Wednesday, October 10, 2018



Jeff is on his way to Las Vegas. Unfortunately, he isn't able to fly our plane, because of issues with the FAA. Commercial flying just isn't what it used to be. Planes are too full, seats are too small, legroom almost non-exiting, and I could go on and on. But, you get the idea.

Jeff looks forward to the annual migration meeting each year. He gets to mingle with old friends and make new ones. Last time he was in Las Vegas, he went to see Penn & Teller's show. He loved it.

After leaving all of you this morning, I'm then going to go upstairs, shower, dress, blah blah. Because Ada is coming today, I want to have the bedroom, kitchen and den looking better, than they are right now. And, while you men disagree, I'm pretty sure that 99% of women, who have their houses cleaned, also go through some kind of picking up and/or putting away things. It's just what we do. Maybe, it's because we really don't want the cleaning person to see our house, messed up. It's bad enough that when Ada comes, before she can vacuum the den, she has to bend down and pick up all of the dog bones and toys. She puts them in the laundry basket, where I keep these things. Later in the day, Bella will happily nose around in the basket, until she finds just the right thing to chew on.

The lawn guys were just here, and they put the leaves into neat little piles. Later today, I'll go out with my broom and dustpan and start picking up those leaves. Because of my shoulder, I'll only be able to do this, for brief periods of time. 

We have a new HOA managing company. Yesterday, we received the "rules" that must be followed. Things like tho (though they did not actually use that word, but I think it gets the idea across to us lowly homeowners, how things are going to happen, going forward. Some of the rules are ridiculous. There's a section about flags, banners, etc., in your yard. This alone makes me want to go out and buy flags, etc., and put them all in the front of the house!

So, Jeff and will thoust try to not make waves. There was even a paragraph describing how loud and when you can play louder music in your home. This paragraph mostly applies to the townhouses. But still - when and how loud you can play your music.  Terrible, terrible rule. What are we? Young children perhaps? I don't think so.

Stacey and Benjamin are coming tomorrow, so that we can have pedicures and some waxing. My "beard" is long enough (not really) to be annoying. When I'm close to someone, I have it in my mind that all they can see are the hairs on my face. We women, can at times, become quite vain. Having my face free of hair is about as vain as I get these days.

Must move along. Ada will be here in an hour or so!

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