Monday, November 30, 2015

Dreary Day


Today, the last day of November is overcast and gray.  Not weather that would cheer a person up.  It looks like the kind of day where you could easily get back in bed and pull the covers up over your head.  But, if you, or more likely I, did that, then nothing would get done.

Today, I'm off to the post office to mail the Christmas cards for 4A Computing (Scott and Andy's company).  Since it's not yet December and it's a work day, I'm assuming (and hoping) that there won't be a long line waiting for a clerk.  Of course I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

The turkey is now long gone and at this point, don't even want to eat chicken.  Nope, definitely red meat for dinner tonight.  I've got some hamburger and I'll add my imagination as well as key ingredients to come up with some sort of a dish.

I don't know about you, but I think that the year has gone by quickly.  Tomorrow is December for goodness sake.  The good news about December and Christmas in particular, is that my shopping is nearly done.  While there is a part of me that would love to go to the mall and browse through the stores, but I know I would only become frustrated with how much stuff there is to buy.  I can, and have, done all of my shopping on line, which is easier on my body.  It's true I don't get to touch and feel what I'm buying in advance, but I'm okay with that.  And 99.9% of the time, I am spot on with what I'm buying for someone.

The downside of weather like today, is it makes my "SAD" condition worsen.  I have a light box by my computer and I turn it on when I'm typing, to try and keep myself up as much as possible.  Winter is not my friend - mentally speaking.

Today is Computer Security Day.  I have no worries about this, since I have so many computer guys in my life.  


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