Sunday, October 21, 2018



Yesterday, was a windy, with a beautiful sky. And, then later in the evening, we had rain and a lot of wind. The perfect day/night to put your socks on (I think only women do this), find something sappy (Hallmark Channel perhaps), turn on the fireplace, and settle in.  Ah.

Last night, we went to Andrew's house to have dinner and celebrate Elly's (Wendy's daughter) birthday. We had french fries (yum), hamburgers and some of those sausages, filled with spices and other things. Jeff and I were told to bring hamburgers, and that's easy enough. Jeff had made pumpkin bread earlier in the day, so we brought that along with us too.

Dinner was really nice, with lots of multiple conversations going on at once. Dessert was an ice cream cake (yummy), or Halloween cupcakes. The cupcakes were decorated very nicely, but as you know when you buy baked goods from a store, there is generally a "mountain" of icing. These cupcakes were no exception. Best described as beautiful but deadly (in a good way).

Before going out to Andrew's house, we stopped at Costco and WalMart, to buy just a few things. While the girls and I were sitting in the car, with the top down, a lady who was parked next to us, commented on how beautiful Bella was. Jeff and I are used to this because she is - well - she is beautiful. But, then the lady decided to get close to the car, and Bella decided that the lady was invading our space. So, the lady was greeted with a low growl. This was sufficient enough to get the lady into her car. Jeff says, and I think he's right, that Bella was protecting her people. In this case, me. We're 100% sure, unless provoked in some way, that Bella would not actually bite anyone. In all of our 40+ years of owning dogs, we've never had a dog that bit anyone. And, from our perspective, that's a good thing.

While Wendy and Stacey were preparing food in the kitchen and the men had gone down to the basement, I was able to ascertain the size and color that they thought the boys (men actually now) would like. Just in case Scott or Andrew read my blogs, that's all I'll say. On my Christmas buying list, I have written down some of the things I want to buy. But, I'm holding off, because some places have a 30 day return. I guess they don't realize that some of us (okay one of us), gets her shopping done early. I do 99.9% of my shopping (oh how Amazon loves me) online. The last time I was in an actual mall was when Stacey took me out for a play date. Prior to that trip, I know I haven't been in a department store, at least for the last five years. And, no, going to WalMart does not, in my mind, constitute a real shopping experience. 

We got home late, and not only the girls, but myself included were very quiet in the car. Jeff turned on the 60's channel, which I enjoy very much. So in my night-time medicated fog, I remember waking up every now and then to listen to a song.

As usual, the girls were ready to get up early and have breakfast. Lucky for me, Jeff took them downstairs, and I slept on. And, after having my breakfast, I dozed off and on. 

I am having the cataract and lens surgery on Thursday. Stacey and Andrew have been kind enough to allow us to bring out the dogs on Wednesday night, and they'll keep the girls until I'm back home in my recliner. I haven't worn my "real" glasses in several months now. I do, however, have to use a magnifying glass to read small print. I'm eager to have the right eye done. I suppose I'll need to have some form of "cheaters" as Jeff calls them, so that I can read fine print. But, the last time my left eye was examined, I was seeing 20/25! I was very happy about that.

Since I've not accomplished anything today, other than move wet clothes into the dryer, I'm closing up now.



1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind comments. Unfortunately, unlike you, I seldom read word for word. And, this is be the case since I was a teenager - so not likely to change now!


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Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...