Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The House is at peace!


After a hastily eaten breakfast, all of the girls went to the backyard (with a little help) to do their thing.  Bella who is younger, seems to understand the "go potty" better than Daisy.  Of course, Daisy being a terrier can sometimes just be stubborn.  You think?

After being in the bathroom, and yes for the record, it's a big bathroom, the girls had energy to burn.  I watched them for a bit and then went inside for breakfast.  It wasn't long before I heard them crashing into each other on the stairs.  The beautiful part of today is that after zipping around the house, the girls went outside together and wait for it - on their own!  This is huge.  

I know people think that Jeff and I are nuts having two puppies at the same time; but, they won't always be puppies.  In several months time, they will be well on their way to being hopefully dogs with manners.  I just need to get the go potty outside drummed into their tiny heads and after that it's a matter of watching them for bad behavior.  Shoes are not okay and neither are socks!

I have a cellphone but don't use it and the battery went dead some time back.  But, one of the cutest things I've ever seen, is the two puppies curled up with one another in the same dog bed!  I'll ask Jeff to take a picture of this cuteness.  

I am happy to report that I woke up this morning to a relatively clean bathroom.  There was some poo on the rug, but nothing had been eaten or destroyed!  Making progress.

Jeff updated my computer to Windows 10 over the weekend and it's okay.  One of the issues I'm having and Jeff is working on, is my inability to do my "paint my numbers" application now.  I have been painting pretty pictures during my times on hold or sometimes just for the heck of it.  I know that Jeff will be able to sort this out.  The painting application gives me a lot of peace.

Not as warm today - but definitely still need the a/c.

The a/c man will be at the house on Saturday to discuss with Jeff and I (actually just Jeff) how much it will cost and how long it will take to completely redo the duct work (which is mostly un-existing) in the attic and to sell us a new unit for the upstairs.  Already know there's going to be a comma in that number.  Now it's just a question of whether the first number is going to be a one or a .......


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