Wednesday, October 3, 2018



In looking back at yesterday's blog, I noticed a typo in the title. I'm sure that all of you knew that the word in question should have been "the". So much for spell checking! Definitely my fault.

I went to see the bone doctor yesterday, and my "wing" has done some more healing. I have been given the green light, finally, to go without the sling. Hurrah - I'll be able to go to the bathroom again without turning into Houdini!  I know, TMI, but for a woman this is really very good news. 

I had physical therapy last night. I like the one-on-one time that I get with this particular group. I did some arm stretching exercises, which I think was an improvement over the last time. Or could be wishful thinking.

Before I went home, the therapist massaged my shoulder and arm. There might as well have been an "x" marks the spot on my shoulder, because the therapist landed there over and over again. I know, this is by design, but painful nonetheless. 

After therapy, Jeff drove the new drive for the Tivo to Scott's house, so that Scott can do his "magic" (if I even knew what he was going to do, I wouldn't be able to explain it) and eventually bring it back home, so that my Tivo will be fixed. When you're used to being able to record 6 shows and am currently down to 4 shows, a certain amount of creativity is involved. But, I'm for sure up to the challenge.

Beautiful weather outside. While Jeff and I were driving to therapy last night, we noticed that it's not only our oak tree that's sick, but also more in the neighborhood.  So, why after 30+ years, are all the trees getting sick and dying now? Who knows. There could definitely be a "fungus among us"! 

Ada comes today to clean the house. And, before she gets here, myself like everybody else who has a cleaning lady, "cleans" beforehand. 


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