Monday, October 1, 2018

And It's Monday Again


I don't know why it is that weekends fly by, and the work week seems to go slowly. Of course, since I no longer work, every day should be a good day!

Today, Jeff and I are off to Hopkins for our individual doctor's appointments. Afterwards, I suppose we'll go to the only two stores that Jeff believes exists! Costco and WalMart. When Stacey comes to see me, we go to Target, a store I really love, and with the help of that obnoxious "buggy", love going up and down most of the aisles.

The weather yesterday was picture perfect. Blue sky, warm but not hot weather, and as an added bonus, no humidity. Today's weather is supposed to be warmer, so perhaps we'll close the house up again.

Yesterday, something broke with my ability to record shows. I don't know if it was the Tivo, or something else. Here's what I do know for sure, is that something isn't working. Jeff gave me a temporary, but older, Tivo. I was able to record most of the shows we watch every week. Now, for some of you, the lack of television shows would be no big deal. But, for me, and my inability to get around (busted wing), watching television is/has been something that I really enjoy. It's an inanimate object, but also seems like a friend. That sounds pitiful I know, but it is what it is.

Tomorrow, I'm off to see the bone doctor, and see if I've made good progress on healing my broken bone. Does it still hurt? Yep. I do exercise it, and try to not lift anything heavy with my left arm. So, fingers crossed that tomorrow, I'll hear that my sling is no longer required. Oh, that would make me so happy.

Getting dressed today, in clothes that actually match! When you stay at home, or at least for me, it doesn't matter if I'm wearing patterned pants of one color, and a top that absolutely clashes color-wise. Today, I'll be "put together!

We'll be taking Jeff's car, because it's a beautiful day to have the top down. We are always aware that Bella is in the backseat, and we don't want her to become too hot. She is wearing a "fur coat" after all.

I've been watching the show "90 Day Fiance". Some of the relationships on the show, signal to me, that the other person is definitely looking for a green card, and little else. One such couple that comes to mind, is a 52 year old woman, who is pretty heavy, and a much younger man looking to get out of Nigeria. Does he love her? Doubtful, but he'll play his role until he gets to the United States. For me, if I was of a certain age (i.e., older), and a much younger man had an interest in me, I would be skeptical, to say the least.

Closing up for now. More tomorrow.


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