Thursday, October 18, 2018

Dog Training Day!


After an early start, with a wake-up not to be ignored, or suffer the consequences, Jeff and I are ready to meet the dog trainer.

What do we expect from the trainer: um, the list could actually go on and on. However, in the time allotted and the hourly rate, we will hone in on a few of the more irritating issues. Surfing the counter (Bella), destroying anything when she gets a whim to do so (again Bella). I'd like Bella to be able to fetch or pick-up something for me, and actually bring said item to me. Dropping it on the floor near me is progress.

I'm not forgetting Daisy. Can she help us make Daisy less afraid of EVERYTHING! We have had Daisy since she was 8 weeks old. Nothing bad has ever happened to her, and yet she still hides when people come into the house. She won't eat her breakfast until Jeff and I are in our "proper" positions - sitting in chairs and basically not moving.  

Of course, high on the list, but I don't know how it can be done, is getting Daisy to use the backyard for her potty breaks. We have, in the last two years, scrubbed the basement floor with all kinds of products. Sometimes, but not often enough, the chemical smell on the floor, puts her off for a time. And, then she's back to business as usual.

If we could combine the intelligence of Bella (not (the stealing and destroying things), with the loveyness (not really a word, but you get the idea), we would have a near perfect dog. But, dogs, like people are unique and no two are alike. What we're hoping for is progress on our problem areas.


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