Saturday, July 16, 2016

Saturday - Yeah!


Yesterday evening, Jeff and I took Maggie to the vet for a well "baby", no make that well "senior" visit.  She got up to date with the shots she needed and the vet examined the lumps and bumps on her body.  The tests of those lumps came back negative, just fatty things I suppose.  Jeff and I joked with the vet, approximately age 12, that 40 years ago we had a $250 limit on doggy care.  This many years later, you can hardly get in the door for $250!

Since it was Friday, it was Two Taco dinner, which sound better if it was Two Taco Tuesday, but we do the tacos always on Friday.  Not in too much of a rut?

The a/c man came out yesterday and apparently there is just sooooooooooo much wrong with the air conditioning ducts, etc. in the house that he took pictures of the attic to show his duct work employees.  We'll be meeting with him in a week or so to talk about the fixes needed for us to get the most out of our a/c units.  Since the upstairs a/c unit was low on freon he put in enough to hold us for the time being.  The only thing that Jeff and I know for certain is that the fix, which most likely will include duct work in the attic, will cost a pretty penny.  Definitely a comma in the price to put things right.  Since we don't have any plans for leaving the house anytime soon, it makes sense to get the most bang for our buck.  When I think back, we've been in this house for 30 years!  I know marriages that didn't last that long.

In 1974, after our wedding we rented my father's rental house until we bought our little house.  We lived in our first house from about 1975 until 1986.  We don't move around much.  The location of our house is ideally situated, close to stores and the interstate.  Why move?   If and it's a big IF, when we move, there is a whole bunch of stuff in the basement - treasures of all kinds - that will need to be rehomed to the boys' houses!  Just thinking about that makes me want to laugh.

I'm on carpet cleaning duty again today.  Potty training is as close for a puppy as it is for a toddler!  Hence the need for my little shampooer machine.  Daisy gets the "fooey" message loud and clear now.  Perhaps she thinks it's her name!  She knows how to go down into the basement and out the doggy door, but at this young age, doesn't put her need to go with where to go!  Once I know that she's really house trained, then it will be time for a commercial company to come in and do the carpets.  But, at this point, it would be a waste of money.

Have a great day.


Image result for picture of doggy door

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