Saturday, November 21, 2015

Day After the Craft Fair


Yesterday, Stacey (DIL for those of you who don't know) and I went to the local arts and crafts fair.  Because it was a Friday, the place wasn't completely jammed with people.  Oh we did see the occasional parent with one or two children in a stroller, who were by the way, crying and screaming.  I have to say that I understood why the children were so unhappy.  What little kid wants to watch Mommy going up and down the aisles trying to shop - I'd cry too.

There were dogs, including a Westie who was wearing his little sweater.  I don't think there is enough life left in me to try and wrestle Sam into a piece of clothing.  He is, after all, already wearing a "fur" coat!

I bought myself a yarn bowl.  You place your yarn inside the bowl, and you simply pull out the yarn.  There are also holes at the top of the bowl for your knitting needles.  Very neat.  I also bought my birthday present while I was at the crafts fair.  I have been told by numerous people that I'm very hard to buy for, so I've decided that I should take matters into my own hands, and occasionally buy my own gifts.  Just for the record, I don't think I'm hard to buy for.  Buying for Jeff, on the other hand, is really difficult!

There were three problems for me at the fair: (1) I loved just about everything I saw; (2) everything I saw was expensive; and (3) after walking around for more than an hour, had to call it quits for continuing browsing/buying.  There's a reason that shopping on line appeals to me so much.  It's not painful (unless you count the credit card $$$) physically and you can find just about anything for anybody.

We taste tasted cocoa with peppermint, and that was yummy.  But not quite good enough to buy.  I have cocoa and I suppose I could drop a peppermint patty inside the cup.  I think that might work.

Benjamin had spent some time with Auntie Kim and after he came back to the house, Jeff was home so we left him in charge.  Stacey and I went to a used bookstore.  She has a positively wonderful idea along the lines of an advent calendar.  She bought books, one for each day leading up to Christmas.  My suggestion was that she hide the books and then Benjamin would have to look for his present.

The hard part about being in a bookstore?  There wasn't anything in there that I could read.  My eyes are quite bad and reading normal sized print is now pretty much impossible.  The reason I love my new Kindle that Jeff bought me, is that I can make the font size really big and I don't have to strain to read.

I asked about large print books but received some vague answer about those books being interspersed among the regular books.  I poked around in the romance book area, but couldn't find any large print books, so I gave up.  I did enjoy finding really old books, published in the early 1900's, because they have that old book smell, which I love.

Benjamin spent the night with us and he will do so again tonight.  He loves to play (not necessarily watch) a movie and then bring in lots of toys and play while the movie is on.  To some this might be a bit distracting, but Jeff and I take it in stride and don't mind the dancing and singing that Benjamin loves to do.

Today, I'm taking Benjamin to see the Peanuts movie.  And then I'm thinking about asking Jeff to get down our artificial Christmas tree and some decorations.  Benjamin would have a really good time decorating the tree exactly as he wants.  Oh, and I bought slice and bake snowmen cookies for later this afternoon.

Basically, a good weekend all the way around!

Among other strange and odd "holidays" celebrated today, including World Television Day, it is also National Survivors of Suicide Day.


Happy Saturday

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