Sunday, July 10, 2016

Microwave Oven Saga, Lunch and Potty Training


I know you're all wondering what those three things have in common.  Nothing, except they all were part of my yesterday.  

I had lunch with a friend from Marriott.  We went to a local Mexican restaurant and gabbed over a few appetizers.  It's always such fun to catch up on all the news and/or gossip.  Hey, I'm not picky.  When you stay home and the most exciting part of your day is watching Maury on television, all conversation is welcome.

When I got home from lunch, the Sears repairman who was coming to our house with a part on the microwave was just leaving.  Boy, was I disappointed when I saw that the little microwave was still on the counter.  Now we need another part and he'll be to put that in later this month.

Daisy's potty training is hit or miss.  Jeff has been wonderful about showing Daisy that she can go in and out of the doggy door in the basement.  But, and it's a big but, she is young and doesn't seem to correlate the need to go, to actually going outside!  

Last night we went to Wegman's to eat dinner.  Their offerings are plentiful, but as we were pretty late getting there, the pickings were slim.  After dinner, we want to the Mart to do some shopping.  Pretty much everything that went in the cart was for Daisy.  Puppy dog food, bigger collar, more dog toys and carpet cleaner!  Daisy is one spoiled puppy and I think she knows it!  She definitely knows the word "fooey" because she hears it so much.  She's like a toddler, getting into everything and being told no you can't eat that or you can't tear apart shoes and slippers.

I'm having trouble getting my heart started today.  Guess I must not have slept well last night.  Daisy, on the other hand, has already had her first morning nap and is raring to go.  

Happy Sunday.


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