Monday, November 2, 2015

Peaceful Sunday


Yesterday, was a peaceful day.  Jeff had to work during the middle of the night, I think because it was time change weekend.

Jeff did paperwork most of the day, a job he doesn't really look forward to.  I'm the envelope stuffer and stamp "put-er-oner' and get the bills into the mailbox before the mailman comes.

My job, as it is every Sunday, is to organize Sunday night television.  And I take my job seriously.  There are so many good shows on Sunday night, that a bit of organizing and moving shows around has to be done.  It's not a major job, but one where I excel. 

Early in the evening, Jeff took me to Wegman's, which is a very fine grocery store.  Not only do they have products that I haven't heard of, but their customer service to second to none.  If you did all of your grocery shopping at Wegman's, you would go broke, because nothing there is cheap.

Before we left, we were watching Mike Rowe, who is a favorite of ours, doing his show "Dirty Jobs".  One of his jobs was to make bologna with the Setlzers Lebanon Bologna. The company was started in 1902. Seltzers continue to produce bologna the old-fashioned way - in tall, wooden smokehouses over hand-tended fire. It was interesting to see how they make their bologna, which is in no way a comparison to the bologna most people eat.  Jeff googled and found that Wegman's, sells their bologna.  

Wegman's also has an outstanding array of food for lunch or dinner.  We both picked up our food from several different buffet offerings and sat in their restaurant and ate before shopping.  

I like the store so much that I just want to wander up and down the aisles.  The uniqueness of the foods they carry is amazing.  And while I don't actually shop there, it never hurts to look.  I eventually ended up at the deli counter and asked about the Setlzers bologna.  Apparently, they make two kinds: sweet and regular.  The woman at the counter cut us off a slice of each and we decided to buy a small amount of the regular.  

If you have an opportunity to try what is referred to as Lebanon Bologna, be sure to do so.  You will be amazed at what a difference there is in taste compared to the regular stuff.  We also bought some apples and I bought a slice of white, coconut cake - which was yummy!

I don't get out of the house often and don't drive when it's dark, so I turn in to a pumpkin before six o'clock now.  So I appreciate an outing, even if it's to a grocery store.



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