Friday, July 15, 2016

Muggy, Muggy Friday


It's Friday, which is a grand thing, because it's Friday and also because I don't cook on Fridays!  Yeah the cook is out of the kitchen and the crowd goes wild!

Yesterday, I had found, I thought, a perfect yellow lab puppy that needed rescuing.  So I filled out the paperwork, answered all the questions and then got a reply email that said the dog was being adopted.  Really?  You couldn't have told me that in the beginning?  I agree I have oodles of time but I don't want to answer all your questions for nothing.

One of the questions asked was why did I want another puppy?  I explained that Daisy was a replacement for Sam and a new puppy would be sort of a "gap" puppy for Maggie, who is slowing down.  Mind you, I don't believe for a second that Maggie wants any new friends, but she tolerates Daisy and would do the same with another dog.  I want a large Labrador to use as my service animal.  I am not the most stable person on my feet and I could lean against a big dog.   

Went yesterday to have my toes painted.  I know that men think this is a waste of money; but, I assure you for a woman it's a necessity particularly in the summertime.  I can't reach my toes, so any attempt at polishing them, is hit and miss at best.

Our upstairs a/c is malfunctioning as I mentioned yesterday.  The a/c man is coming out this morning and I'm not sure if the unit will be worth fixing.  Sam did a great job of peeing on the a/c coils over the course of 7 years!  This is one of the reasons I don't want another male dog.  Pretty hard for a female dog to pee on the coils!

We put a new a/c unit in last year for the downstairs, and a comma was involved!  We'll see what happens today.  What I do know is that I expect my bedroom temperature to be cold.  Not cool.  Cold.

We're taking Maggie in today for shots and a look at the growth/lump on her side.  At least Jeff will be able to hoist her into the car, something I simply can't do.

Time to close because it's time to take Daisy back outside for yet another potty break!


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