Tuesday, October 16, 2018

I'm Back


You may have noticed my absence yesterday. Okay, I'm really hoping that you saw I wasn't writing yesterday.  

Benjamin spent Sunday night with us, and by Monday morning, I was operating on only a few hours of sleep. All of which is my fault. To defend myself, I didn't get my bedtime "cocktail", and while I did fall asleep initially, Jeff came back from his trip, and all hell broke loose! The girls were so very excited to see him, that there was a brief bit of playtime. I found I just couldn't go back to sleep, and I was tired of staring at the ceiling, so I came downstairs, got in my chair, and watched a movie. I think I finally went to sleep around 4:00 in the morning, and got up early, after the girls came down for breakfast.

I watched some kind of movie with Benjamin. The movie had a whole bunch of moving parts, none of which I understood. Creepy people, car crashes, and anything else that could be put into a movie. Horror movie? I don't think so, but some kind of monsters filled the screen. 

When Stacey arrived, she and I went out to run a few errands. Benjamin stayed home with Jeff, and watched another movie, and probably a creepy one too.

Our initial stop was for me. I'm not going into the details, because it would be boring, as well as too much TMI! Enough said about that.

We went to Michael's, a favorite store of mine. I didn't have my rollator, so I knew that the trip would be a fast one. I can only stand/walk for so long, before the bits and pieces of my body become pretty painful. Our mission - correction my mission - was to find the necessary pieces for the making of a Christmas present. And, since it's for Christmas, that's all I can say about that.

Aren't you loving this blog right about now?  I know I am. I ordered and have now received two zippered "boxes", that once filled, can be put under the bed. Today, I've promised myself, that I will go upstairs and start putting summer clothes in said boxes. I also have another box that will hold 12 shoes. Now, I own more than 12 pair of shoes, and I know all of you women out there, do too. Women love shoes, it's just part of our DNA. 

Oh, back to the shoes. After all the nonsense of 2014 (I think that's when all of this happened), and my right foot swelling, I can no longer wear the shoes in my closet. Bummer. Believe me I tried. Now I'm left with shoes, shoes that I love, but are now unwearable. I have no intention of getting rid of my shoes, even though I know in my heart, that  my right foot is now wider. The thought of getting rid of my shoes, is just something I can't do. I have tried wearing my leather "clogs", and even those shoes, are uncomfortable. Sigh. For all of my adult life, I had a AA narrow shoe. Mother had told me that if I went barefoot, my feet would widen. Is that true? Somehow, I doubt it, but I took that message to heart, and even to this day, seldom go without shoes.

I haven't been able to reach down and tie shoes, for several years now, so I wear slip on shoes, or shoes with Velcro straps. A favorite "walking" shoe (if you can call it that), had Velcro straps. I dug the shoes out of my closet, and tried to put my right foot into the shoe. Did I accomplish this? Yes, but the shoe on the right foot was too tight, and I knew that wearing this shoe, would likely cause my right foot to be numb. Unfortunately, there are a number of circumstances, which makes that foot to go numb: for instance, sitting on a stool of any kind and having my foot dangle. 

I ordered my favorite pair of Velcro walking (though I don't do much of that) shoes. I ordered them one size longer and one size wider. While the right shoe fits, the left foot - not so much. I may wear my older shoe on the left, and then blah, blah, blah. I know you're feeling sorry for me, since my biggest problem at the moment, appears to be all about a shoe, for heaven's sake.

I'm going upstairs and unpack Jeff's suitcase. Inside that suitcase, I will put the bag he uses for his CPAP machine and his "Doop" bag (toothbrush and stuff like that). This way, when he travels again, all I have to do is pull out the suitcase, and everything he will need/want will all be in one place. I know you're all very proud of me, because I know I am.

Inching ever closer to noon, which is my absolute deadline, for sitting at the computer.

Happy Tuesday.


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