Saturday, October 27, 2018

Pajama Day!


Last night and continuing today, the sky is bummer gray and raining. Turned on my "SAD" light this morning, because on days like this, I need all the light I can get. If you doubt the sincerity of the seasonal affective depression, I'm here to tell you that for some people, me for instance, this is truly a real thing.  There doesn't seem to be a real "cure" for this problem. I know that going forward, I need extra light for sure, whether it comes from the sky or my "SAD" light sitting here on my desk.

Oh, back to pajamas. It's not hard for me to spin around in my chair, and forget what I was going to write. This is the kind of day, where you want to drink hot chocolate, sit in front of the fire (yeah, for a gas fireplace), in your pajamas, or your preference of sloth (not the correct word) clothes.

It may be quite late in the morning, but I get dressed every day. By dressing, I don't mean socks and shoes, because I can put those on anytime. Nope, just clothes, besides nightgowns and bathrobes. While it's true that I seldom leave the house, nor do we get a lot of company (probably my fault, being a recluse and all), but I don't think the day has really begun until I'm showered and dressed. Could be that this is merely a woman thing. 

When I watch shows like Survivor, all the women seem to have long and unruly hair, I wonder why they don't cut their hair super duper short, before coming on the show. I know that's what I would do. Does it make a fashion statement? Nope, but it's darn practical when you're living on a beach that has no available means of bathing. Could be I'm a bit "OCD" about staying clean. I also believe, again at least for me, that you shouldn't (I) leave the house without your hair combed and lipstick on. It's simply who I am.

I hope wherever you are, that the sun is shining brightly.



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