Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Monday in tghe Rear View Mirror


Yesterday, was a very, very long day for Jeff and I. Jeff had an appointment to recheck his eyesight in the morning. After that, I had an appointment with our regular doctor to get the go ahead for my cataract surgery on the 25th (can't wait). Oh, and managed to get my flu shot done too.  Jeff and I always get flu shots, because we remember, and perhaps some of you do also, the horrendous Hong Kong flu in the early 70's. There are not enough words to adequately describe how sick we were.

My doctor and I talked about my having another bariatric surgery. Initially, after having this kind of surgery, you lose weight and you look and feel great. And, then reality hits in, you begin to eat a little more and you start justifying a 5 pound weight gain, and on and on. You do that, until you have gained all your weight back and then some. I am, regrettably now find myself in the much too heavy for me status.  You can only buy so many larger sizes, before you have to say enough is enough.

All this time, we have Bella with us, and as usual she is flawless. We then did our Costco and WalMart shopping. Bella and I stayed in the car while Jeff picked up a few items in Costco. While we waited, we played the 60's channel on Sirius. 

The, onto WalMart. I had a list of things I absolutely wanted to buy. And, we checked off all those items on the list. But, then I began to browse around the store. In doing so, I picked up three more Christmas presents! Nothing too expensive, but cute and I believe the giftees (sp) will like them.

Our hard drive in our Tivo has died. Now, in some houses, this wouldn't be much of a hardship. But, in this household, it's a near disaster. I'm not really very mobile, so watching television has become my favorite (too much so I know) thing to do. When having to stay home all the time, your options for things to do are severely limited. So, before we got home, we went to a computer store so that Jeff could buy another disk drive (I think that's what they call it). We'll give that to Scott, so that he can get us back up and running soon. For the moment, I have or will record, the popular shows that Jeff and I watch together. Cooking and reality shows are not really his thing - but, they are mine!

Once back home, it was pretty late and Daisy had been home alone all day. She might have decided that we weren't coming home at all. Based on the amount of tail wagging that went on, it appears that all was forgiven, once I sat down in my chair, and she "assumed" her regular position in my lap.

This morning, I go back to the bone doctor, to see if my left arm has healed. I surely do hope so, because I'm getting tired of the sling. You are really limited with what you can do using only one arm. And, yes, I know that there are people who can not use an arm at all, and they find ways to get around tough stuff - like getting dressed. Unfortunately, I haven't found an easy way to get dressed. Probably, operator error, which wouldn't be the first time for this to happen to me.

Tomorrow, I'll be able to report: sling or no sling. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


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