Sunday, July 31, 2016

I Missed A Day!


The end of July already?  Doesn't seem possible somehow.  Stores are already bulging at the seams with back to school everything, and while moms may appreciate this, children don't.

Yesterday the air conditioning man came to the house and spent a lot of time explaining to Jeff what was wrong with our upstairs unit.  Um, everything.  While we don't have the estimate, we already told him to put our house on the schedule.  The cost really doesn't matter, because what we have now isn't working and it's not worth fixing.  Already know without seeing the estimate that a comma is involved.  Now whether that first number is a 2 or 3 remains to be seen.  Pretty sure that removing all the duct work in the attic and replacing it with new ducts and a new unit for the upstairs will cost over a $1,000.  But in the end, it will be worth it, and we have no immediate or even long term plans to sell the house.

I've written about a "paint by number" program from Segmation ( before.  When Jeff put Windows 10 on my machine, something went hooey and I couldn't open up my painting program for a few days.  Jeff was able to fix the problem and so I'm happily back to "painting" again.  Segmation has a lot of patterns with varying degrees of difficulty.  At the moment, I'm painting mushrooms.  Once you buy the program, the patterns are relatively inexpensive at $5.95 each.  Each pattern, i.e., mushrooms for example, have multiple pictures to paint.  You can always return and clear out the "paint" and do the pattern over again, or if you're like me, buy a brand new pattern.

Today I'll do some laundry and stay inside.  The humidity level is quite high and I hate sweating and/or sticking to leather seats!

Enjoy your day.


Friday, July 29, 2016



Okay for all you fellas out there, this blog may not be your cup of tea.  But, if you have a wife, girlfriend or mother (obviously), you may want to share this recipe with them.

I cook every night except Friday, when Jeff goes to Taco Bell and buys tacos for dinner.  You would think it would get old, eating the same thing every Friday, but surprisingly it doesn't.  It's my night off you see.

Faced with fixing dinner yesterday, I went to Google and typed in chicken thigh recipes and came up with one that sounded good.  As it turned out, it was good.  Good enough to share.  Easy enough for anyone to make.  Here it is:

1 can of tomato soup
3/4 cup water
3/4 c uncooked rice
chili powder
one can of Rotel tomatoes and chilies (I used the hot version)

Mix all of those things together and put in a baking dish.  Top with chicken.  Bake at 375 for 45 minutes or so.  Finally, at the end of baking, top the chicken with shredded cheese.

I'm always looking for new ways to cook the basic meats: chicken, hamburger and pork.  Both Jeff and I really liked this simple dish and will make it again I'm sure.  The recipe fills a 9x13 pan and I know that Jeff had wonderful 'tovers' (leftovers) for his lunch today.

Here's a vintage recipe card for muffins.


Thursday, July 28, 2016



Progress is being made in the potty training of the girls.  This morning was the first morning that our bathroom didn't look like it had been hit by weapons of mass destruction!  One of the dogs has taken to doing her business in the shower.  No objections on my part, it's super easy to clean up.

I woke up earlier today and feeding the girls is like feeding sharks.  Such a frenzy.  They have the same food, but they charge back and forth between the bowls.  Once they're finished, they try to get into Maggie's bowl, but she's not having it.

While the girls aren't completely trained, both of them know how to go in and out of the doggy door.  At the moment, they are playing outside and when they come in, they'll each find a corner and crash for their first nap of the day.  Speaking of that first nap, they have each retreated to a different spot in the room and there is a peaceful lull in noise.

Didn't watch all of Tuesday's Democratic convention, but did listen to Bill speak.  I loved his story about meeting Hillary.  I was saddened to see that his hands shook.  I guess it's true, we're all just getting old.

Sears is coming out next week to install yet another part(s) for the microwave.  I appreciate how many times they've been out, but all I want them to do is FIX the problem.  I absolutely really want the small counter top microwave off of my counter.

Today I need to put laundry away (blah), put dishes in the dishwasher (double blah) and pick up all the stuffing from various dog toys in the living room.  When the mess is bad, I remind myself that they don't stay puppies forever AND that they will someday in the near future, be great dogs.  So my mantra is "they'll be great dogs someday"!


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The House is at peace!


After a hastily eaten breakfast, all of the girls went to the backyard (with a little help) to do their thing.  Bella who is younger, seems to understand the "go potty" better than Daisy.  Of course, Daisy being a terrier can sometimes just be stubborn.  You think?

After being in the bathroom, and yes for the record, it's a big bathroom, the girls had energy to burn.  I watched them for a bit and then went inside for breakfast.  It wasn't long before I heard them crashing into each other on the stairs.  The beautiful part of today is that after zipping around the house, the girls went outside together and wait for it - on their own!  This is huge.  

I know people think that Jeff and I are nuts having two puppies at the same time; but, they won't always be puppies.  In several months time, they will be well on their way to being hopefully dogs with manners.  I just need to get the go potty outside drummed into their tiny heads and after that it's a matter of watching them for bad behavior.  Shoes are not okay and neither are socks!

I have a cellphone but don't use it and the battery went dead some time back.  But, one of the cutest things I've ever seen, is the two puppies curled up with one another in the same dog bed!  I'll ask Jeff to take a picture of this cuteness.  

I am happy to report that I woke up this morning to a relatively clean bathroom.  There was some poo on the rug, but nothing had been eaten or destroyed!  Making progress.

Jeff updated my computer to Windows 10 over the weekend and it's okay.  One of the issues I'm having and Jeff is working on, is my inability to do my "paint my numbers" application now.  I have been painting pretty pictures during my times on hold or sometimes just for the heck of it.  I know that Jeff will be able to sort this out.  The painting application gives me a lot of peace.

Not as warm today - but definitely still need the a/c.

The a/c man will be at the house on Saturday to discuss with Jeff and I (actually just Jeff) how much it will cost and how long it will take to completely redo the duct work (which is mostly un-existing) in the attic and to sell us a new unit for the upstairs.  Already know there's going to be a comma in that number.  Now it's just a question of whether the first number is going to be a one or a .......


Tuesday, July 26, 2016



Today, is my appointment to have my head shrunk again.  I don't see my psychiatrist as often as I used to.  Now my appointments are at most once a month, so clearly some progress is being made. But even with progress, I know that I will likely have depression again or perhaps more than once in my lifetime.  Awful stuff depression.

I recorded the Democratic convention last night, but didn't watch it.  There are only so many minutes/hours that I am willing to devote to cheering, clapping and inspirational messages.

Here's what I do know.  Correction.  Here's what I think.  I think that Hillary's hair is better looking than Trump's.  I'm looking forward to hearing Bill Clinton speak, at least I'm pretty sure he will.  

Each candidate promises one thing or the other.  I believe, as most people do, that not much actually gets done in Washington.  And you can blame that on either side of the aisle, or on both sides.  Seems like nobody is willing to cry "Uncle" to move things forward.  I think this is sad.

My thoughts are my own and this blog hasn't been endorsed or paid by any political party!  (insert smiley face here).

When I went to bed last night, both puppies were curled up together in what is supposed to be a one dog bed.  Very cute.

It's hot today and the girls have already had a long romp outside.  Currently, they have retired to different corners for their first nap.  Peace and quiet for a little bit.  Maggie, is so glad that we have the puppies, because she is now virtually ignored and she likes it that way.

Before I can really begin my day I do have to go up to the bathroom and clean things up.  I should be happy that one or both of the puppies is regular!

Stay cool.


Image result for picture of puppies sleeping together


Monday, July 25, 2016

Monday and What a Mess!


Never let it be said that two puppies left alone in the bathroom during the night, can not generate a disaster path, as easily as if a hurricane had been in there.  Puppies, like babies, don't sleep all night and when I got up this morning, I was faced with a mess.  

Jeff gets up earlier than me, and he dealt with some poopy issue and when I got up, I also had to clean up after one of the dogs.  The toilet paper that had been on a roll, was strewn all over the bathroom last night.  Apparently, the girls had a very good time shredding the paper to bits.  

I know that in a few months, I will look back on this time of mass destruction and be able to laugh with remembrance of their antics.  But, at the moment, I'm not laughing.  I'm not mad at the girls, because puppies love to sleep, eat, go potty and play.  Puppies are like toddlers, into everything all the time.  That's why naps are so important for Mom.  If the girls are asleep, I know that they're not chewing on something or tearing something up.

This morning during the first nap of the day, each dog went into a separate corner for a nap.  Maggie, I'm sure is relieved that the puppies don't bother with her too much.

It's hot outside today and I make sure that the outside water bowl is full.  Mind you, none of the three dogs spends any more time than necessary out there!  Frankly, I wouldn't either.

The house is in shambles - paper cup found and destroyed this morning!  And if either puppy gets hold of the newspaper, bu the time they get through with it, the house is littered with bits of paper.  I'm obviously not inviting anybody over to the house anytime soon!


Image result for picture of puppy with toilet paper

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday and Still Surviving


It's hot and humid today.  I know this because I have taken the "girls" out to the backyard several times this morning.  Once they get in the yard, all they want to do is wrestle and save their "p&p" duties for the inside of the house.  

We're letting Daisy sleep in our bed now and she is pretty good.  Bella's first night in the bathroom was filled for a little while with the sounds of an unhappy puppy.  She did eventually wear herself out and the rest of the night was quiet on all fronts.

The girls' favorite sport is to get underneath a chair or table and annoy one another.  Daisy is particularly yappy and after a bit, I get tired of listening to her.  Six months from now, all of this potty training, and chewing should be I hope a distant memory.  Puppies are like babies and toddlers, they are everywhere and they get there in a split second.  Unfortunately, I don't get around nearly as fast as they do.

I have many things on my list to do today, but don't feel like doing any of them.  Laundry, clean the kitchen, shampoo the dining room floor and prepare dinner leaves me exhausted just thinking about these things.

After the girls play rough and tumble for a while, they both seek a corner and take a nap.  And then there is peace.  It doesn't last long, so I can either start a chore or slip into my recliner and close my eyes.  I bet you can't guess which of those two I choose to do!  Nap of course.  It's what I did when I used to get Scott and Andy down for a nap.  I need to be rested and on top of my game when the girls wake up.

Hope it's not too hot or humid where you are.


Saturday, July 23, 2016

Let The Games Begin!!


As they say before the Olympics begin "Let the Games Begin", is exactly what's going on in our house this morning.  We had passed all of the rescue organizations requirements: vet check, reference check, bring a check and promise to spay the puppy.  Oh, and be at Petco by 9:30 to pick up our new puppy.  We were spot on as far as getting to Petco timely.

Once we arrived at "puppy adoption central", we spotted Bella right away.  She and two other puppies were in a pen for dogs already adopted.  Unfortunately, there were several other pens with multiple dogs inside, all waiting and hoping for a new home.  We knew that for many of the puppies, they wouldn't be going to homes today, but instead going back to the rescue organization's home.

The coordinator wanted to know if we needed to spend time with Bella before we took her home.  We assured her that Bella was exactly as we had pictured her and didn't need any time to get to know her.  We paid our $350 and left.  We bypassed all the aisles of toys, treats, food, collars and leashes.  I had already bought Bella a turquoise rolled leather collar as well as a dog tag.

We noticed immediately that Bella was not only gorgeous (fawn colored) with medium-sized paws and calm.  I mean really calm.  After we got home, then all bets were off about which puppy was going to have the upper hand.  Daisy is asserting herself in play, but Bella seems up to the task of defending herself.  Now if we could just get Daisy to stop barking!!  What Daisy doesn't know is that it won't be long before Bella will be bigger than she is.  What I do know is that Maggie is grateful that Daisy has a new puppy friend, and that both dogs will leave her alone.  There is something to be said about being the "grandma" in the house!

So for the moment(s), our house is complete bedlam!  Puppy toys everywhere, dribbles on the carpet from puppies too young to understand about the backyard.  Not to worry, my carpet shampooer is standing by and when both girls are potty trained, then I'll have a professional come in to clean the carpets.

And today the microwave repair man is coming to install another new part.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this new part will magically make my microwave work again!  That's on the plus side.  On the negative side, our upstairs a/c is pretty much dead, so we've shut it off.  Air conditioners only break in the summer!

It's gotten quiet in the house, so I need to round up the girls and make sure they're not eating the curtains!



Friday, July 22, 2016

It's Friday Again


It's Friday and going to be a hot day here on the home front.  Actually, the next few days are going to be really hot and humid.  The kind of weather where you actually ask yourself the question: "Is this trip really necessary"?

I have already had one trip down to the basement and out into the yard, which was successful on Daisy's part.  She is young and doesn't correlate her need to go to her need to go outside.  That's why the carpet shampooer is sitting in the kitchen!

We pick up Bella tomorrow morning and once we bring her home, then the games will begin.  I'm sure over the next month or so, I'll be questioning my sanity.  I know other people already are!  Once I get the girls successfully using the doggy door, then everything after that, is down to being diligent in watching what they're chewing on or playing with.

My boys are grown and Benjamin is now too big to sit on my lap.  I'm at home 99% of the time, and with the exception of Jeff, don't have anybody to nurture.  My days will be taken up in following the girls around and working on their manners: no jumping, biting (puppies chew on everything) and barking unnecessarily.  Daisy has a very shrill yappy kind of bark that won't win her any accolades when she starts barking in the backyard.

I guess you could say that I'm lonely and doing housework and laundry just isn't that fulfilling.  Sitting down with a cup of coffee in one hand and a puppy draped over the other arm, is pretty close to heaven for me.  Sam was a lovely little dog, but he wasn't one to sit on your lap.  Daisy loves laps and I'm sure that Bella will be the same.  Since they are both young dogs, we can train them, and if they develop bad habits, then it's our fault.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sanity, Toilet Paper, New Puppy!


When you read that we're adopting another new puppy this Saturday, you may indeed question my sanity.  My theory, and you know how well those work out, is that since I'm home with one puppy, I might as well be home with two puppies.  I'll let you know next week how well that theory is working!

You know how some people want their toilet paper to come off from the back of the roll?  Others from the front?  Ours, thanks to Daisy, come off the floor!  Last night she unrolled all the toilet paper in the bathroom.  No easy task to re-roll the paper, so for the moment, you just grab what you need and tear it off.  Up to this point, when we put Daisy in our bathroom at night, she has been very good.  We did have to put the trash can out of reach, but otherwise she was a very good puppy.  And now she's discovered toilet paper and I'm sure during the night this must be something fun to play with.  

On Saturday, we're going to Petco to pick up our new puppy, Bella.  Bella is a young yellow Labrador Retriever and Border Collie Mix.  She's very close in age to Daisy, so perhaps Daisy and Bella will play with each other and leave Maggie alone.  I'm sure Maggie will appreciate being left alone.  I mean who wants a puppy hanging on to your lip?!

Bella will be large enough that I will ultimately try and train her to be a service dog.  I'm a bit wobbly on my feet and my doctor agrees that having a dog to stand against is a good idea.  Ideally, I would also like to teach Bella how to fetch, i.e., take things that have fallen to the floor.

While in my past life, my then husband and I had a German Shepherd who we showed in AKC obedience trials.  I am going to look into puppy training classes in the area, as a refresher.

I'm making some progress with Daisy as far as potty training goes, I have decided to leave my regular carpet shampooer out for the time being.  I can put up with just about anything, once the puppies get the concept of "I need to go" and better yet "I need to go outside"!

Going to be hot this weekend.  Glad the downstairs a/c is new and working well.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016



Can you believe how fast the year is going?  Pretty soon the stores will be stocking Christmas things.  I noticed at WalMart that school supplies is taking over a large part of the store.  I don't know about most children, but I know that our boys absolutely didn't want to think about school in July!

Yesterday, I brought out the BIG carpet shampooer and did the dining room and living room.  Unfortunately, Daisy has decided, but I'm working to change her mind, that these rooms are the proper place to potty.  She's asleep now and when she wakes up, I'll take her to the basement and start screaming like a fish wife "outside, outside, outside".  If my neighbors can hear me, I'm sure that they probably believe I'm only one step away from a straight jacket!

Because nothing is fair in life, we now have one side of our toaster that isn't working and one shower head (thankfully we have two) that needs repairing.  And, of course, there is still the matter of replacing and/or redoing (i.e., the duct work) the upstairs a/c unit.  That work needs to be done but I know without even asking that the cost will have a comma in there somewhere!

At the moment, I don't feel very productive.  My goal and job each day is to stay on top of everything that Daisy does.  Yesterday, she tore up the newspaper.  The living room looked like Time Square on New Year's Eve!  She had a good time and it was easy to pick up the pieces.  Perhaps she was only trying to help me "recycle" the paper.

We're still waiting to hear if we have met a rescue group's requirements to adopt a puppy on Saturday.  While it will make more work for me, I'd rather train two puppies at once as opposed to getting Daisy up to speed and then get a new puppy and start all over again.

Temperature isn't too bad today but going to get really hot in the next few days.  I don't like to go out when the temperature hits triple digits.  I tend to "melt" (sweat) in that high a temperature.


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Tuesday on the Home Front


It's Tuesday morning and I've already made one run to the basement yelling like a mad woman "outside, outside" to Daisy.  She ran all around the backyard and has come back in the house and fallen over and is asleep.  And, she is an angel when she's asleep.  When she's awake, that's a different story.  She's not bad, she's just a puppy and everything and I do mean everything fascinates her.  We've taken to putting our shoes on top of dressers (I suppose we could use a closet but we don't) and making sure there are no socks on the floor!

If, and I think we're getting closer, to Daisy using the backyard as her bathroom, then the chewing and ripping up newspapers won't be much of an issue.  Puppies are like toddlers - into everything - all the time.

I think today's agenda is calling for me to bring in the room-sized carpet shampooer.  I've used my little machine on spots here and there, and it's done a pretty good job, but now I need to use the artillery!  Once I'm sure that Daisy is house trained, then I'll call in a commercial carpet cleaner to really get the carpets cleaned.

Jeff and I are looking at a puppy that will be available for adoption on Saturday.  She is a Labrador and Border Collie mix and very cute.  I know you will agree that she's cute.  If we get Bella, and I love that name, I will train her to be my service animal.  Daisy is cute, but never going to be big enough to provide me with stability when I stand or walk and my feet don't know which way to go!

Bella - Her Adoption is Pending! 

I made meat loaf and baked potatoes for dinner last night.  Tonight we are having 'tovers', which makes putting dinner on the table super easy.   

Like in a store that says "clean up on aisle three", my bathroom which is where Daisy sleeps is in need of cleaning up this morning.  She managed to get down a trash can, which I thought was out of her reach, and tore up the contents!

Still warm today but later this week, we're going to go from warm to hot.  Ack.  At least the a/c downstairs is working well.  The upstairs unit is in bad shape and the a/c man put in some Freon to keep us cool until a viable solution to put in a new unit can be discussed.  Think a price with a comma!


Monday, July 18, 2016

What Happened to Sunday?


You may, and I actually hope you did, miss me yesterday.  Yesterday was just one of those days, where the hours go by, but you don't actually accomplish anything!  Yep, that was me on Sunday.  I didn't actually do nothing, I went up and down the stairs a number of times with Daisy and did laundry.  And then I did some reading, which is one of my favorite things to do.  And, of course, there is always television.

Batteries Delivered, now known as a "Pain in Our Ass", is being audited by the IRS for our 2013 return.  We had a company who handled our payroll and taxes, but a letter from the IRS causes a person to quake in their boots.  Nobody wants to hear from them.

I'm having a conference call with that company this afternoon.  What do I want them to do? Ideally, write a check to the IRS for the amount owed.  Jeff and I aren't too bitter about the turn of events in 2013 with regard to the company "BDI" (insert cynical laugh here).  Kenny managed to put us out of business with relative ease and left us owing rent on the warehouse lease, which doesn't end until September 30th of this year!  To say we don't speak is an understatement.

On a more positive and happier note, we have found a young puppy that needs rescuing.  Her name is Bella and she is a mix between a yellow Labrador and a Border Collie.  She is super cute and we are going to see her next Saturday.  I know that you're thinking we're insane to even consider another puppy, but since I'm cleaning up messes now, how much worse could it be?  I'm thinking that Bella might be pretty smart, especially since there is some Border Collie in her genes.  Me and my little "green machine shampooer" are getting a work out at the moment, but puppies do grow up and eventually get the concept of going outside.  In fact this morning, after unfortunately depositing on my carpet, Daisy has gone outside by herself twice.  Baby steps.


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Saturday - Yeah!


Yesterday evening, Jeff and I took Maggie to the vet for a well "baby", no make that well "senior" visit.  She got up to date with the shots she needed and the vet examined the lumps and bumps on her body.  The tests of those lumps came back negative, just fatty things I suppose.  Jeff and I joked with the vet, approximately age 12, that 40 years ago we had a $250 limit on doggy care.  This many years later, you can hardly get in the door for $250!

Since it was Friday, it was Two Taco dinner, which sound better if it was Two Taco Tuesday, but we do the tacos always on Friday.  Not in too much of a rut?

The a/c man came out yesterday and apparently there is just sooooooooooo much wrong with the air conditioning ducts, etc. in the house that he took pictures of the attic to show his duct work employees.  We'll be meeting with him in a week or so to talk about the fixes needed for us to get the most out of our a/c units.  Since the upstairs a/c unit was low on freon he put in enough to hold us for the time being.  The only thing that Jeff and I know for certain is that the fix, which most likely will include duct work in the attic, will cost a pretty penny.  Definitely a comma in the price to put things right.  Since we don't have any plans for leaving the house anytime soon, it makes sense to get the most bang for our buck.  When I think back, we've been in this house for 30 years!  I know marriages that didn't last that long.

In 1974, after our wedding we rented my father's rental house until we bought our little house.  We lived in our first house from about 1975 until 1986.  We don't move around much.  The location of our house is ideally situated, close to stores and the interstate.  Why move?   If and it's a big IF, when we move, there is a whole bunch of stuff in the basement - treasures of all kinds - that will need to be rehomed to the boys' houses!  Just thinking about that makes me want to laugh.

I'm on carpet cleaning duty again today.  Potty training is as close for a puppy as it is for a toddler!  Hence the need for my little shampooer machine.  Daisy gets the "fooey" message loud and clear now.  Perhaps she thinks it's her name!  She knows how to go down into the basement and out the doggy door, but at this young age, doesn't put her need to go with where to go!  Once I know that she's really house trained, then it will be time for a commercial company to come in and do the carpets.  But, at this point, it would be a waste of money.

Have a great day.


Image result for picture of doggy door

Friday, July 15, 2016

Muggy, Muggy Friday


It's Friday, which is a grand thing, because it's Friday and also because I don't cook on Fridays!  Yeah the cook is out of the kitchen and the crowd goes wild!

Yesterday, I had found, I thought, a perfect yellow lab puppy that needed rescuing.  So I filled out the paperwork, answered all the questions and then got a reply email that said the dog was being adopted.  Really?  You couldn't have told me that in the beginning?  I agree I have oodles of time but I don't want to answer all your questions for nothing.

One of the questions asked was why did I want another puppy?  I explained that Daisy was a replacement for Sam and a new puppy would be sort of a "gap" puppy for Maggie, who is slowing down.  Mind you, I don't believe for a second that Maggie wants any new friends, but she tolerates Daisy and would do the same with another dog.  I want a large Labrador to use as my service animal.  I am not the most stable person on my feet and I could lean against a big dog.   

Went yesterday to have my toes painted.  I know that men think this is a waste of money; but, I assure you for a woman it's a necessity particularly in the summertime.  I can't reach my toes, so any attempt at polishing them, is hit and miss at best.

Our upstairs a/c is malfunctioning as I mentioned yesterday.  The a/c man is coming out this morning and I'm not sure if the unit will be worth fixing.  Sam did a great job of peeing on the a/c coils over the course of 7 years!  This is one of the reasons I don't want another male dog.  Pretty hard for a female dog to pee on the coils!

We put a new a/c unit in last year for the downstairs, and a comma was involved!  We'll see what happens today.  What I do know is that I expect my bedroom temperature to be cold.  Not cool.  Cold.

We're taking Maggie in today for shots and a look at the growth/lump on her side.  At least Jeff will be able to hoist her into the car, something I simply can't do.

Time to close because it's time to take Daisy back outside for yet another potty break!


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Hot and Humid


Today is a very humid day and even though I have the a/c on, I've made enough trips up and down to the basement for potty training, and am sweating.  Cardio exercise is so much work!

We have found a yellow lab puppy on one of the local rescue sites and sent in our application.  First they have to check with our vet to see if we have done all the right things - shots, etc.  Daisy's care is a no brainer, she was just there last week.  Maggie, on the other hand, appears to need some shots to bring her current.  Jeff can take her tomorrow.  I tried to take her but she's so heavy and hates the car so much, that I wasn't able to keep the appointment.  There are some advantages to having a little dog!

Last year, our downstairs a/c gave us a bunch of trouble.  We had the repair people out to the house multiple times, until they finally told Jeff that the unit was "DOA" and needed replacing.  The new unit is wonderful, but as luck (and we only seem to have the bad kind) would have it, the upstairs a/c isn't working very well.  It's an old unit and one that Sam spent 7 years peeing on the a/c coils, yet another reason why I don't want another male dog.  The repairman is coming out tomorrow but I'm pretty sure what the outcome will be.  How much money do you want to spend on a new unit.  I'm pretty sure that I'll have to put aside my dreams of owning the Hope Diamond for now!

As we near the end of this week, Daisy is beginning to understand the ins and outs of the doggy door.  Mind you, she hasn't yet associated that her bladder is full and that she needs to go to the backyard.  But, we're making progress.

By the way, my new Shark bagless vacuum is wonderful.  Every time I use it, I'm amazed at how much dog hair it picks up.  I suppose my old vacuums picked up the hair as well, but when you see it in the canister, it's mind boggling.  Good purchase.

Have to run.  I haven't seen Her Highness in awhile and I need to check to see what she's chewing on!


Image result for picture of outside air conditioner

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Birkenstock Shoes


If you have never owned a pair of Birkenstock, you should give them a try.  Many years ago, Jeff and I were going to Hawaii for business and pleasure.  At the time, my feet were giving me trouble, but I can't remember why.  What I do remember is the podiatrist telling me to get a pair of Birkenstocks before our vacation.

We went to the shoe store and I bought a pair of unisex sandals called Arizona.  Initially, since I had never worn this kind of shoe before, it felt like I was shuffling around in a shoe box.  My feet hurt and I swore I'd never get used to them.  And then I did.  Once you have broken in your new sandal, over time the shoe conforms to your foot and your foot just slides in and they become your new best friend.

The Arizona sandal is a two strap sandal, and I always think of them as my "hippie dippie" shoes!  They're not what I'd call attractive, but the more you wear them, the better they feel.  Now Birkenstocks don't come cheap and don't be fooled by the knock-off variety.  If you're going to spend the money, then get the real thing.

I have a pair of Arizona sandals that I have worn for years, and they last a long time.  But now the sole is flapping underneath my toes and the cork heel is very thin.  Worth fixing?  You bet.  I have a new pair of Arizona sandals now and I'll be taking my old and worn shoes off to get a make-over.  


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My Day


Last night when Jeff got home, he wanted to know how my day had been.  I don't seem to get much accomplished during the day, because I'm doing marathon "runs" up and down the basement stairs trying to get Daisy to potty outside.  It's getting better slooooowly.  Daisy will now follow me down the basement stairs and this is an improvement.  She'll go potty sometimes and I praise her highly when she does.  I think we're making good progress; but, as Jeff has reminded me, she's very young and doesn't necessarily correlate the need to go with the need to go outside. 

This morning, during our last backyard romp, she tore through the backyard many times.  It's hot and humid outside and at the moment, she's sleeping.  

While I was reading this morning, Daisy brought me down 2 of Jeff's shoes and 1 of mine.  I have never understood what dogs see so appealing with shoes.  It could be, I suppose, that the shoes smell like their owner(s).  I have never had a dog that didn't immediately bond with shoes and socks.

So yesterday was Amazon Prime day.  I went on line several times during the day and saw nothing that screamed "buy me".  I did buy underwear but I would have bought them anyway.  For the most part, Jeff's credit card was not hurt greatly yesterday.

Our stairs have four little wooden plugs at the bottom of the stairs.  Her highness has been able to remove two of those plugs this morning.  Apparently, they make a great chew toy, until I take them away.  Taking care of a puppy is serious business.

I'm posting this particular puppy because Daisy looks a lot like this dog.


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Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...