protection of someone she knows (good guy?).  Don't know haven't finished that part.

The diary eventually is stolen from Wilma and the bad guys (she calls them goons) intend to sell the diary along with a couple of books from the library's basement that are worth millions.  

I have researched an antique book site and actually found a book that you can add to your cart - price $2,500,000!  I can't conceive of that as a "cart item".  Anyway, the title which is beyond boring is exactly what Wilma's goons are going to steal.

My initial thought for the book was something like Wilma Meets Thugs and Goons.  So put on your thinking caps please and feel free to throw out some suggestions.  What title would you be drawn to if you were looking for a book like this?

Thanks so much.  I'm so close to finishing and can't believe I'm stalled by the title!  I appreciate it.



  1. How about Wilma goes to Washington?
    A trip to Washington
    The retired Librarian
    The trip to the Library of Congress
    Wilma's suspenseful trip
    Wilma's journey to the Library of Congress
    The retired Librarian returns to Washington

    (I kinda like The Retired Librarian myself)

  2. Hey, thanks for the suggestions. I kind of like the retired librarian too.


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