Saturday, October 6, 2018

Dreary Saturday


I woke up really early this morning. I fixed myself a cup of tea and toast. Once settled in my chair, I opened up my Kindle and was instantly immersed in the current book I'm reading. As a teenager, my reading, which was pretty much constantly, always got me in trouble. Mom would ask me to do something, and my reply was always something like "just one more page", or "just one more chapter"! And, just because I'm an adult, doesn't mean for a minute, that I want to stop reading. You can do laundry any old time, in my opinion, unless you're running out of clean underwear!

Jeff is out running a few necessary errands. There was some suggestion, between Scott and Jeff about Jeff going out to help work on his mower (a big mower). 

The girls and I will stay behind and hold down the fort. This time next week, Jeff will be leaving to fly to Las Vegas for several days of "plane" and "pilot" talk. This always makes him happy. And, I'm just as happy to stay home.

I've decided that I must wrangle a cupboard in the kitchen to house all of my plastic mixing type bowls. Oh, and their respective lids too. If you can lose a sock in the washer, then it's absolutely true that you can find a lid, but not the bowl. And vice versa. In theory then, if I find a lid that doesn't fit anything, I probably should just toss it out. There is absolutely nothing more frustrating than putting food in a bowl, which has no lid, or at least a lid I can find.

I also must try and tidy up the dining room. Since we don't eat in that room, the table and any free floor space has become a dumping ground for things. Artificial Christmas tree, my wheelchair which I haven't used in a very long time, Benjamin's toys, and a variety of other things that need to find their proper place. You know that when a chore looks daunting, it probably is. And, if you're like me, there's always tomorrow!

Enjoy your day.



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