Saturday, July 23, 2016

Let The Games Begin!!


As they say before the Olympics begin "Let the Games Begin", is exactly what's going on in our house this morning.  We had passed all of the rescue organizations requirements: vet check, reference check, bring a check and promise to spay the puppy.  Oh, and be at Petco by 9:30 to pick up our new puppy.  We were spot on as far as getting to Petco timely.

Once we arrived at "puppy adoption central", we spotted Bella right away.  She and two other puppies were in a pen for dogs already adopted.  Unfortunately, there were several other pens with multiple dogs inside, all waiting and hoping for a new home.  We knew that for many of the puppies, they wouldn't be going to homes today, but instead going back to the rescue organization's home.

The coordinator wanted to know if we needed to spend time with Bella before we took her home.  We assured her that Bella was exactly as we had pictured her and didn't need any time to get to know her.  We paid our $350 and left.  We bypassed all the aisles of toys, treats, food, collars and leashes.  I had already bought Bella a turquoise rolled leather collar as well as a dog tag.

We noticed immediately that Bella was not only gorgeous (fawn colored) with medium-sized paws and calm.  I mean really calm.  After we got home, then all bets were off about which puppy was going to have the upper hand.  Daisy is asserting herself in play, but Bella seems up to the task of defending herself.  Now if we could just get Daisy to stop barking!!  What Daisy doesn't know is that it won't be long before Bella will be bigger than she is.  What I do know is that Maggie is grateful that Daisy has a new puppy friend, and that both dogs will leave her alone.  There is something to be said about being the "grandma" in the house!

So for the moment(s), our house is complete bedlam!  Puppy toys everywhere, dribbles on the carpet from puppies too young to understand about the backyard.  Not to worry, my carpet shampooer is standing by and when both girls are potty trained, then I'll have a professional come in to clean the carpets.

And today the microwave repair man is coming to install another new part.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this new part will magically make my microwave work again!  That's on the plus side.  On the negative side, our upstairs a/c is pretty much dead, so we've shut it off.  Air conditioners only break in the summer!

It's gotten quiet in the house, so I need to round up the girls and make sure they're not eating the curtains!



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