Thursday, October 11, 2018

A Good Samaritan!


Lately, it seems that we only hear about negative (i.e., bad) things. There are hurricanes, flooding, shootings, and I could go on and on. But, you get the idea.

Yesterday, I took my trusty rollator, a lawn bag, broom and dustpan outside. Mission? Pick up the big pile of leaves that had accumulated in the street in front of the house. Jeff's job through the fall season, is to blow the leaves into a big pile. Once that's done, I'm the pick-up and scoop person, which I can assure you is way harder than using a blower.

So, I'm outside. I park the rollator near where I'm going to start my work. First issue is always getting that stupid echo friendly brown lawn bag to stay open and upright. Basically, you have to put enough leaves into the bag, and shake them to the bottom. After you do all that, then the bag will stay upright. The problem, wait there's actually more problems, is to bend down and actually get the leaves into the bag. Obviously, dry leaves blow around while you are desperately trying to gather them up.

I had to take breaks and sit on said rollator to give my shoulder a rest. I filled half a bag, and decided, since my shoulder was in a lot of pan, that I would put off my project until later in the day.

When I go back outside to resume my work, I couldn't believe my eyes! Somebody, had come into the garage, picked up a lawn bag, and went outside and picked up all the leaves! To say that I was shocked, and also very happy, I have no idea who did this for me.

My neighbor was outside and I asked her if she had picked up the leaves, but she said no. I don't actually know if she's telling the truth. She told me that a lady had come to the house and picked up the leaves. What lady? How do I thank her? This is definitely a pay it forward kind of situation. I feel very sad that I don't know which neighbor was my samaritan yesterday. There are no words that I could say to this person, to let her know how kind she was, and how grateful I am.

Most of the time, we generally don't read in the newspaper, any "feel good" stories. And, that's a shame. When I came back inside, after moving the bags from the street to the house, I was still in a state of shock - and, frankly still am. Now, all I have to do, is find someway to be nice and helpful to someone else. 

With this happy thought, I leave you and hope you have a really good day.


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