Wednesday, July 20, 2016



Can you believe how fast the year is going?  Pretty soon the stores will be stocking Christmas things.  I noticed at WalMart that school supplies is taking over a large part of the store.  I don't know about most children, but I know that our boys absolutely didn't want to think about school in July!

Yesterday, I brought out the BIG carpet shampooer and did the dining room and living room.  Unfortunately, Daisy has decided, but I'm working to change her mind, that these rooms are the proper place to potty.  She's asleep now and when she wakes up, I'll take her to the basement and start screaming like a fish wife "outside, outside, outside".  If my neighbors can hear me, I'm sure that they probably believe I'm only one step away from a straight jacket!

Because nothing is fair in life, we now have one side of our toaster that isn't working and one shower head (thankfully we have two) that needs repairing.  And, of course, there is still the matter of replacing and/or redoing (i.e., the duct work) the upstairs a/c unit.  That work needs to be done but I know without even asking that the cost will have a comma in there somewhere!

At the moment, I don't feel very productive.  My goal and job each day is to stay on top of everything that Daisy does.  Yesterday, she tore up the newspaper.  The living room looked like Time Square on New Year's Eve!  She had a good time and it was easy to pick up the pieces.  Perhaps she was only trying to help me "recycle" the paper.

We're still waiting to hear if we have met a rescue group's requirements to adopt a puppy on Saturday.  While it will make more work for me, I'd rather train two puppies at once as opposed to getting Daisy up to speed and then get a new puppy and start all over again.

Temperature isn't too bad today but going to get really hot in the next few days.  I don't like to go out when the temperature hits triple digits.  I tend to "melt" (sweat) in that high a temperature.


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