Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Cleaning out the Closet(s) - Ugh


Yesterday, I went up to the bedroom and started pulling out clothes from the closets.  I actually have a lot of clothes, but end up wearing the same things over and over again.  I am also reading a book from a woman who talks about cleaning up your space - your clothes, your books, etc.

I decided to start with clothes.  Once the clothes are all over the floor, they go into piles.  There is the "I'm never going to wear this again" pile, which I'll donate.  There is also the "if I lose a few pounds, I could wear this again" pile.  There are my spring/summer clothes which have been mixed in with warmer clothing.  Need to sort all of that out.

I don't actually think of myself as a clothes horse, but the piles on the floor say differently.  Since I am no longer working, I only have a few nicer pieces of clothing.  Everything else is jeans, pants, "shorty" pants and tops.  

While sorting through the clothes, I tried on a few pieces and once on couldn't imagine why I'd bought it in the first place.  This is bad people - really bad.  It is also pretty disheartening to try (optimum word here is try) to put something on, only to find that it doesn't even come close to fitting.  Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people who can stay the same size for months or years at a time.  Exercising is hard for me physically, so I lead a pretty sedentary life and don't burn up a lot of calories.

I bought a large plastic bin on Sunday, and I'm going to put my spring/summer clothes inside.  Then the only clothes that will go back in the closet will be the ones I need now as winter approaches.

I was going to take all of my books down to a used bookstore to sell.  But when I was with Stacey on Friday at said bookstore, people were bringing in boxes of books and getting only one or two dollars per box.  Why bother toting them down there to receive so little money.  I've tried selling them, but apparently nobody wants to buy a hardback book, even for a dollar!

This morning, I will return to the chaos of the bedroom and continue sorting.  I hope that by purging the clothes, I'll have more closet space - and try not to fill it up anytime soon.


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