Sunday, November 8, 2015

Feet and Slippers


I don't know about you, but my feet and slippers never seem to be in the right place, at the right time.  Cooler temperatures are now here and no longer does it feel good to step out of the shower and "dance" across the cold tile floor!  Of course, when it's summer and hot outside, those same times are refreshing.  I guess we're just never satisfied.

Where was I?  Oh yes now I remember - feet and slippers.  If I'm not going anywhere, I will generally run around the house in my slippers.  I, of course, own more than one pair because I absolutely love new slippers.

Once evening comes, I more likely than not, flip my slippers off and then forget about them - until the morning!  After I get out of the shower, then I remember that my slippers (multiple pairs) are downstairs!  Ugh.

You would think that a woman my age, could simply remember to wear her slippers to the bedroom at night before she goes to sleep.  But, my friends you'd be wrong!  While I'm way past menopause, my body sometimes still runs 50/50.  Too hot and the slippers come off.  Too cold, and I'm reaching down for either socks or slippers and sometimes both.

I need to keep a little box or hamper so that when I decide my feet are too hot, I could put my slippers and/or socks into said box or hamper.  But what's the fun in that?  Even if my slippers had a "home" in the den, I'd probably still head upstairs each night without them on my feet!

There is no reason for me to forget my slippers each night, I just do.  And, because of my age that excuse is good enough.

And while I don't have a pair of these slippers, I'm pretty sure they would be useful when I'm walking in the dark!

Image result for picture of feet and slippers

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