Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Bit of This and A Bit of That


When a writer or blogger starts of with a title like that it generally means that said person doesn't have a clue what to write! Um, that is partially true this morning for me.

Another Christmas present arrived yesterday, and I think the recipient will really like it. Okay, keeping my fingers crossed that's the case. You know me, it's all about the hunt. Wrapping? Not so much. This year, I have asked Stacey to come and help me out. Prettily wrapped presents are very nice, but the boys have gotten used to a plain white box, taped shut and magic marker writing on the top. I can't speak for all men, but my guys have never seemed to mind a plain box. What they do is on Christmas when the dreaded plain box comes out, they are all already figuring that the inside of said box is clothes of some kind. And, for the most part, that would be correct. Boring gifts to be sure, but in my defense (and heaven knows I need one), what's inside of said box, is generally something that they can wear/use.

Remember yesterday (at least I think that's what I wrote about), I said I was going to do a purge and merge of the clothes in my closet. My new "fit"
under the bed containers have arrived. Yesterday, I stopped purging because of one or both of these things: left arm becoming quite painful; and/or after there are mounds (small ones perhaps) of clothes on the floor, I quickly lose interest in my good intentions.  The urge to just toss all the clothes back into the closet floor is very, very strong. But if I do that, then my job as well as the clothes have won, and I just can't have that. It was too much work to take the clothes out of the closet, put them in piles: summer clothes and/or clothes that no longer fit (ugly, ugly face here); then ascertaining by merely looking at my fall and winter clothes, what needs to go into another bag. Once the bags are full, and I hope that's happening today, I can either (a) shove them under a bed (where I will likely forget about them) or (b) stack these neat little bags on top of one another in the closet.

I also have a shoe organizer. I have many shoes (okay, to make Jeff feel better a number of shoes) that unfortunately no longer fit. It doesn't seem likely that I will ever be able to wear most of these shoes again, which makes me rather sad. Since that foot will no longer fit into Cinderella's glass slipper, it's time to move on. And, you know what that means - yep - new shoes. See how quickly a woman can justify the buying of new things. 😊

Ada is coming today,and I should/must pick up some things around the house. Knowing that she's coming, will likely force me to address the massive mess (did I say I absolutely need more clothes?) that's on the floor. Last night, before bedtime, I shoved and pulled some of the piles out of the pathway going to the bathroom. Nobody wants to get their foot tangled up in a tank top!

For the moment, life is good.



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