Sunday, October 28, 2018

When Did We Become Intolerant?


Front page of the paper was the killing of 11 people, and injuring others in a synagogue. The shooter is in custody, which is a good thing. Will justice be served when he is sentenced? The pessimist in me hopes so, but fear that some form of defense will be put forth to minimize his actions. 

When did we as Americans become so intolerable of other people, who aren't like ourselves. In the minority there are people of a different skin color, gay, religious beliefs as well as transgender people. So why in the last couple of years, did killing people you don't like, become the norm?

Guns, obviously are the first weapon of choice, because you can buy them just about anywhere. But, there is also assault guns, and I don't know where you can buy them. As the saying goes, guns don't kill people, people kill people. 

We don't own a gun. Maybe in our little world, we assume that we'll never need one. And, I hope that's true. But, school children have been targeted, and you have to ask yourself why? What did children ever do that would cause someone to kill them? We'll probably never know.

This avalanche of killing and/or hurting innocent people, was not on my radar in the 60's. Was it because I lived in a small town? I didn't encounter my first gay person until about 10 years ago. These two men are wonderful friends of mine, and I bear no anonymizety (sp) toward them. In fact, I believe it was a good thing that these men came into my life.

Do I bear some inner hostility toward groups of people? Yes, I do. These groups truly believe that people who are different than them, should be purged from society.  And, I vehemently disagree with that kind of thinking. I personally would have no problem if people, different from me, for one thing or another, moved into my neighborhood. Teaching children about diversity is a good thing, as well as teaching them that one race is better than another. 

I know I've climbed on my soap box this morning, and for this I apologize. But, I'm getting off the soap box now. Please understand that this is just the way I feel, so please don't send me hate mail.


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