Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Merchandise Selling Parties


Some, or perhaps all of you, have gone to one or more parties, where "things" (merchandise) are sold. I don't know about you, but I always felt somewhat obligated to buy something/anything. And, price certainly played a role in my buying decisions. 

In the 70's, there were a number of popular house parties, but house parties of a different kind are being held today
  • Princess House (glass things)
  • Tupperware (explanation not needed)
  • Jewelry (more of a now thing)
  • Clothes (this is a more current trend at the moment
  • Purses (also a current trend)
  • Make-Up (so not interested in parties selling cosmetics - since I don't use any) - unless lipstick counts!
  • Longaberger - all things baskets, etc. 
Funny story, and it's true. When Jeff and I were expecting Andrew, I was invited to a Tupperware party. When I arrived, there was no Tupperware for sale - it was a baby shower! I was thrilled at getting presents for my new baby. But, I remember saying something like "we're not buying Tupperware"? 

I had a neighbor, who was big into make-up, and when she threw a party, I felt obligated to go. During the party (all parties actually), you are given a little catalog, so that you can browse/shop while the presenter is presenting. The only reason I believe was for numbers. My neighbor knew that I didn't wear make-up, not that I don't need it mind you, but I didn't then and still don't.

Back to the parties. Because all of the "guests" knew that the more merchandise sold, the better the hostess gift became. So, I bought baskets, which are currently sitting in the closet, Tupperware, which I still use today. I've even had to buy new Tupperware online, when I'm needing a certain item.

If there is any remaining Princess House purchases that I bought, I really can't remember.

Currently, there is a company, LulaRoe, that sells tunics and leggings. If you know me personally, my body doesn't look so good in form fitting clothes. Stacey (DIL) was throwing this clothing party, and I went. Trouble was that there really weren't any sizes, particular in leggings, that would fit me. So Jeff's checkbook was safe at that party! Truthfully, I can't say that about other parties I've gone to.

I personally have never hosted these kind of parties, and it's more than likely I won't in the future. I feel this way partially because I'm a recluse, with a capital "R". Unless there is some wine involved (and because of medicine, I can only have about 1/4 ounce), I don't enjoy or even like being with a group of people I don't know. Unlike Jeff, who has never met a stranger, I am on the opposite side of the spectrum. I generally can't  mingle at a party, and for me, a stranger is likely still a stranger at the end of the evening.

But, having said all that, if someone I know throws a party where you can buy stuff, I will likely go. Buying something? Um, maybe not so much.

 Image result for picture of halloween


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Almost Heaven


Last night, Jeff took the girls and I out in his car, with the top down, to go to WalMart. We order the cans of dog food by the case, and our order was in. All we had to do is pick it up.

In Jeff's car, and it's cooler temperatures, we keep the windows up, and crank up the seat warmer, as well as the neck warmer. Add to that a wool poncho thing, and I'm good to go.

While the girls and I were waiting for Jeff, I looked up at the sky, and could really only see two stars. Where are the other stars? I guess it could be that we live in a metropolitan area. We now have   lights from our homes, office buildings and street lights. Maybe that's why we don't see stars. I have no early idea, but one that I pondered last night.

Oh, back to almost heaven. Whenever I'm riding in Jeff's car, with the top down, and/or my hair flying all over the place, I find that I am completely worry free.  This is by no means easy for me. I'm one of those people who worry, when they don't have anything to worry about. Definitely a curse!

I came down early this morning to have my breakfast. The girls don't follow me down, because they know that they won't get fed until Jeff comes down. Because of this, I have quiet time to enjoy my coffee and bagel. And, while doing so, watch an episode or two of "Hell's Kitchen"!

It's a beautiful day outside, so I may grab my broom and dustpan and pick up a few leaves. Or maybe not - who knows.


Monday, October 29, 2018

Phone Solictations


For years, Jeff and I may have been one of the last people in the world, who owned and used a land line phone. We hadn't yet embraced the need or desire to have a wireless phone.

And, then one day at Costco, Jeff bought these phones, and we've never looked back. To be sure, we still have a land line phone, and there have been occasions when we've used it.

But, the beauty of the wireless phone, one phone sits on my table near my chair, and another one is on Jeff's table. It's not a time saver, by any means, but it affords us the luxury of seeing who is calling, and whether we want to pick up or not.

On any given day, I/we receive calls regarding our commitment to send out envelopes to our neighbors for breast cancer, firefighters and the like.

Then, there are the robo calls telling me that there's nothing wrong with our credit, but..... As soon as I hear there's nothing wrong, the call gets instantly disconnected.

Oh, and the calls regarding my need for a back or knee braces. Again, hang up before the spiel of speech is forthcoming. For each and every one of these calls, I am so grateful that all I have to do is reach for the phone, listen for a nano second, before I merely hang up. 

I appreciate that people who work phones for a living, and I also feel sorry for them. I mean a person has to take care of their families one way or another. And, if there was some way that I could forever block these kinds of calls, I would jump on that wagon before you could actually say "jump".

I know that I'm actually not a busy person, and these interruptions are not preventing me from completing brain surgery, or other major things like that. Having said that, I don't need or want people to call me offering me something to buy or donate, or both. Just saying.

Briefly, think of me as you go about your day, and how many calls I've had to deflect!


Sunday, October 28, 2018

When Did We Become Intolerant?


Front page of the paper was the killing of 11 people, and injuring others in a synagogue. The shooter is in custody, which is a good thing. Will justice be served when he is sentenced? The pessimist in me hopes so, but fear that some form of defense will be put forth to minimize his actions. 

When did we as Americans become so intolerable of other people, who aren't like ourselves. In the minority there are people of a different skin color, gay, religious beliefs as well as transgender people. So why in the last couple of years, did killing people you don't like, become the norm?

Guns, obviously are the first weapon of choice, because you can buy them just about anywhere. But, there is also assault guns, and I don't know where you can buy them. As the saying goes, guns don't kill people, people kill people. 

We don't own a gun. Maybe in our little world, we assume that we'll never need one. And, I hope that's true. But, school children have been targeted, and you have to ask yourself why? What did children ever do that would cause someone to kill them? We'll probably never know.

This avalanche of killing and/or hurting innocent people, was not on my radar in the 60's. Was it because I lived in a small town? I didn't encounter my first gay person until about 10 years ago. These two men are wonderful friends of mine, and I bear no anonymizety (sp) toward them. In fact, I believe it was a good thing that these men came into my life.

Do I bear some inner hostility toward groups of people? Yes, I do. These groups truly believe that people who are different than them, should be purged from society.  And, I vehemently disagree with that kind of thinking. I personally would have no problem if people, different from me, for one thing or another, moved into my neighborhood. Teaching children about diversity is a good thing, as well as teaching them that one race is better than another. 

I know I've climbed on my soap box this morning, and for this I apologize. But, I'm getting off the soap box now. Please understand that this is just the way I feel, so please don't send me hate mail.


Saturday, October 27, 2018

Pajama Day!


Last night and continuing today, the sky is bummer gray and raining. Turned on my "SAD" light this morning, because on days like this, I need all the light I can get. If you doubt the sincerity of the seasonal affective depression, I'm here to tell you that for some people, me for instance, this is truly a real thing.  There doesn't seem to be a real "cure" for this problem. I know that going forward, I need extra light for sure, whether it comes from the sky or my "SAD" light sitting here on my desk.

Oh, back to pajamas. It's not hard for me to spin around in my chair, and forget what I was going to write. This is the kind of day, where you want to drink hot chocolate, sit in front of the fire (yeah, for a gas fireplace), in your pajamas, or your preference of sloth (not the correct word) clothes.

It may be quite late in the morning, but I get dressed every day. By dressing, I don't mean socks and shoes, because I can put those on anytime. Nope, just clothes, besides nightgowns and bathrobes. While it's true that I seldom leave the house, nor do we get a lot of company (probably my fault, being a recluse and all), but I don't think the day has really begun until I'm showered and dressed. Could be that this is merely a woman thing. 

When I watch shows like Survivor, all the women seem to have long and unruly hair, I wonder why they don't cut their hair super duper short, before coming on the show. I know that's what I would do. Does it make a fashion statement? Nope, but it's darn practical when you're living on a beach that has no available means of bathing. Could be I'm a bit "OCD" about staying clean. I also believe, again at least for me, that you shouldn't (I) leave the house without your hair combed and lipstick on. It's simply who I am.

I hope wherever you are, that the sun is shining brightly.



Friday, October 26, 2018



Our little boy is very sick. Stacey had to take him to the emergency room so that hopefully the doctor could make him feel better.  He's going to the pediatrician on Monday. He was given some medicine from the hospital, and I hope that it makes him feel better. When you child or grandchild is suffering, then we adults suffer as well.

We were going to go see yesterday evening, but I had forgotten about the car swap - Scott's car goes to the mechanic, and he takes my car home. Today, Jeff will drive his car to the mechanic, and Scott will bring him home. Instead of musical chairs, our game is musical cars! I don't miss my car much (actually I miss it a lot), because Jeff feels, and I think he's right, that I'm too unsteady to drive, which is a bummer! I actually don't like driving all that much, and never have, but I do like having the ability to go somewhere when I want. While Scott was here, he had breakfast for dinner. Ham, hash brown potatoes and eggs.

Came down for breakfast today, and before my toast popped up, I had already turned the fireplace on. The girls and I enjoyed the warmth. The fireplace is so effective, that after it runs for a bit, the room becomes so warm, that you find yourself dozing in the chair! Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you (me) aren't very productive.

Happy Friday.



Thursday, October 25, 2018



Yesterday afternoon, Jeff and I took the girls to get their annual boosters. While we there, we also had the vet check out Daisy's right eye. Everybody who sees Daisy always comments on that eye. Daisy does seem to have a bit more white showing in that eye. The vet said, as we were expecting, that unless we wanted to take her to see an ophthalmologist, and we don't, there wasn't much they could do for her. Will this problem increase? It might. So at the end of the visit, we had exceeded the $250 limit for dog caring, that was reasonable 40+ years ago! But not anymore, yesterday, 4 shots and a quick yearly exam practically cost more than our once upon a time dog limit for care! I don't believe, in this area, that you can take your dog/cat in for an appointment, and it not cost upwards of $250. It's a good thing we love the girls!

Jeff made chicken and vegetable soup yesterday, and it turned out to be yummy. Jeff always makes the best soups and stews. I don't even bother to try to make these dishes anymore. Jeff just does a better job with these dishes than I do. 

Benjamin is sick and spent sometime yesterday in the ER. He will see the pediatrician this afternoon, and hopefully he/she will know to help Benjamin feel better. When it comes to Benjamin, Jeff and I worry a lot when he's sick. Years ago, when Benjamin was a toddler, he was taken to the hospital. Jeff and I quickly got to the hospital, and I took Benjamin to hold him. When parents spend a day and/or evening with a sick child, they can easily become over tired, and a relief team helps them out immensely.

I'm going to get dressed, so that if Jeff and I are needed/wanted, we can be ready in a nano second.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

It's A Beautiful Morning!


Sounds like the beginning of a song, doesn't it? The weather outside, while a bit on the chilly side, it is a pretty nice day.

This afternoon, we're taking the girls in for their booster shots. We're also going to have the veterinarian look at Daisy's eye. Everybody seems to notice that her one eye looks different. I'm not sure what's wrong, but I think it's because she has more white showing - but I could be wrong - because I've been wrong before. When the dog trainer came out, one of the first things she noticed about Daisy, was her eye. When we first were married, our absolute maximum for dog care was $250.00.  Forty some years later, that number is a round up number. It seems as if all appointments are at least $250.00. I know they're not, but it seems that way.

My eye surgery set for tomorrow has been cancelled. I was looking forward to begin the progress of fixing my right eye. I'm sure they will schedule me as soon as they can. Ever notice that life seems to be just a waiting game? We wait in lines at the grocery store, drug store, post office, etc. It's a good thing I'm a patient person!

Not going to be overly warm today, so it's probably time for me to drag out some warmer clothes. My "shorty" pants will be reassigned to the back of my closet! That's too bad, because those "shorty" pants never have to be hemmed. Oh I can hem my pants, it looks like I did! Big stitches, visible on the cuffs - and yet I don't really care.

Keeping this short today. I've got some things to do before Ada comes to clean. Jeff blew our leaves last night, so picking up of those leaves is now needed. Last year I think, and again could be wrong, is that after our first frost, we had the lawn people come out to pick up all the leaves.

Happy Wednesday.



Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Hell's Kitchen - A Reality Show


All of you know how much I love reality shows. And one of those shows I enjoy a lot is "Hell's Kitchen". There is so much yelling and cursing that I don't know how anybody is able to actually eat dinner.

So, I had to investigate. Gordon Ramsey owns 8 restaurants and is worth a measly $3.02 Million dollars. The show has run for 18 seasons, and the Los Angeles restaurant is in a warehouse! After investigating, the screaming and cursing Ramsey, does all of that for show. Apparently, when the cameras aren't running, he treats the chefs much differently. I guess when the cameras are off, he can be kind while mentoring the contestants.

Here's some fun facts about "Hell's Kitchen", which you may or may not be interested in. But, I've watched so many seasons that I decided to check out the reality of the show.
  • All the food that people get to eat is free 
  • Contestants are paid a modest salary while being on the show
  • The show has had 18 seasons, and doesn't appear it will go away anytime soon
  • The show is a 5 week production
  • Obviously, if you win, you get $250,000 (not bad for being yelled at for days on end), as well as becoming an Executive Chef in one of Ramsey's restaurants
  • In actuality, the winner doesn't become an Executive Chef, they become a Senior or Head Chef
  • If you have to go to the bathroom, you have to go outside and into a trailer on the set
  • Ramsey is surrounded by bodyguards
  • What the cameras don't focus on, is actual chefs that do most of the cooking in the background
The fact, and something I already knew, was that the show is in actuality just another reality show. And, by now, all of you know how much I love reality shows. Even though I love this type of show, you would never find me before a camera and looking silly or stupid some or most of the time! A woman has to have her dignity after all!

The next time I'll watch this particular show, I will keep all of the facts in my head (until I lose them to my short term memory issues), while I watch and listen to Ramsey berate the contestants. 

Thank goodness that I don't have somebody following me around in my kitchen. My knives may be dull, but they are still knives.



Sunday, October 21, 2018



Yesterday, was a windy, with a beautiful sky. And, then later in the evening, we had rain and a lot of wind. The perfect day/night to put your socks on (I think only women do this), find something sappy (Hallmark Channel perhaps), turn on the fireplace, and settle in.  Ah.

Last night, we went to Andrew's house to have dinner and celebrate Elly's (Wendy's daughter) birthday. We had french fries (yum), hamburgers and some of those sausages, filled with spices and other things. Jeff and I were told to bring hamburgers, and that's easy enough. Jeff had made pumpkin bread earlier in the day, so we brought that along with us too.

Dinner was really nice, with lots of multiple conversations going on at once. Dessert was an ice cream cake (yummy), or Halloween cupcakes. The cupcakes were decorated very nicely, but as you know when you buy baked goods from a store, there is generally a "mountain" of icing. These cupcakes were no exception. Best described as beautiful but deadly (in a good way).

Before going out to Andrew's house, we stopped at Costco and WalMart, to buy just a few things. While the girls and I were sitting in the car, with the top down, a lady who was parked next to us, commented on how beautiful Bella was. Jeff and I are used to this because she is - well - she is beautiful. But, then the lady decided to get close to the car, and Bella decided that the lady was invading our space. So, the lady was greeted with a low growl. This was sufficient enough to get the lady into her car. Jeff says, and I think he's right, that Bella was protecting her people. In this case, me. We're 100% sure, unless provoked in some way, that Bella would not actually bite anyone. In all of our 40+ years of owning dogs, we've never had a dog that bit anyone. And, from our perspective, that's a good thing.

While Wendy and Stacey were preparing food in the kitchen and the men had gone down to the basement, I was able to ascertain the size and color that they thought the boys (men actually now) would like. Just in case Scott or Andrew read my blogs, that's all I'll say. On my Christmas buying list, I have written down some of the things I want to buy. But, I'm holding off, because some places have a 30 day return. I guess they don't realize that some of us (okay one of us), gets her shopping done early. I do 99.9% of my shopping (oh how Amazon loves me) online. The last time I was in an actual mall was when Stacey took me out for a play date. Prior to that trip, I know I haven't been in a department store, at least for the last five years. And, no, going to WalMart does not, in my mind, constitute a real shopping experience. 

We got home late, and not only the girls, but myself included were very quiet in the car. Jeff turned on the 60's channel, which I enjoy very much. So in my night-time medicated fog, I remember waking up every now and then to listen to a song.

As usual, the girls were ready to get up early and have breakfast. Lucky for me, Jeff took them downstairs, and I slept on. And, after having my breakfast, I dozed off and on. 

I am having the cataract and lens surgery on Thursday. Stacey and Andrew have been kind enough to allow us to bring out the dogs on Wednesday night, and they'll keep the girls until I'm back home in my recliner. I haven't worn my "real" glasses in several months now. I do, however, have to use a magnifying glass to read small print. I'm eager to have the right eye done. I suppose I'll need to have some form of "cheaters" as Jeff calls them, so that I can read fine print. But, the last time my left eye was examined, I was seeing 20/25! I was very happy about that.

Since I've not accomplished anything today, other than move wet clothes into the dryer, I'm closing up now.



Saturday, October 20, 2018



Interesting topic don't you think? In my spare time, and I have loads of that, I began to wonder about certain things.

Growing up, pants were never supposed to "break". The definition of a proper pant length is a personal choice. The break in a pair of dress pants, for instance, is the fold or creasing of the fabric above the bottom of the front where it meets your shoe.  In my opinion, that's a good look.

So, if that's the case, why do you see so many men and women too, with pant legs pooled up at their ankles? There are some men who obviously have their pants tailored to fit. These men look "dapper" (do we even use that word anymore), when they are in front of an audience, for instance.

And, then we come to women. I'm a short person, so I'm happiest when it's summer and I can live in "shorty pants" (i.e., capris). My personal preference is to have my pants hit just above my shoes. Since I am a trip and fall person, the last thing I need is to step on a pant leg, that's too long. I know my style of wearing pants, isn't fashion forward - but frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn!

Oh, back to women, I had a brain freeze there for a moment. Whenever I see an actress, for example, with pants that cover her entire shoes, I do wonder how they keep from falling over. Maybe, their just more stable than I am. I can appreciate that the longer the pants are, the slimmer you look. At least, that's the look I think they're going for. At the Academy Awards ceremony, I noticed that the trend for most of the women, was to wear pants that covered up their shoes. So, how long to have your pants, is for sure, a personal preference. Um, another thing, if your pants cover your feet, are you then picking up dust, etc., when walking around?

I have a pear shaped body, which isn't attractive at all, but I have a short inseam. When I'm looking at catalogs, for instance, the inseam for a short woman is 30 inches! Where do they get these models? Over the years, I have spent a lot of money having pants altered to my preferred length, which is around 26 1/2 or 27 inches.  I guess I'm just an old woman (for sure) and set in her ways (double sure)! When I was in my teens, I was all about looking good, and most of the time I did. Not whistle worthy appearance, but sometimes a man would look at me - I mean really look at me. That felt good.

I didn't stop traffic back then, and the only reason I stop traffic now, is because I walk slowly. I know for many drivers, they are wondering why did I have to get in their way. Apologies to said drivers, but I'm doing the best that I can.

As I get dressed today, in blue jeans (sort of), the jeans were too long. Since I'm not particularly fussy, I rolled up the hems to shorten the legs. Once I did that, I grabbed some blue thread, and started hemming. Again Scarlett, you know how I feel.  

Going out to Andrew's house for a birthday celebration for Elly (Wendy's daughter). And, yes I'll be wearing my badly hemmed up pants. I doubt anyone will even notice!


Friday, October 19, 2018

I'm Late


Those of you who read my blog first thing in the morning, have noticed that I didn't blog yet today. My excuse? Really a lack of sleep.

I thought that I had taken my evening cocktail of pills, but I was wrong. So, if you doubt that this pill or that one are working, just try to go without them.

Wide away at 3:00 this morning, and my head was busy, I decided to come downstairs to "clear" my head. Headed to the den. Fireplace on? Check. TV remote in hand? Check. While I was sitting in my chair, with a whirlwind of random thoughts going through my head, I noticed a paper cup with pills inside. Yep. I'd forgotten to take my evening pills, which makes this old woman sleepy. I took the pills, and within 30 minutes or so, staggered up the stairs, climbed into bed and was making "z's" in record time. I'll never make that particular mistake again!

The dog trainer came out yesterday to discuss and address some behavior problems we were having with the girls. Dog trainers, like other kinds of trainers, are really training the humans! She stayed about an hour, and told us what we actually knew. We have to claim our space and be the pack leader. Reward Daisy when she goes outside to potty. Other than having to go up and down the stairs, which I try to avoid at all cost, sounds somewhat easy. Our goal in this case, is to get Daisy to actually go outside to do her business. Not the floor of the basement.

She gave us tips to help us with Bella as well. To be sure the trainer made everything seem easy and Bella was a good student yesterday. Daisy hardly made an appearance, so next time, and yes there will be a next time, to try and help work through her anxiety. Our homework is following through with what she showed us yesterday. Following through with her instructions will require us to work with the dogs to help them understand that they are at the bottom of the food chain! Literally and actually. It's Jeff who most of the time feeds the girls in the morning. 

We have a dog treat that the girls get for doing something good - like coming when they are called. The treat is tasty, at least as far as the girls are concerned, and can be used as a "carrot" to help in training. Jeff took the girls out last night before going to bed, and both girls earned their reward for doing what they were supposed to do. It's now daytime (duh) and it will be up to me to follow the girls outside and wait for success. After that, a reward. I think if I spend time going up and down the stairs, which is a bit difficult for me, that I should get a reward too!

Birthday party/dinner tomorrow night for Elly's birthday. Wendy and Stacey have done all the planning, which is wonderful. Jeff and I are supposed to bring hamburgers - how easy is that? After years, being married to Jackie, it's now pure pleasure for both of us to see him happy. 

Well there you have it. After I do a bit of chores, I'm heading to the chair for a much needed nap. And as long as I'm in the chair, so is Daisy.

Happy Friday everybody.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Dog Training Day!


After an early start, with a wake-up not to be ignored, or suffer the consequences, Jeff and I are ready to meet the dog trainer.

What do we expect from the trainer: um, the list could actually go on and on. However, in the time allotted and the hourly rate, we will hone in on a few of the more irritating issues. Surfing the counter (Bella), destroying anything when she gets a whim to do so (again Bella). I'd like Bella to be able to fetch or pick-up something for me, and actually bring said item to me. Dropping it on the floor near me is progress.

I'm not forgetting Daisy. Can she help us make Daisy less afraid of EVERYTHING! We have had Daisy since she was 8 weeks old. Nothing bad has ever happened to her, and yet she still hides when people come into the house. She won't eat her breakfast until Jeff and I are in our "proper" positions - sitting in chairs and basically not moving.  

Of course, high on the list, but I don't know how it can be done, is getting Daisy to use the backyard for her potty breaks. We have, in the last two years, scrubbed the basement floor with all kinds of products. Sometimes, but not often enough, the chemical smell on the floor, puts her off for a time. And, then she's back to business as usual.

If we could combine the intelligence of Bella (not (the stealing and destroying things), with the loveyness (not really a word, but you get the idea), we would have a near perfect dog. But, dogs, like people are unique and no two are alike. What we're hoping for is progress on our problem areas.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Bit of This and A Bit of That


When a writer or blogger starts of with a title like that it generally means that said person doesn't have a clue what to write! Um, that is partially true this morning for me.

Another Christmas present arrived yesterday, and I think the recipient will really like it. Okay, keeping my fingers crossed that's the case. You know me, it's all about the hunt. Wrapping? Not so much. This year, I have asked Stacey to come and help me out. Prettily wrapped presents are very nice, but the boys have gotten used to a plain white box, taped shut and magic marker writing on the top. I can't speak for all men, but my guys have never seemed to mind a plain box. What they do is on Christmas when the dreaded plain box comes out, they are all already figuring that the inside of said box is clothes of some kind. And, for the most part, that would be correct. Boring gifts to be sure, but in my defense (and heaven knows I need one), what's inside of said box, is generally something that they can wear/use.

Remember yesterday (at least I think that's what I wrote about), I said I was going to do a purge and merge of the clothes in my closet. My new "fit"
under the bed containers have arrived. Yesterday, I stopped purging because of one or both of these things: left arm becoming quite painful; and/or after there are mounds (small ones perhaps) of clothes on the floor, I quickly lose interest in my good intentions.  The urge to just toss all the clothes back into the closet floor is very, very strong. But if I do that, then my job as well as the clothes have won, and I just can't have that. It was too much work to take the clothes out of the closet, put them in piles: summer clothes and/or clothes that no longer fit (ugly, ugly face here); then ascertaining by merely looking at my fall and winter clothes, what needs to go into another bag. Once the bags are full, and I hope that's happening today, I can either (a) shove them under a bed (where I will likely forget about them) or (b) stack these neat little bags on top of one another in the closet.

I also have a shoe organizer. I have many shoes (okay, to make Jeff feel better a number of shoes) that unfortunately no longer fit. It doesn't seem likely that I will ever be able to wear most of these shoes again, which makes me rather sad. Since that foot will no longer fit into Cinderella's glass slipper, it's time to move on. And, you know what that means - yep - new shoes. See how quickly a woman can justify the buying of new things. 😊

Ada is coming today,and I should/must pick up some things around the house. Knowing that she's coming, will likely force me to address the massive mess (did I say I absolutely need more clothes?) that's on the floor. Last night, before bedtime, I shoved and pulled some of the piles out of the pathway going to the bathroom. Nobody wants to get their foot tangled up in a tank top!

For the moment, life is good.



Tuesday, October 16, 2018

I'm Back


You may have noticed my absence yesterday. Okay, I'm really hoping that you saw I wasn't writing yesterday.  

Benjamin spent Sunday night with us, and by Monday morning, I was operating on only a few hours of sleep. All of which is my fault. To defend myself, I didn't get my bedtime "cocktail", and while I did fall asleep initially, Jeff came back from his trip, and all hell broke loose! The girls were so very excited to see him, that there was a brief bit of playtime. I found I just couldn't go back to sleep, and I was tired of staring at the ceiling, so I came downstairs, got in my chair, and watched a movie. I think I finally went to sleep around 4:00 in the morning, and got up early, after the girls came down for breakfast.

I watched some kind of movie with Benjamin. The movie had a whole bunch of moving parts, none of which I understood. Creepy people, car crashes, and anything else that could be put into a movie. Horror movie? I don't think so, but some kind of monsters filled the screen. 

When Stacey arrived, she and I went out to run a few errands. Benjamin stayed home with Jeff, and watched another movie, and probably a creepy one too.

Our initial stop was for me. I'm not going into the details, because it would be boring, as well as too much TMI! Enough said about that.

We went to Michael's, a favorite store of mine. I didn't have my rollator, so I knew that the trip would be a fast one. I can only stand/walk for so long, before the bits and pieces of my body become pretty painful. Our mission - correction my mission - was to find the necessary pieces for the making of a Christmas present. And, since it's for Christmas, that's all I can say about that.

Aren't you loving this blog right about now?  I know I am. I ordered and have now received two zippered "boxes", that once filled, can be put under the bed. Today, I've promised myself, that I will go upstairs and start putting summer clothes in said boxes. I also have another box that will hold 12 shoes. Now, I own more than 12 pair of shoes, and I know all of you women out there, do too. Women love shoes, it's just part of our DNA. 

Oh, back to the shoes. After all the nonsense of 2014 (I think that's when all of this happened), and my right foot swelling, I can no longer wear the shoes in my closet. Bummer. Believe me I tried. Now I'm left with shoes, shoes that I love, but are now unwearable. I have no intention of getting rid of my shoes, even though I know in my heart, that  my right foot is now wider. The thought of getting rid of my shoes, is just something I can't do. I have tried wearing my leather "clogs", and even those shoes, are uncomfortable. Sigh. For all of my adult life, I had a AA narrow shoe. Mother had told me that if I went barefoot, my feet would widen. Is that true? Somehow, I doubt it, but I took that message to heart, and even to this day, seldom go without shoes.

I haven't been able to reach down and tie shoes, for several years now, so I wear slip on shoes, or shoes with Velcro straps. A favorite "walking" shoe (if you can call it that), had Velcro straps. I dug the shoes out of my closet, and tried to put my right foot into the shoe. Did I accomplish this? Yes, but the shoe on the right foot was too tight, and I knew that wearing this shoe, would likely cause my right foot to be numb. Unfortunately, there are a number of circumstances, which makes that foot to go numb: for instance, sitting on a stool of any kind and having my foot dangle. 

I ordered my favorite pair of Velcro walking (though I don't do much of that) shoes. I ordered them one size longer and one size wider. While the right shoe fits, the left foot - not so much. I may wear my older shoe on the left, and then blah, blah, blah. I know you're feeling sorry for me, since my biggest problem at the moment, appears to be all about a shoe, for heaven's sake.

I'm going upstairs and unpack Jeff's suitcase. Inside that suitcase, I will put the bag he uses for his CPAP machine and his "Doop" bag (toothbrush and stuff like that). This way, when he travels again, all I have to do is pull out the suitcase, and everything he will need/want will all be in one place. I know you're all very proud of me, because I know I am.

Inching ever closer to noon, which is my absolute deadline, for sitting at the computer.

Happy Tuesday.


Sunday, October 14, 2018

How You Know You're "Crazy"!


How does one know when they are "crazy", not mentally ill crazy, perhaps the right word, should be "losing" it!

I experienced losing it yesterday. I was in the basement, and had dragged out the shop vac, so that I could vacuum (duh) the stairs. And, boy how they needed it. 

While I was using the vacuum, I began to talk to it! I know that sounds nuts, but I don't think I'm nuts, because I really wasn't expecting the vacuum to talk to me. See, I'm "sane".

While pulling the vacuum around to where I needed it to be, I started talking to it! Little things like: "come on, you can do this". Somehow, in my mind, (actually not really), I thought (again not really), that the vacuum would do a better job if it thought it was appreciated. I will admit that the vacuum moved along nicely as I kept mounting the stairs to clean. Perhaps, it knew that I was happy to get that chore done, and that it accomplished it with it's help. Even as I write this, I sound like I'm one short step from the loony bin. Truly, that isn't the case.

When I was at Target, I bought an enzymatic cleaner for the basement "puddles". I've tried just about everything, but nothing seems to work. I tried this new product at the bottom of the stairs. I sprayed that area, and went upstairs to wait for 30 minutes or so. By the time I went back down, the floor had turned white. This is progress people. Initially, Daisy wouldn't even come into the basement. But, once she did I closed the basement door. I don't want her stopping before she hits the doggy door. Last night, before bed, I took out a flashlight so that I could see when/if they (Daisy mostly) had done her business.

I'm going to stay on this today. Since Benjamin is coming, perhaps I can have him do dog patrol for me! Since Stacey and Benjamin are coming today, I won't have any need to talk to the vacuum!

Enjoy your day.


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Fireplace Weather?


Just a short bit ago, we had both air conditioners working 24/7. I like having the a/c on, because I have this policy: no sticking to leather. I feel this way because let's face it, when it's hot and you try to get up, there is sometimes a sucking sound. Not pretty or ladylike!

When I got up yesterday, the temperature outside was 51. Cooler weather is in the forecast. I opened up some windows to refresh the air in the house.

Today, will also be cool, so I'm going to have to go through my clothes to find pants. Pretty sure it's time to put away sleeveless tops and/or shorts. I'll probably keep my capris out, simply because since I'm short, they can almost pass for long(er) pants. 
I have two boxes (I guess I can call them that), that will fit under the bed. When they arrive, I'll be putting my summer stuff inside, and storing sandals, flip flops, etc.

Because I can't bend down to tie shoes, I only buy walking (think tennis) shoes that have velcro straps. Yesterday, I took my brand new velcro shoes, and they no longer fit. Correction, they no longer fit my right foot. Whatever went wrong a year (I think it's been a year, but I could be wrong), the size of my right foot is now wider. I have always had very narrow feet, so I'm now rather appalled that I have wider feet. My mother's philosophy when it came to going barefoot was, that if I went barefoot, my feet would get wider. Up until recently, going barefoot, which I don't do often, has not made my foot "fatter". Sorry Jeffrey but I had to buy new shoes to accommodate my fat foot. I can't wear Birkenstocks all year long.

Last night, the girls and I watched some crappy television and dinner was a waffle. Perhaps tonight's dinner will be cereal. Healthy? Not so much, but tasty.

I already know, from past experience, that if I get the green light for baratric (sp?) surgery, that I will have to lose some weight. Unfortunately for me, walking makes the "itis" in my left hip act up. So, there's excuse number one. Oh, and I could add other body problems to add to the "I can't exercise list". If Jeff and I went to a swimming pool, it would be a win-win for both of us. I don't swim and am actually afraid of water. So, I'd be in the shallow end basically just walking back and forth. When I'm in the water, I have no pain. Jeff, on the other hand, can swim. I will have to show that I have made an effort to lose weight.

It's a very sunny day outside. I may take my rollator outside, and park my fanny in the sun. And heaven knows, I need more age spots on my hands. Maybe I should wear mittens!

Stacey and Benjamin are coming to the house on Monday. Stacey and I have one quick errand, but Jeff should be home, so Benjamin can stay with him. And, time permitting, pick up some more leaves. Since our oak tree is no longer producing acorns, I actually feel bad for the squirrels. Their winter stash might be a little bleak this year.

Time for me to go and get some things done. What those things are, I haven't decided. Maybe some, maybe none. It's a toss up.




Friday, October 12, 2018

Play Date


Yesterday, Stacey and Benjamin came for a "play date". I enjoy my outings with both of them very much. The only thing we had on our "to do" agenda was to go to the salon and have toes, nails and some waxing done. I generally give Stacey a "gift" for Christmas for pedicures, etc. So, Santa came early this year!

Next stop, which was a huge mistake, was a trip to Barnes & Noble. My going into a book store is akin to taking an alcoholic into a liquor store! I had my rollator, so I could browse, and boy did I ever, and then perch myself on my "throne" to rest.

Every time I turned around there was another set of books written by some of my favorite authors. Which books to buy was my only problem. Benjamin was good enough to take books (and there were so many) up to the register for them to hold for me.

Long story short, it was time to check out. And, Jeff don't have a heart attack, but the total came to $200.00.  Apparently, I "loved" too many books. I put aside all but two books. Adriana Trigianai (sp?) new book "Kiss Carlo". Originally priced at $29.00, on sale for 6.98. Same book on Kindle would have cost me $12.99. In the big picture I saved money! Next up was Fannie Flagg's book "The Whole Town's Talking". Sale price $6.98 (hard book), from $ 27.99. Same book on Kindle was $11.99. Look how much money I saved Jeff. It was reeeeeeeeeeeally difficult to restrain myself, but I did try. But, truth is, I can't go anywhere that sells books and not find a book I want to read. Now, these books have smaller print, but with the help of my magnifying glass, will be able to read them.

Last stop was Target, which was like nirvana to me. Much like the book store, so many things to look at. Even shopping with my rollator, after we shopped, I was pretty much done. We came back to the house for dinner, and then we applied masks on our faces, and then settled in to watch Halloween Baking Championship. We all looked ridiculous, but that didn't matter in the least. 

My television remote had fallen, and the back came off. I couldn't seem to get the batteries in, so Stacey was able to help me with that. I hadn't been able to access Amazon Prime on the television, and with a great deal of effort on both Stacey's and Benjamin's part, I was finally able to movies on Amazon.

Stacey and I were hoping that we could watch past seasons of some of our favorite cooking shows, but Amazon is holding them hostage. If you want them, you have to pay for them!  I say no-no to that nonsense. Jeff is already paying for my Prime membership, and I really don't think I should have to pay for things I want to watch. How much money does Amazon have to earn in a year?

Wanting to know that, I went and searched for Amazon's revenue. In 2017, their revenue was 2.03 billion dollars. Breaking it down another way, their share of the buying market was 44% for sales in retail stores in 2017. I can see no need at all, for wanting to charge me $1.99 or more to watch past episodes of my favorite shows. How greedy can they get?  Jeff already pays $119.00 dollars a year for a membership fee. I know they are in business to make money, but just how much money does Amazon really need?

The downside of being out of the house for most of the day, meant that the girls were confined to the basement and backyard. This wouldn't be necessary, if Bella wouldn't misbehave. The last time we tried leaving her in the house, she was able to snag a DVD, among other things. We can't really afford to have her take things outside and then destroy them!  Hope that the dog trainer who is coming out next week, can help us with this behavior.

After breakfast this morning, the three of us settled in for our first nap of the day! I'm in my recliner, Daisy is in her usual position on my lap, and Bella finds a spot on one of the dog beds. 

Based on the weather forecast for next week, I'm going to turn off the a/c, and open up the windows. When I got up this morning, it was only 52 degrees. The nice thing about autumn is that you can start pulling out your long sleeve tops and pants, rather than capris.

Now that I've "talked" your ear off, it's time for me to move my fanny along, and see what needs doing around the house. Initially, I don't see too many things, unless I want to go into Jeff's office and file papers. Um, that doesn't seem to be a chore I wish to do today.



Thursday, October 11, 2018

A Good Samaritan!


Lately, it seems that we only hear about negative (i.e., bad) things. There are hurricanes, flooding, shootings, and I could go on and on. But, you get the idea.

Yesterday, I took my trusty rollator, a lawn bag, broom and dustpan outside. Mission? Pick up the big pile of leaves that had accumulated in the street in front of the house. Jeff's job through the fall season, is to blow the leaves into a big pile. Once that's done, I'm the pick-up and scoop person, which I can assure you is way harder than using a blower.

So, I'm outside. I park the rollator near where I'm going to start my work. First issue is always getting that stupid echo friendly brown lawn bag to stay open and upright. Basically, you have to put enough leaves into the bag, and shake them to the bottom. After you do all that, then the bag will stay upright. The problem, wait there's actually more problems, is to bend down and actually get the leaves into the bag. Obviously, dry leaves blow around while you are desperately trying to gather them up.

I had to take breaks and sit on said rollator to give my shoulder a rest. I filled half a bag, and decided, since my shoulder was in a lot of pan, that I would put off my project until later in the day.

When I go back outside to resume my work, I couldn't believe my eyes! Somebody, had come into the garage, picked up a lawn bag, and went outside and picked up all the leaves! To say that I was shocked, and also very happy, I have no idea who did this for me.

My neighbor was outside and I asked her if she had picked up the leaves, but she said no. I don't actually know if she's telling the truth. She told me that a lady had come to the house and picked up the leaves. What lady? How do I thank her? This is definitely a pay it forward kind of situation. I feel very sad that I don't know which neighbor was my samaritan yesterday. There are no words that I could say to this person, to let her know how kind she was, and how grateful I am.

Most of the time, we generally don't read in the newspaper, any "feel good" stories. And, that's a shame. When I came back inside, after moving the bags from the street to the house, I was still in a state of shock - and, frankly still am. Now, all I have to do, is find someway to be nice and helpful to someone else. 

With this happy thought, I leave you and hope you have a really good day.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018



Jeff is on his way to Las Vegas. Unfortunately, he isn't able to fly our plane, because of issues with the FAA. Commercial flying just isn't what it used to be. Planes are too full, seats are too small, legroom almost non-exiting, and I could go on and on. But, you get the idea.

Jeff looks forward to the annual migration meeting each year. He gets to mingle with old friends and make new ones. Last time he was in Las Vegas, he went to see Penn & Teller's show. He loved it.

After leaving all of you this morning, I'm then going to go upstairs, shower, dress, blah blah. Because Ada is coming today, I want to have the bedroom, kitchen and den looking better, than they are right now. And, while you men disagree, I'm pretty sure that 99% of women, who have their houses cleaned, also go through some kind of picking up and/or putting away things. It's just what we do. Maybe, it's because we really don't want the cleaning person to see our house, messed up. It's bad enough that when Ada comes, before she can vacuum the den, she has to bend down and pick up all of the dog bones and toys. She puts them in the laundry basket, where I keep these things. Later in the day, Bella will happily nose around in the basket, until she finds just the right thing to chew on.

The lawn guys were just here, and they put the leaves into neat little piles. Later today, I'll go out with my broom and dustpan and start picking up those leaves. Because of my shoulder, I'll only be able to do this, for brief periods of time. 

We have a new HOA managing company. Yesterday, we received the "rules" that must be followed. Things like tho (though they did not actually use that word, but I think it gets the idea across to us lowly homeowners, how things are going to happen, going forward. Some of the rules are ridiculous. There's a section about flags, banners, etc., in your yard. This alone makes me want to go out and buy flags, etc., and put them all in the front of the house!

So, Jeff and will thoust try to not make waves. There was even a paragraph describing how loud and when you can play louder music in your home. This paragraph mostly applies to the townhouses. But still - when and how loud you can play your music.  Terrible, terrible rule. What are we? Young children perhaps? I don't think so.

Stacey and Benjamin are coming tomorrow, so that we can have pedicures and some waxing. My "beard" is long enough (not really) to be annoying. When I'm close to someone, I have it in my mind that all they can see are the hairs on my face. We women, can at times, become quite vain. Having my face free of hair is about as vain as I get these days.

Must move along. Ada will be here in an hour or so!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Expedition Unknown


Yesterday, I had an appointment with the oral surgeon.  The visit was relatively quick, and I didn't and still don't know the why of my being there. He unscrewed the screws, and put in larger screws. Why? I have no earthly idea. He gave me an envelope for me to give to my dentist at my next appointment. What's inside the envelope, again I have no clue. Here's what I do know for sure: this quick procedure cost me $200 per tooth!

Oh, I've wandered off subject again. Apologies. There is a very interesting television show "Expedition Unknown", where the host of the show goes to places most of us have never seen before. 

The segment that I watched this morning, was centered around near death experiences and the afterlife. The people that he interviewed all talked about the "light", which we all have been told about. 

A doctor, who had a NDE, talked about going to heaven and sat on a butterfly's wing, and on the other wing was his sister, who had died a few years ago. He talked about love being all around him, and how peaceful it was. It was a believable story, or perhaps I just wanted it to be.  I would love to be hypnotized, so that I could delve into my brain when I was nearly dead, to see if I saw anything. Of course, I won't really have the answer, until it's too late for me to tell my family, what it's like. 

Please understand I'm just relaying one person's NDE. Personally, I do not and will not, take a stand on this subject. I have my opinion, but it's just that, and I'm not going to share.

Jeff leaves for Las Vegas tomorrow, so I have to round up his carry-on bag, as well as some clothes. He may not like or take the shirts I will put out for him. They are merely a suggestion.

Happy Tuesday, and it's also "World Post Day". This is the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union, and from it's humble beginning, was the wellspring that the global communications revolutions started and continued to this day. Interesting face. However, when was the last time you actually received a letter from someone? I bet it's been a long time.


Monday, October 8, 2018

Monday Again


You may have noticed, that I didn't post yesterday. I had nothing much to write about, so I gave myself a day off.

Yesterday afternoon, Jeff took Bella and I for a ride in his car. When I ride in Jeff's car, I always carry a comb. With the top and all the windows rolled down, your hair does get a bit "messy". But for the head clearing aspect of his car, a little mess is worth it.

And, yes if you're wondering, I rode around in one of those stupid carts.  Absolutely hate them, but you've heard all of that before. So no need for me to whine about it again.

Both the trip to Costco and WalMart were pretty quick. Jeff will be going out of town on Thursday, so I'll likely have cereal for dinner! Why not?

Going to see the oral surgeon today, who has started my implant process. Currently, I have three holes in my mouth, that are in different stages. On the 18th, I will get my permanent "tooth" for the hole in front.  Eating corn on the cob has not even been a possibility for me. On the way home, we stopped at McDonald's so that Bella and I could share an ice cream cone. Bella gets a bit pushy about taking a break, so that I can actually have some ice cream too. And, she also really likes biting the cone, but she doesn't take "dainty" bites, nope she's in for the kill, so to speak.

Once home, a quick unpack of the cold stuff. Poor Daisy never gets to go anywhere, so when we do get back home, she is super, duper clingy. I had always wanted a lap dog, and Daisy certainly is. 

After driving, and sometimes crashing into something while riding on the stupid carts, my right shoulder was really sore by the time we left WalMart. I try to limit the use of pain pills, but absolutely needed one last night. 

Today, I ordered a shoulder brace for my shoulder. The sling that the doctor "gave" me does absolutely nothing for my shoulder. Truly a waste of time and Medicare's money. The brace will arrive in a few days, and I'm hoping that it will help reduce some of the pain I have when I use the shoulder - which is almost all the time!

And, to round off today's excursions, physical therapy tonight. I want to show the therapist that when I turn pages in a book/magazine, the pain in my shoulder really gets my attention, and not in a good way.

Jeff leaves on Thursday to go to Las Vegas for a few days. He'll have fun talking with the other pilots and the last time he was there, he went to Penn & Teller's show. I have no idea which show, if any, he might be seeing on this trip.

My day awaits. 


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Dreary Saturday


I woke up really early this morning. I fixed myself a cup of tea and toast. Once settled in my chair, I opened up my Kindle and was instantly immersed in the current book I'm reading. As a teenager, my reading, which was pretty much constantly, always got me in trouble. Mom would ask me to do something, and my reply was always something like "just one more page", or "just one more chapter"! And, just because I'm an adult, doesn't mean for a minute, that I want to stop reading. You can do laundry any old time, in my opinion, unless you're running out of clean underwear!

Jeff is out running a few necessary errands. There was some suggestion, between Scott and Jeff about Jeff going out to help work on his mower (a big mower). 

The girls and I will stay behind and hold down the fort. This time next week, Jeff will be leaving to fly to Las Vegas for several days of "plane" and "pilot" talk. This always makes him happy. And, I'm just as happy to stay home.

I've decided that I must wrangle a cupboard in the kitchen to house all of my plastic mixing type bowls. Oh, and their respective lids too. If you can lose a sock in the washer, then it's absolutely true that you can find a lid, but not the bowl. And vice versa. In theory then, if I find a lid that doesn't fit anything, I probably should just toss it out. There is absolutely nothing more frustrating than putting food in a bowl, which has no lid, or at least a lid I can find.

I also must try and tidy up the dining room. Since we don't eat in that room, the table and any free floor space has become a dumping ground for things. Artificial Christmas tree, my wheelchair which I haven't used in a very long time, Benjamin's toys, and a variety of other things that need to find their proper place. You know that when a chore looks daunting, it probably is. And, if you're like me, there's always tomorrow!

Enjoy your day.



Friday, October 5, 2018

Television Shows and Leaves


Oh, and I meant to add purses too. I have Coach purses that are very heavy, even when empty. Mind you, these are very, very excellent purses, but these days, for me, lighter is better. With that in mind, I have bought a small purse that will only hold a few things: wallet, comb, lipstick - basically the essentials for women. I have shifted over from one purse to another. I always make sure that I don't leave anything essential behind during transfer!

And. then there are leaves. I swept up the leaves at the curb yesterday. But, even though my left arm is healing, I'm not fond of the idea of my bending down and scooping leaves. Which brings to my next "bright" idea. I found on Amazon (is there any other place to shop?), a rather cheap plastic device that is inserted into the brown paper lawn bags. Once the insert is in place, it keeps the bag open, and you can then sweep (which I prefer) or rake your leaves into the bag. Sounds wonderful, and it was very inexpensive, so if only get one seasons use from this little device, I will be very happy.

Therapy last night, and after a few warm up exercises, we moved onto the therapist massaging my shoulder.  She hit the painful spot on my shoulder, almost as if I had used a marker to show her the way. I'm doing more with my left hand, but still cradle it a bit, as far as weight goes.

A few days ago, the "drive" in our Tivo stopped working.  I'm sure that Jeff can or could provide more detailed as well as the proper description of what went wrong. Simple answer for me: the Tivo wouldn't work.  Now, for most people, that wouldn't actually be much of a big deal. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people. Watching television is sort of my "window" on the world. The challenge was for me to put back all the shows that we were used to watching. For me, this required a lot of concentration, but I think I've gotten most of our shows.

Since hitting the building with my car (which, by the way, tends to put people off as to your driving capabilities), I haven't driven since. Jeff will be going out of town next week. In his spare time (of which he has little), I want him to take me to a large and rather empty parking lot, so that I can practice driving again. I had to go through this same exercise when I came home in 2013. While he's gone, it's not likely that I'll go out very much, but want the option to do so.

I'll make a very short grocery list for Jeff when he goes out shopping. My needs are pretty simple: some bananas, some bagels, and that pretty much sums up what I'll probably need while he's away. I have no fear of running out of something. The question becomes is there anything in the house that I want to eat!

Because I don't have enough chores that I don't do, I've added one more. My cupboards, and perhaps yours, have lids with no bottoms, and vice versa. There is nothing more maddening, then put food in a bowl and can't find the corresponding lid. I could, at the same time, put down new liners, or not.  Guess it depends on my mood.

Have a great rest of the day.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Cleaning Up A Table


I have a side table next to my chair, and at times (like now), it gets kinda full, also like now. I get People and Southern Living magazines. The AARP magazine comes monthly too.  And, then, for reasons know only to my mental self (the part that I can't reach to), I collect these magazines. 

I have the best of intentions of getting around to reading the magazines, and tearing out the bits, like book reviews, that I want to save. But, if you save something like enough, then chances are (i.e., me) won't even remember why you saved these pages in the first place. And, unfortunately, that's where I was this morning. While sipping my coffee, I put all the old newspapers, magazines and catalogs in a pile, determined to get through the stack!  And, congratulations to me, I did. So, if I don't do another thing today, I'm feeling pretty good about myself.  As you can see, it doesn't take very much for me to give me a pat on the back. Besides, if I don't, who will?

It's fall in the east, which makes it also leave pick-up time. Unlike years ago, you now have to put your leaves into recycle bags. I understand the recycling thing, but what a pain it is to bend down, scoop up leaves and get them into the bag. Every time you scoop, you sometimes spill more leaves back onto the ground, then you do actually putting the leaves into the bag. A drag, time-consuming and actually pretty hard work. An oak tree can drop a lot of leaves! I always joke that we should just take the blower and literally blow all the leaves off the trees. Not doable, but it's what I think of, when I'm doing the scooping up and transferring those leaves into bags.

Commercial lawn businesses, charge out the wazoo for getting the leaves out of your yard. If, the pick-up was a one time thing, then it would be worth the money, just so that Jeff and I don't have to add this chore, to all the others that needs doing.

There is, of course, another option. This option won't make you popular with your neighbors - let the leaves blow all over your yard, and possibly into theirs! Again, popularity is a problem - actually a rather big problem.

Yesterday, I did go out with a broom and swept the leaves that were in front of our yard, the curb and street. I was able to manage the sweeping, but pretty sure that bending and scooping will be difficult and painful for my left arm.  Any excuse to get out of something!

Slept in late, so it's time to get my old self moving along.

Happy Thursday.



Wednesday, October 3, 2018



In looking back at yesterday's blog, I noticed a typo in the title. I'm sure that all of you knew that the word in question should have been "the". So much for spell checking! Definitely my fault.

I went to see the bone doctor yesterday, and my "wing" has done some more healing. I have been given the green light, finally, to go without the sling. Hurrah - I'll be able to go to the bathroom again without turning into Houdini!  I know, TMI, but for a woman this is really very good news. 

I had physical therapy last night. I like the one-on-one time that I get with this particular group. I did some arm stretching exercises, which I think was an improvement over the last time. Or could be wishful thinking.

Before I went home, the therapist massaged my shoulder and arm. There might as well have been an "x" marks the spot on my shoulder, because the therapist landed there over and over again. I know, this is by design, but painful nonetheless. 

After therapy, Jeff drove the new drive for the Tivo to Scott's house, so that Scott can do his "magic" (if I even knew what he was going to do, I wouldn't be able to explain it) and eventually bring it back home, so that my Tivo will be fixed. When you're used to being able to record 6 shows and am currently down to 4 shows, a certain amount of creativity is involved. But, I'm for sure up to the challenge.

Beautiful weather outside. While Jeff and I were driving to therapy last night, we noticed that it's not only our oak tree that's sick, but also more in the neighborhood.  So, why after 30+ years, are all the trees getting sick and dying now? Who knows. There could definitely be a "fungus among us"! 

Ada comes today to clean the house. And, before she gets here, myself like everybody else who has a cleaning lady, "cleans" beforehand. 


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Monday in tghe Rear View Mirror


Yesterday, was a very, very long day for Jeff and I. Jeff had an appointment to recheck his eyesight in the morning. After that, I had an appointment with our regular doctor to get the go ahead for my cataract surgery on the 25th (can't wait). Oh, and managed to get my flu shot done too.  Jeff and I always get flu shots, because we remember, and perhaps some of you do also, the horrendous Hong Kong flu in the early 70's. There are not enough words to adequately describe how sick we were.

My doctor and I talked about my having another bariatric surgery. Initially, after having this kind of surgery, you lose weight and you look and feel great. And, then reality hits in, you begin to eat a little more and you start justifying a 5 pound weight gain, and on and on. You do that, until you have gained all your weight back and then some. I am, regrettably now find myself in the much too heavy for me status.  You can only buy so many larger sizes, before you have to say enough is enough.

All this time, we have Bella with us, and as usual she is flawless. We then did our Costco and WalMart shopping. Bella and I stayed in the car while Jeff picked up a few items in Costco. While we waited, we played the 60's channel on Sirius. 

The, onto WalMart. I had a list of things I absolutely wanted to buy. And, we checked off all those items on the list. But, then I began to browse around the store. In doing so, I picked up three more Christmas presents! Nothing too expensive, but cute and I believe the giftees (sp) will like them.

Our hard drive in our Tivo has died. Now, in some houses, this wouldn't be much of a hardship. But, in this household, it's a near disaster. I'm not really very mobile, so watching television has become my favorite (too much so I know) thing to do. When having to stay home all the time, your options for things to do are severely limited. So, before we got home, we went to a computer store so that Jeff could buy another disk drive (I think that's what they call it). We'll give that to Scott, so that he can get us back up and running soon. For the moment, I have or will record, the popular shows that Jeff and I watch together. Cooking and reality shows are not really his thing - but, they are mine!

Once back home, it was pretty late and Daisy had been home alone all day. She might have decided that we weren't coming home at all. Based on the amount of tail wagging that went on, it appears that all was forgiven, once I sat down in my chair, and she "assumed" her regular position in my lap.

This morning, I go back to the bone doctor, to see if my left arm has healed. I surely do hope so, because I'm getting tired of the sling. You are really limited with what you can do using only one arm. And, yes, I know that there are people who can not use an arm at all, and they find ways to get around tough stuff - like getting dressed. Unfortunately, I haven't found an easy way to get dressed. Probably, operator error, which wouldn't be the first time for this to happen to me.

Tomorrow, I'll be able to report: sling or no sling. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


Monday, October 1, 2018

And It's Monday Again


I don't know why it is that weekends fly by, and the work week seems to go slowly. Of course, since I no longer work, every day should be a good day!

Today, Jeff and I are off to Hopkins for our individual doctor's appointments. Afterwards, I suppose we'll go to the only two stores that Jeff believes exists! Costco and WalMart. When Stacey comes to see me, we go to Target, a store I really love, and with the help of that obnoxious "buggy", love going up and down most of the aisles.

The weather yesterday was picture perfect. Blue sky, warm but not hot weather, and as an added bonus, no humidity. Today's weather is supposed to be warmer, so perhaps we'll close the house up again.

Yesterday, something broke with my ability to record shows. I don't know if it was the Tivo, or something else. Here's what I do know for sure, is that something isn't working. Jeff gave me a temporary, but older, Tivo. I was able to record most of the shows we watch every week. Now, for some of you, the lack of television shows would be no big deal. But, for me, and my inability to get around (busted wing), watching television is/has been something that I really enjoy. It's an inanimate object, but also seems like a friend. That sounds pitiful I know, but it is what it is.

Tomorrow, I'm off to see the bone doctor, and see if I've made good progress on healing my broken bone. Does it still hurt? Yep. I do exercise it, and try to not lift anything heavy with my left arm. So, fingers crossed that tomorrow, I'll hear that my sling is no longer required. Oh, that would make me so happy.

Getting dressed today, in clothes that actually match! When you stay at home, or at least for me, it doesn't matter if I'm wearing patterned pants of one color, and a top that absolutely clashes color-wise. Today, I'll be "put together!

We'll be taking Jeff's car, because it's a beautiful day to have the top down. We are always aware that Bella is in the backseat, and we don't want her to become too hot. She is wearing a "fur coat" after all.

I've been watching the show "90 Day Fiance". Some of the relationships on the show, signal to me, that the other person is definitely looking for a green card, and little else. One such couple that comes to mind, is a 52 year old woman, who is pretty heavy, and a much younger man looking to get out of Nigeria. Does he love her? Doubtful, but he'll play his role until he gets to the United States. For me, if I was of a certain age (i.e., older), and a much younger man had an interest in me, I would be skeptical, to say the least.

Closing up for now. More tomorrow.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...