Tuesday, November 10, 2015



Those of you who know me well, also know that I have had a lifelong love affair with books.  Over time, I read Danielle Steel, grizzly murder books, as well as what I call "cozy" mysteries.  A cozy mystery generally takes place in some small town, a body is discovered, but the writer spares the reader any gory details about the death.

If I find an author that I enjoy, I try to get all of his/her books to read.  Since I can no longer read a book with normal-sized print, I am forced to read large print books.  The problem with large print books at the library, is that there isn't enough of them.

When Jeff let me buy my new (old) Kindle for our anniversary, I was overjoyed that I could make the font big and I mean big!  If the font is big enough, then I can read a book with ease.  The local library no longer wants used books and my friends are not big readers.  

I now have a three ring binder.  Inside the binder are pages from catalogs or magazines of books.  Books I want to read.  Books I hope to read.  Books I hope to like - and that doesn't always happen.  By keeping these pages in the binder, when I am out of books, or at least books I don't want to read, I can flip through the binder to find a new book.

Books have been a constant friend since childhood.  Bobbsey Twins, Nancy Drew were favorites when I was young.  As a teenager, the library was definitely the place to go to get a book, or in my case, books.  I don't remember seeing books in grocery stores in the 60's.  Maybe they were there, but I didn't notice.

I have shelves of books in my spare room that I can no longer read.  And nobody wants the books.  I tried to give away, as in free, an entire box of hardback books, but had no takers.  I ended up putting them in the recycling bin, which caused me a lot of heartache.  

All of my friends still work, so they don't have as much downtime as I do, so reading isn't likely to pop up as something to do on the weekends.  Sadly, I have no one who wants books.  In fact, one of my friends, recently gave me a large stack of books.  I was thrilled until the realization came back and hit me in the head, that with my eyesight, and even with glasses, simply cannot read "normal" sized text.  Bummer.

While poking around in Google, I found that you can buy aerosol cans from a company called The Smell of Books.     This is a new aerosol e-book enhancer. You have your choice of scents: classic musty (my favorite), crunchy bacon, eau you have cats, new book smell and finally Scent of Sensibility which has the scene of violets, horses and potpourri!

Image result for picture of books


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