Thursday, January 31, 2019

Cold and New Glasses


Today, is Andrew's birthday. He's 37 today, and has grown into a very successful man, and Jeff and I are very proud of him. So Happy Birthday Andrew.

Last night, Jeff, Bella and I braved the cold (and even by Jeff's standards it was cold) to pick up my new glasses. I have always had a love/hate relationship with new glasses. I'm always excited about the opportunity to get new frames. My new frames have "gold" on the ear pieces.  Classy - right?

I tested out the glasses while waiting for Jeff to get a few things, by trying to read the fine print on boxes. Unfortunately, in order to read fine print, I now have to raise my head up, which is truly an old lady look!

Though, we had Jeff's homemade soup at home, we went through a drive through, so that I could get my favorite food - hamburgers and french fries. I know these two foods are not on my high protein diet, but sometimes the carnivore just has to be satisfied. Happy to report, that my cravings for a hamburger is satisfied - at the moment.

Physical therapy tonight. I have so many things wrong with my body, it's hard to know where to start. My shoulder, my balance and/or the ear problem, which is slowly getting better. I think once I'm put together, more or less, I would like to continue going for help with my core. Since myself and whoever wants to tag along, is planning to go to Hawaii to celebrate our 50th anniversary. This milestone anniversary is only 5 years away, and I want to be able to get up and walk around, with no assistance. I know this is my goal, and I'd better damn well get on with being more active. Of course, as Jeff and I found out the last time we were in Hawaii, that men wear their "flowery" shirts inside out. Initially, when we saw men, with a muted design on the front of the shirt, that the shirt had been just made wrong. Nope. It's a Hawaiian thing. 

There is a store (many actually) called Hilo Hattie, where you can buy something there, and have it altered while you wait. I bought a beautiful and colorful mu-mu when I was there. I think it might be a "tad" too small, but I've got time to lose enough weight, so that it fits me. Talk about an incentive. Happy to report that my high protein diet is showing improvement, with the numbers moving to the left and not the right. I also want to wear a bathing suit, that doesn't have some stupid skirt attached. More incentive.

The temperature dropped into the single digit last night. Once we get to a single digit, Jeff announces that it's cold. Today, we're in two digits, but still cold at 16 degrees. I think it's cold, and a coat and gloves are necessary. Physical therapy tonight, so I do have to eventually leave the house, but not before then.

Stay warm everyone.


Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Snow, Ice, Sun


Wow, the first month of the year is almost gone. Did we have a good time? I guess it depends on what a good time means to you. For me, it was not having to worry about getting to and from work. When I was working, if it started to snow, my panic began to rise. The solution was that I just left the office early. 

We didn't have a lot of snow, but the snow that did fall, was really pretty. The trees look like they have been covered in icing. But, after the snow came ice. Ice is not pretty, and makes all non-covered places slippery. Since Jeff and I didn't have to go anywhere yesterday, we weren't too worried about the ice. Mother Nature has blessed us today with a lot of sunshine, which will ultimately end the ice problem.

Years ago, we replaced all the original windows in the house, with Pella windows. One of the windows in Jeff's office is in need of repair. We have literally waited months for the Pella repairman to come out. And, today is the day. Hopefully, the window can be fixed, perhaps even today. With the temperatures dropping, and the "sick" window letting in cold air, this seems like a good time to fix that window.

It's cold outside, even by Jeff's standards.  He normally takes the girls out for an evening walk, but decided against doing that last night. All he didn't need was to slip and fall. Neither of the dogs is at the "Lassie" stage, so there would be no returning to the house to alert me.

Tomorrow, is Andrew's birthday. According to the calculator, because I'm not too good with remembering ages, he'll be 37. Gad zooks (sp)!
With his new job at Microsoft, I also have trouble remembering which coast he's on. I think he's back in Seattle, but I'm not actually sure.

It's Wednesday, so Ada comes today to clean. Of course, as usual, that means that I do some cleaning before she gets here. Nothing like having someone out to clean your house, to get a body in motion. 

I also have a new role and title here at home. I'm officially the "putter on 'er".  What does that mean you ask? I'm the person who gets out soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, etc., when needed. See how important this role is? I know you're all jealous!

I'll close up for the day. Stay warm if you live back here, if not enjoy your sunny and warmer days.


Tuesday, January 29, 2019



I have several things I want to write about today, hence the title.

First, let's talk about straws. I don't know about you, but when we were at a restaurant with Mom and Dad, my brother and I found it such fun to blow bubbles into the glass.  My parents didn't like that behavior, to say the least.

And, for 100 years (actually not that long), straws used by restaurants as well as fast food places, gave you straws for your drinks. Doing a bit of research, gotta love Google, a bit of history. In 1888 the first patent for drinking straws made out of paper. Who knew? 

In the 1950's, plastic straws became popular, followed by bending straws. More history: the plastic straw can take up to 200 years to decompose. That's a very long time.Certainly, longer than I'm going to be around.

Journals: I don't know about you, but I have several journals, which are sitting on my desk, and they are pretty much all blank. My blank paged journals, for the most part, aren't anything to write home about (catchy). Oh, I may start to write in a journal, only to put it away, and forget about it. If, I do use the journal, I at least put the date on the pages that I have written. Of course, this also means that it's been "x" days/months or even years, since I've returned to journaling (sp). In today's paper, there is a company that sells truly high end journals.

These journals are called, The Erin Condren Life Planner. Said journal arrives in a beautiful package. It arrives in a pink and white box, and the journal itself, is apparently a thing of beauty. The cover of the journal is adorned with azure peacock plumes (not real ones, of course), and in delicate script, your name. When you receive this "journal", if you can call it that, you will, at least for awhile, can't wait to get started writing. And, then you don't. Cost? Somewhere in the neighborhood of $30.00 to $70.00. If I paid $70.00 for a journal, you better believe that I would try my hardest to fill that sucker up. There are many other journals out there, including, "The Passion Journal", which includes a gratitude log, which wants you to reflect on the past, but also act on the present.  Most people, liken writing in a journal, to exercising more. It seems like fun in the beginning, but as the days go by, you are less likely to write or exercise. We all like things that are new, because of the endless opportunities that might awake you.  Or not.

I guess blogging every day, is my form of journaling (sp). I can, if I want to, go back to anyone of the 1900+ entries and see what I was thinking or worrying about. For ease of use, the Erin Condren Life Planner also will sell you coil clips bundle for $19.00 and change. I'm 100% positive that there is nothing original about her clips, and that clips of any kind, are a dime a dozen.

I bought large metal clips to use to seal up food bags - chips, cereal, etc. These clips are wonderful and they do the job quite nicely. In reality, I should buy more clips, because all of the ones I currently have, are now in use!

Short Person Clothes:

It has long been discussed, that clothing companies don't really address the problem of clothes that fit "round" people (me for example). The pants are always too long as are the sleeves. The alteration lady knows me on sight, and always know that everything I bring her is too long. I just picked up the first batch of pants to be shortened. Yesterday, I put on one of these newly hemmed jeans, which are just the right length. Expensive? You bet. Worth it? Double bet. I hate wearing shirts and/or sweaters where I have to make cuffs, to achieve the right length. So, a nicely altered piece of clothing makes me very happy. Since I tend to wear only clothes with elastic waists, fixing the waist is never a problem.

Perhaps snow this evening. Not a lot of snow, but snow nonetheless.  Snow in the forecast, makes our local weatherman very happy. But, not everybody feels the same!



Monday, January 28, 2019



Here's what you need to know about writing. It's a lonely business. A writer, and I consider myself one, although certainly, not in the same category as famous authors. 

Over my adult years, and there has been many of those (ha), I have written in pretty much anything that is handy by. I have cloth bound, leather wrapped, not to mention just plain old spinal notebooks, at my disposal. And, I've written something in all of these. The best example of my "adult" writing, is the notebook I had with me on our honeymoon in 1974. It's in a spiral notebook, but sometimes I drag it out, not only for the memories, but to note how low the prices were back then.

When I was working, I tried to blog everyday. This wasn't very successful. I had to be at work at "x" time, so dressing and eating breakfast was about all I could handle at the time.

Now, officially retired, I have no excuse not to write. Some days when I feel I have nothing to really blog about, I blog with a statement, such as "empty brain".  It might be easier, if I were to write about just one thing, like some other bloggers do. You know, recipes, fashion ideas, stuff like that. But, putting my blog to fit into a finite subject, is too confining for me. I know that I'm not an expert on very many things, so there is no point in my attempt to always write on the same subject. For me, and it's just the way I think, variety is the spice of life. I, have in the past, shared a family recipe with everyone, but that's not what I really want to write about.

I want to write about anything and everything, even if all the paragraphs don't actually belong together. I have a stream of conscience, with little bits of this and that, some of which don't actually go together. This is not a problem for me, but for you readers, might not always make sense. I write like I talk, fast and sometimes with no actual thought to where my writing is going. 

I have taken several on-line writing courses, and have been successful in the assignments. Writers need feedback, and hopefully that feedback is more positive than not.

Now, that I've emptied my brain (mostly), I'm going to sign off for the day.



 Image result for picture of writer at a computer

Sunday, January 27, 2019

It's Just Sunday


Yesterday, was errand day. Happy to say that the errands on our (or mine) list, were all accomplished. For dinner, Jeff made sweet and sour pork, and it was really good. He made enough for us to enjoy again today.

Picked up my clothes after they were altered. I also dropped off a few other pieces that I would like shortened (sleeves for sure), and pants. Unlike the popularity of floor skimming pants, which are faltering to be sure, because of their long leg length. Now, because I am a stumbler of late, if I wore pants that covered my shoes, I'd definitely be in trouble. Of course, we all know that I haven't made a "fashion" statement in a very long time. I do make a "fashion" statement, by wearing comfy clothes, and I have a long-time love area with all things elastic!

Since I no longer work (dishes and laundry don't count), I have no need for what I would call "good" clothes. I do have on hand, a few pieces of clothing that I could wear for a special occasion. And, as far as pantyhose goes, forget about it.

One thing that I have changed in my wardrobe, if you can call it that, is breaking away from always wearing white socks of any kind. Instead, I now own several pairs of darker colored socks, which I wear instead of my usual "go to" white ones. Of course, I could wear shoes without socks, but that's never gonna happen. I see television hosts who are wearing tennis shoes with no socks, or at least none that you can see.

Jeff is upstairs working now. He's doing "work work", as well as closing up the 2018 end of year accounting. I'm always glad when all those documents that have to be filed, are filed. After everything has been mailed, I can breath easier, knowing that this big push won't happen again for another year. Another thing to celebrate!

Football game on this afternoon, and I'll watch, even though, as I've already told you, the only thing I know anything about is a touchdown! Oh, and the shape of the ball!  Armed with all this "knowledge", I have lately found that I can sit through a game. For me (and only me I'm sure), I could do without the talking heads. I suppose I could watch the game, with the sound on mute!

Enjoy your Sunday. I know I will.

Image result for cartoon picture of a football game

Saturday, January 26, 2019



Yesterday, Jeff, Bella and myself went to Hopkins for my final visit with my ophthalmologist. I was very excited, because in this visit, I was going to get a prescription for new glasses. I have worn glasses with prisms most of my adult life (seeing double is not your friend. The doctor was going to prescribe prisms, until I almost begged for him not to do so.

My argument was that I haven't worn my "real" glasses since April, and have been doing fine. I promised him that if I started seeing double, I would come back to see him.

Since my prescription was now more normal, Jeff took me to Costco for new glasses. My lenses were no longer the cost of a small house, I could even have no frames! Vanity on my part I know.
But, is really vanity if you know that your being vane? I don't think so.

I landed on a pair of frames that are very small, compared to what I normally wear, and the earpieces are trimmed in "gold"! Not real gold of course, but that bit of bling makes the glasses stand out. To me, at least.

If you're going to Hopkins, for any doctor appointment, you need to go prepared. I bring water, a few snacks, crossword puzzle book, etc. My appointment was for 2:30 and we didn't leave Hopkins until nearly 6:00. That is a very long day, and though we mostly sat, both of us were exhausted when we finally got home.

Pizza was on the menu, rounded up with some Gold Rush shows. As viewers, Jeff and I want so much for all of the miners, to win big. We also watch The Curse of Oak Island, and these guys have easily spent millions in their quest for evidence of gold, or the equivalent. Every time there is a win, we cheer them on. We might as well sit in our recliners, and with fingers crossed, hope that as far as the Curse people go, that they definitely have a win-win. Not to worry, either way we'll keep watching! Jeff and I are faithful watchers of several agreed on shows. Cooking and reality shows, which I happen to love, I watch when Jeff is upstairs working.

Going to pick up my alterations for clothes that I bought for myself for Christmas. The tailor knows me on sight, and also knows that my number one (and actually only one), to that everything is too long.  I admire these women on shows where you can't even tell if they are wearing shoes. If I dressed like that, I probably would trip on those pants, and break something else.

Happy Saturday.


Friday, January 25, 2019

Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood


After a few gray and gloomy days, Mother Nature has blessed us with a grand, sunny day. Oh, it's still cold outside, but I can live with that. 

Today, Jeff, Bella and I are headed to Hopkins for my last post-op appointment. At this appointment, I think (hope) that I will be getting my new prescription for glasses. I can see pretty well at a distance, but tinnier print is still causing me trouble. So, when your lawyer's office, for example, and he says read the fine print - for me - not so much. Not only does Jeff do the heavy lifting around the house, he now has become my "reader" of all things small!

If you happen to be on the fence about having cataract surgery, I highly recommend having the surgery. It has made such a huge difference n my life. 

While eating my breakfast, Jeff reads me bits and pieces of news from the paper. To be honest, sometimes (actually more times than not), the news is very depressing. Casting no stones, because I don't do that - BUT - I really feel sorry for the people who are furloughed and not getting a paycheck. Think for a moment what your life might look like, if you didn't receive a paycheck. I fear that the people we hear the most about, are the government people here in D.C. Numerous food banks have sprung up to give out food to those in need. And, I don't know about your area, but there are a lot of people here, who definitely live paycheck to paycheck. 

Jeff and I feel truly blessed that he is still working and that I'm drawing my social security. And, the more years you work, the larger your monthly payment is. I started working full-time in 1968 up until 2013. So by my calculations, and no I'm not so good at math, it looks like I had worked 51 years. That's a long time, and basically doing the same sort of work, which was secretarial, for all those years. 

Depending on the temperature when we leave for my appointment, will determine whether we go with the top down. Jeff's car has a very good heater, as well as a neck warmer, which is wonderful. All you really need is a coat (duh), gloves, and a scarf. The thing about riding around in a convertible is to not look cold, because then you don't look cool! We bought Jeff's car in January, and did our test drive with the top down. We looked like crazy loons, but couldn't have cared less.

I hope it's sunny and bright where you are. Have a good weekend.



Thursday, January 24, 2019



I know, with the mention of bathrooms, that your face is already scrunched up. And, in your imagination, already think is this really a "blog issue"! Yes, it is. But, that's what's on the table today.

I did some calculations, and you're thinking of course you did. Based on my age - 69 - my calculation is 25,185 potty stops. And, that's a pretty big number, and was shocking to me.

In my childhood, toilet paper came in beautiful pastel colors: pink, green, etc. I loved those colors, but they must have been bad for the environment, because all we have now is white, which is boring.

On our honeymoon, so many years ago, a "must stop" on your way to San Francisco, is to stop at the Madonna Inn. Why? because the bathrooms are breath-taking. I don't recall whether we ate there, but we definitely went to the restrooms. Beautiful.

Image result for bathrooms at hearst castle

Hearst Castle

Madonna Inn:    Image result for women's bathroom at madonna inn 

Our next stop was The Winchester House, and yes it was owned by, I believe, the last heir to the   Winchester (rifles, of course) fortune.  This last relative was in a word "cooky nuts". She had a "thing" about the number 13 - truly. There were 13 bathrooms, each sink had 13 holes - well you get the idea. Here's a picture of one of those bathrooms in the house.

ARTICLE: Items That Can Fit Under A Low, Angled Ceiling: A Bed, Shower, Cabinets & More

That just about does it for fancy places to "stop and go" that I know about. I'm sure there's more, I just haven't seen them - yet!


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

All Things British


Since I was a little girl, I have long been fascinated by the comings and goings of the British Royal Family.

My Father was stationed in England at the time of Queen Elizabeth's coronation ceremony. While I was quite young, and if I recall correctly, the streets of Liverpool (yes, the Beatle's Liverpool) were lined with tables. Those things may be fuzzy, but I have a cup, which is actually more the size of a small drinking glass. The cup had the royal seal printed on one side and the Queen's picture on the other side. I, along with all the other girls, were given this cup. The boys received "golden" carriages in the style of the one that the Queen used on her wedding day.

I don't know if my brother still has the carriage, but I have the cup. Over the years, the cup has been broken more than once. The outside of the cup shows the glued cracks. If it were in perfect condition, it might actually be sellable (sp) one day. On the same shelf, is another cup, also from the 50's era, that has pictures of nursery rhyme figures. How did I get it? I can't remember, but it's beautiful and in perfect condition.

PBS recently had a show about the romance of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria, which I enjoyed watching. There is also another show, where that wedding is duplicated down to the exotic foods served that day. 

When Prince Charles married Diana, my friend from work and I, took the day off, and stayed glued to the television from start to finish. Maybe, not the best use of a vacation day, but for me, it was a wonderful day.

Sadly, that same friend and I, took off from work to watch the funeral of Princess Diana. While the wedding had filled us with joy, the funeral was very sad and emotional.

Since then, I have "participated" (i.e., watched) all of the royal weddings. From Prince Charles to Camilla, as well the weddings of both Charles' and Diana's sons. Babies being born, divorces, and last but not least, Prince Harry and Megan's wedding. The next big thing that will happen, at least I think so, will be the birth of Harry and Megan's baby. How exciting.

Here in America, we don't have a royal family. To be sure, we have Presidents and First Ladies, but nobody here, that I can think of anyway, are royal. The British people love the royal family as well as seeimg the pomp and circumstances of their lives. 

My Dad collected "mint" stamps. These stamps are ones that have never been used or have any kind of stamp on them. When Charles married Diana, Dad had a lot of stamps from all of the British Colonies. He painstakingly mounted each stamp and more than one album was completely filled.  When my Dad passed away, Jeff and I took all of his stamp collections, and there was a lot, and put them in our suitcases. I didn't, actually I know, that my Mother and sister wouldn't appreciate the stamps. In taking them, I didn't ask for permission, and if there had been a protest, I would have prevailed.

I do remember arriving at LAX with suitcases that were filled to capacity with these albums. Before boarding, the agent, after weighing each bag, asked us what was inside the bags that weighed so much. We laughed to ourselves, and told her that there were only stamps inside!


 Image result for 1953 coronation cup


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sunny, Sunny Tuesday


It's cold outside, and I think even Jeff agrees too. But, on the plus side, we're talking about a beautiful blue sky and no wind. I've started the fireplace (gotta love those gas powered ones), and eventually the girls will find themselves sleeping beside the fire. To be sure, you don't get quite get the same ambiance as you do with a wood crackling fire. But, the boys, when they lived at home, stacked and built those fires. Real fires, pop and crackle, and sometimes a bit of the fire would find their way to the carpet. So, no worries now.

I'm watching the Bachelor (and I already hear all the groans. The show, to be sure, has to be staged, and it's very interesting to see how the beautiful (do they pick any other kind?) ladies viying (sp) for the bachelor's attention. A bit of backstabbing goes on. We all know that women can get quite catty if the need arises. And, in this situation, there is a push/pull thing happening all the time. I don't have a favorite yet, but the one "lady" who is definitely a cougar has to go - in my humble opinion.

I'm always curious, and I wanted to know how much the bachelor or bachelort (sp) get paid to be on the show. A tidy sum - $100,000! Not a bad paycheck for living in "paradise" and doing no actual work. The contestants get zero! Plus, they have leave their jobs - crazy right? I can just imagine the conversation: "boss, I need six weeks off to be on the Bachelor". After having said that, I'm pretty sure the room gets very quiet. For me personally, I don't think I could just give up a job, on the off chance that I might be the last woman standing. Very high stakes indeed. Also, you never see an "ugly" (not really ugly, but compared to everyone else, not particularly good looking, just normal looking). Why is that? Perhaps there should be a new show that features less than body perfect people. Now, that would definitely be a reality show, because the majority of people, aren't in the beautiful category. And, that's okay. 

It's cold enough here, that the girls run outside, do their business also outside and then scurry back into the house. I can't blame them. Even though they have fur, they can still get cold. And, I wouldn't even think about leaving the girls out in the cold for an extended period of time. I know that I don't want to be outside very long either.  

My high protein diet, which products are pretty expensive, are netting results for me. I've lost 12 pounds so far. I'd like to lose 30 more, and that will take effort on my part. But, in order to even consider getting a new hip, I need to be thinner. I am now religious about getting on the scales every day. And when, the scales move just a tad to the right, I'm that much more determined to move those numbers to the left.

Hate to leave you, but I need to get stuff done. I know, I know, I write this everyday, and then don't meet my household goals - unfortunately.

Stay warm if you leave in my part of the country. Drag out those winter gloves and scarfs. My scarf just happens to be a uniform one that Benjamin bought for me! How special is that?




Monday, January 21, 2019

A New Groove


Do some of you recall when "Stella Got Her Groove Back"? Using this as an example of myself getting a groove on, I (believe it or not) watched not one but two football games yesterday. Oh, and I also watched a bull riding competition. All I need know is a cigar and whiskey!

To be clear, I have absolutely no idea what's going on during a football game. I know what the ball looks like and can follow a touchdown, and that's where my knowledge ends. The comments about where the players are on the field, makes no sense to me so I just focus on goals.

While being a "lady of leisure" yesterday, Jeff was stuck in his office doing all manner of paperwork. When a year ends, then there all kinds of documents that have to be filled out and mailed out by "x" date. I'm in charge of putting our copies of these documents in the appropriate binders for both companies: 4A Computing and Jeffco (the plane). 

In 1974, as Jeff and I started out our life together, I promised to handle paperwork. And, I did. Initially, there were only a handful of papers to be dealt with. Fast forward to 2019, and to use a phrase that my sons like "there are crap loads" of paper! Enough paper, that periodically the binders for each company have to be purged out into an archive binder. It's a lot of paper. And, unlike bills that you have paid, company documents stick around forever.

It's cold outside today, and if we take Jeff's car out for my appointments, the top will definitely be up. It's hard to look cool, when your teeth are chattering.

Cutting this short today, have to go and get ready for my first appointment (head shrinking).


Image result for picture of person and cold weather


Sunday, January 20, 2019

Ugly Sunday


By just about anybody's opinion, today is a dreary, rainy and going to turn cold day. I'm glad we ran our errands yesterday.

I took several new pieces of clothing in yesterday to be altered. The alteration woman knows me on sight. She also knows that my only request, and was again, making things shorter. It's possible that manufacturers don't really take into account the actual size of women. For instance, I don't like my pants to reach to the top of my shoes. It's a preference I know. The inseam, for most pants, is 28 inches - hmm. I'm having the pants altered to about 24 inches. So, first I have to pay for the pants and then have to have them altered! This doesn't seem fair. I also took in a rain jacket (sleeves way too long) and a denim jacket suffering from the same problem. 

As a short and round woman, I detest having to roll up sleeves on everything I wear. I hate cuffs. I don't think it's asking too much to have clothes tailored to your body. 

Netflix has an original show called "Sex Education". Don't let the title scare you off. Yes, it's about sex and teenagers. One boy, in particular, has a mother who is a sex therapist. Can you say awkward? It's worth the watch, I watch.

Jeff and I like, what we consider binge watching shows. So, we stayed up until midnight yesterday, to just one more episode. And, if you remain still in the bed, the girls don't start stomping on you at 7:30 like they used to. Interestingly, I get up first and come downstairs. The girls know that I'm not going to feed them, so they wait for Jeff. I'm actually okay with that.

I marked all of the shows we are going to watch this week. Jeff, actually doesn't get much of a vote! Clearly, not a democracy here. By looking ahead, it appears that Jeff will not have to talk to each other today, as well as a fewer other nights. If we run out of regular shows, we can always find something on one of the premium shows. 

Now that Christmas is over, Jeff has asked me, politely I might add, to try and curb my spending. To that end, I have written down the charges for the things that I have bought so far. Before buying something on Amazon,  Now,I do take a moment before I actually hit the "buy it now" button. I'm trying to find other things to do, but honestly dishes and laundry just don't have the same thrill. But, I'm really trying, I promise. This is difficult for a shopping junkie!

Cold and windy today, with the wind picking up. Temperature today is 28 degrees and a low of 12 degrees. Jeff, doesn't consider it cold unless we get into single digits, but I believe today will be a good day to stay inside. Once I turn the fireplace on, the girls will both gravitate to the fire.

Last night, while watching a show, I told myself to investigate on how much "x" makes. Of course, being me, the "x" look-up has long since left my brain. And, truthfully, may never return! It's just who I am know. I have made up my own diagnosis, "STMM" - short term memory me.

I made beer bread yesterday from a box. The bread is dense, you could probably hurl it at someone and do bodily harm. I will likely not buy it again. But, if you don't try it, you'll never know if you like it. Okay, I've tried it and don't really like it.

While I'm dallying down here, Jeff is upstairs working. He has his "work work", and then he has to close out the 2018 books for 4A, to get the necessary information to the accountant. When a year ends, there is a flurry of required documents to be sent to the different agencies. I don't know about Jeff, but this is actually not my favorite time of the year. Go figure.

Well, my dears, it's time for me to get myself in gear, and do something - anything!

If you're here in the East, stay warm.



Friday, January 18, 2019

I Thought It Was Saturday!


I've gotten confused - again. I would swear this was Saturday, but it's not! 

Some snow and/or ice is supposed to arrive this weekend. Jeff proactively went shopping - Costoc and WalMart. On this shopping errand, I had written down NO on things I didn't want him to buy. I urged him to leave Bella at home, because the parking lots might be icy. Bella has made some an impression on the cashiers at WalMart, that last night they even asked where she was!

He did buy, for the weekend ahead, several kinds of meat, for stews and/or soups. Jeff does an excellent job in making those things.

While we at Trader Joe's last week, I bought a bread mix that requires beer. That should be interesting to say the least. 

After several years of blocking entrance to the living room, so that the girls couldn't go in there. I made the decision to give it a try. I put a blanket on the sofa, and happy to report that the girls haven't bothered anything. Becoming mature dogs? Could be. Fingers crossed. We have even left Bella loose in the house while we go out for a quick errand. When we get back, shoes and/or socks are just where I left them. This makes me all fuzzy inside.

It's a bit on the cold side today. The fireplace (thank my stars that it's a gas fireplace) is on, and when it is on, the girls go and sleep right next to said fireplace.

I've also started letting them have access to the bedroom now during the day. I pull up the blinds high enough so that Bella, in particular, can be at the ready, if something goes amiss. I swear that sometimes she barks to hear herself! Luckily, after she has "chased" away the delivery men, she comes back into the house and continues to be lazy.

Based on all my Christmas present shopping, mostly at Amazon, Jeff, I'm paying particular attention to the spending this month. And, trying to be good.

Here's the thing. When you are unable to go outside on your own, driving and/or sometimes walking, you've read most of your books and watched the cooking shows, there's not much for me to do. Hence, the shopping on line. Apologies Jeff. I really can't go out by myself to shop, but I can't feed my desire, if you will, to shop on line. First and foremost, is that I'm still struggling with the head spinning thing. Not life threatening but a damn nuisance. Nobody wants their head spinning when they change positions.

Have a safe weekend everybody.



Thursday, January 17, 2019

Play Date !!!


Yesterday, Stacey and Benjamin came for a "play date". Stacey is very good to me. I know she has a lot on her plate, and yet she finds the time to visit me and we do fun things. I want to tell you that the new Mary Poppins movie is so worth seeing. It's definitely not anything like the original. The outfits were amazing, and the choreography was  original and fun If you haven't see the movie, or were planning not to see the movie, I urge you to go.

Because it was a school day, we had the theater mostly to ourselves. The only other people who were in the theater, we're mostly senior citizens, such as myself.
It's coat weather, as far as I'm concerned. Jeff feels that it's only cold, when the temperature drops down to one number, like 1 or even minus 1. Personally, I think any temperature in the twenties is cold, requiring coat and gloves. Luckily, I received a very nice fleece coat for Christmas. It has no buttons or zippers, it's more like a big shawl, and it's warm and comfy.

I think we're supposed to have a little snow this afternoon. Probably not a measurable snow, but still snow. The weatherman we watch during the news, absolutely longs for snow - a lot of snow would suit him best. Since I no longer work, and Jeff works from home, there really isn't any reason to panic about getting to and from work. Sometimes, Jeff's commute up the stairs is impeded by the girls trying to rush by him.

No physical therapy tonight. I was the last person to be seen by my therapist, and she called and asked if we could reschedule. I don't want to be that person who says no, you must see me this evening. I fully understand why she called. I assured her that I would get on her "dance card" next week.

Later guys.


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Chessy Television


It has long been established, as more of you know, that I'm a sucker for reality shows. Of course, we all know that the reality shows, are simply shows following a script. However, even knowing this, doesn't take away from my pleasure in watching the shows.

This morning, during breakfast, I watched The Bachelor. The bachelor in question, is a very good looking guy. And, the show is making a really big deal about his virginity. I think that's a private thing, and shouldn't be or need to be, all anybody talks about.

Colton was a professional football player, who bounced around for several seasons. His football career ended in 2016. 

The women vying for his attention, are all: beautiful, beautiful (did I say that already?), wear very tight clothes, some with slits on the top and bottom of the dress. I grew up in a time, the 60's, where a lot of exposed skin was frowned upon. There were, at least in my world, no off the shoulder dresses, that stay up as if by magic. I might be a "tad" jealous! 

There is one contestant, who in my view, is definitely a cougar. She interrupts everyone's private conversation with Colton. To say that she's not popular, would be an understatement. And, yet in the first red rose handout, the cougar stayed. Knowing this, didn't make the other ladies very happy.

In checking some of the little known facts about the show are:
  • One contestant is given her own sylist (sp)
  • First fitting takes two days
  • Links about what to we pack
  • One bacheloret (sp) is given a $350,000 wardrobe budget. If I had that much to spend, perhaps even I could look good!
  • No duplicate dresses allowed
I'm sure the list goes on and on, but those are just some of the highlights of what goes on behind the scene. 

While, to the eye of a viewer, the show looks glamorous, awesome one-on-one dates, as well as some group activities.

The show I watched yesterday, the date was on the Queen Mary. That ship has some significance to Jeff and I. When we received a big raise (or bonus, I can't remember), we took two of our friends for dinner on deck. Because I have an overworked imagination, I could swear the ship was moving. It was, of course, moving ever so slightly, which would account for the movement. Such good memories.

For now, I live vicariously when watching the show. It's cheap entertainment, but that's okay with me.


Image result for picture of rose ceremony


Monday, January 14, 2019



Yesterday it snowed. And, it was a measurable snowfall. Not everyone gets a warm and fuzzy feeling when it snows. When I was working, in this kind of weather, I dreaded the automated phone call to work, hopefully saying: closed or a two hour delay. These days, I don't really care how much snow falls, it really doesn't have an impact on me.

When the boys were younger, Scott always wanted "foots" (not a typo) of snow. For him, the more snow the better. Even though the boys were old enough to stay home by themselves, doing so filled me with dread. We live at the top of a hill, and so sliding down the hill was a lot of fun. Pulling the sled back up - not so much.

Jeff shoveled in increments yesterday. The sooner you get the snow off the driveway, the better chance of Mr. Sun doing it's melting thing. He rested between shoveling, which was smart.

We also let the girls out for a bit yesterday to run around in the snow.  They jumped around and chased each other. But, I did notice that when I opened up the front door, there was no hesitation from them, about coming in the house. After outside playing, they were really calm and tired, and wanted nothing more than laying beside the fireplace.

Jeff was going to do his weekly shop yesterday, but he made his decision late in the day. I urged him to stay home, and for once, he listened to me. If he wants to go out today, I'm okay with that.

The paper today, reminded drivers to clean off the top of their cars. Too often, you are behind somebody who didn't do that, they brake and you are faced with a barrage of snow. Jeff always makes sure that my car is appropriately "snowed" off! A broom makes an excellent job of clearing the car.

I actually think that Jeff might be suffering from "restlessness". While I'm quite content to stay home, he needs to get out of the house. That's just the difference between us. I think one of the reasons I don't like going out, is that after much walking (for me), my body begins to hurt. To be sure, my body hurts at home too, but I'm mere steps away from a chair.

For some people, and I include myself in this category, growing old(er) is a pain in the tush! I bet you thought I was going to say another word - surprise! I'm a lady after all!

Auntie Kim and I joined a book club a year ago. I have decided to bow out of the club now. I have several reasons for doing so. I've discovered that I don't really like being told what to read. Don't get me wrong, I love reading, but want to choose what I read. And, then there's that little thing called short term memory. Even if I read the book in it's entirety, my memory fails me on recall. I can't answer any questions about the book, simply because, well because I don't remember these things.

I, am right now, really involved in a book by an author, that I like. I have trouble remembering who the characters are, but in the big picture, that doesn't bother me at all. Skip a few lines? Sure, I have always read a book this way, and I see no reason to change. Count me in as a senior, who doesn't want to change. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Some things are better left alone, and in the big picture, shouldn't matter to anyone but myself.

Well, my dears, I'm off (really I am) to get something or anything done today.




Sunday, January 13, 2019

An Answer to Yesterday's Question


The answer to the question yesterday, is that it has snowed and continues to do so. On a lark yesterday, Jeff took me to newly opened Trader Joe's. We left Bella loose in the house and kept our fingers crossed, that she wouldn't find and destroy something. Happy to report that there was no damage!

We like Trader Joe's, but it's very expensive if you are going to feed a family. Luckily, we just have ourselves, so we indulged with a few things (none of which were life altering). One poor man in the store, was explaining to someone (his wife probably) that the only milk in the store was almond milk. Ick. I actually don't feel sorry for those folks, who have had at least a week where the prediction was snow, haven't or didn't adequately prepare. Everybody knows you need the trafecta (sp!). In our house, that means: toilet paper, milk and eggs. Our pantry and freezer are already full of things we might want to eat. So shopping to prepare yourself for a snowstorm, at the last minute, makes no sense to me. Perhaps, that's just the Girl Scout in me!

We bought sourdough bread - not a necessity - just a want. We didn't need milk, and that's a good thing, and eggs were in short supply as well. 

Jeff has gone out twice this morning to shovel the driveway. He shovels in increments of about 15 minutes and then comes back inside to rest. Oh, to have the boys back, so they could handle the shoveling. We learned from a neighbor years ago, that it was better to shovel the snow from the driveway. If you keep the driveway clean, then if we get ice, you don't have to deal with digging through the ice to get to the snow. 

Jeff took the girls out this morning for a romp, Bella loved it. Daisy wanted back in the house almost immediately. Unlike the Labradors we previously owned, where snow would cling to their fur, making them look and perhaps feel ridiculous. Neither of the girls have long hair, so the worst that can happen is wet paws.

Jeff made dinner last night, and it was tasty. After we went to bed, Bella did her usual counter surfing. She hit pay dirt, when she found the bowl with the chicken inside. She licked the bowl clean, and didn't even take the bowl down to the floor. Knowing all of that, we should make sure before we go to bed, that food, of any kind, needs to be put farther back. Basically, I guess that Jeff and I were not thinking clearly enough, when we went to bed. As I've stated before, the only real food that Bella won't eat is a bell pepper. To be sure, she gets it off the counter and in the morning we find the pepper on the floor.

While I have poo-pooed the idea of watching football games, I have now watched several. Mind you, I don't have a clue about the rules.  My only knowledge is when somebody gets a goal. Still, I find it somewhat interesting, but have no earthly idea why.

Wrapping up now. Have some things I need (blah) or want to do. 

Happy Sunday.



Saturday, January 12, 2019

It May Snow, It May Not Snow - That's The Big Question


It's Saturday, and all the weathermen (why don't they ever say weather woman?) is supposed to show up at our doorstep later today into tomorrow.

While Jeff and I have no need to go to the store to get anything, I know without a shadow of a doubt, that grocery stores are going to be packed today. Our only needed items: toilet paper (a must), bread (not exactly an essential), milk and eggs. We even have ice cream! Who could ask for more?

Just in case we get snow this weekend, Jeff has moved my car over to a neighbor's driveway, who spends the winter in Florida. This means that Jeff's car is snugly inside the garage. We absolutely don't want a lot of snow building up on the top of his convertible. And, that just makes good sense. Besides which, my car is dirty, so perhaps we'll get enough snow to clean 'er up a bit.

Jeff has started the making of beans and ham in our "instanta (guess that's not really a word) pot". It will simmer away all day, and we'll have soup for dinner today and tomorrow.

I can't remember, but I think we might have had very little snow last year. If we do get an accumulation, then we'll let the girls out to play. And, good advice: don't eat yellow snow!

Years ago, during a very big snowstorm, our dog at the time, Suzie, went out to play, lost her bearings and went missing for several weeks. She had been living under a deck, and was make a nuisance of herself, by upending trash cans. Once we got her back home, she was never the same dog. Can dogs suffer from PTSD? After being food deprived, we couldn't, at that point, prevent her from taking food. We have a buffet in the dining room. Suzie managed to pull on the knobs to open up the drawers. Little things like that. Luckily, by then Scott had bought a house with acreage, and was willing to keep Suzie. She lived a good life, with plenty of land to roam. One day, while Scott was out, Suzie quietly died. I don't believe that anyone or anything should have to die alone. 

Oh, where was I? That's right, I was writing about snow and lost track of my thoughts. Some people don't suffer from losing their thoughts, and I wish I was one of them. But, I'm not, and likely never will be.

This is a picture of a dog enjoying snow. And, in case you're wondering, this is not a picture of one of the girls.

Image result for picture of dogs in snow


Friday, January 11, 2019

Peace and Quiet


Good morning everyone. Even by Jeff's standards, the temperature today is a bit on the chilly side (29 degrees. In my mind, 29 degrees is no longer a bit chilly, it's downright cold. Thank heavens for the gas fireplace, it keeps the den nice and toasty.

If you know me well, then you also know that I live in an anxiety, among other things, producing world. It's been this way for a long time, but particularly noticeable after 2013. Will this condition improve for me? Through medicine and therapy, I am unfortunately out of control inside my head. It's just the way it is.

I live a mostly reclusive world, and for the foremost, I'm okay with that. It's not good for me mentally, but living this way, means I don't have to deal with a lot of outside stimuli. Jeff has for several years now, done all the heavy lifting as far as keeping me on the right track every day.

One way I get and enjoy inner peace, starts with Daisy (the terrier).  Whenever I sit in my chair, is likely not very good for me, Daisy is waiting for me to "assume the position". The position in question is having the recliner in a fairly upright position. Once I'm "settled", Daisy jumps into my lap and both of us are content with each other. Daisy isn't the smartest dog we've ever owned, but in terms of being loyal and loving, she's the absolute best. Daisy doesn't judge, she just knows that she's always welcome in my lap. Dogs, by nature don't actually ask for much in return for their love and loyalty. Treat them well, shower them with praise and love, and they will give this back to you tenfold. 

While Bella goes with us almost everywhere, and performs beautifully no matter where we are, Daisy stays home. We'd leave Bella home sometimes, but you can never be sure what she is going to get into.

On a table in the living room, which is used seldom, sits a decorative bowl filled with beautiful glass "candy". While sitting here in my office yesterday, I heard noise in the living room, and by the slinking away, I was pretty sure that Bella had been exploring the candy, and didn't find them chewable! We certainly don't want to have to pump Bella's stomach out, to find a missing piece of glass! 

I have just now, after 2 years, taken the gate down that prevented the girls from going into that room. I have recently removed the gate, and so far, so good. Next step is to take down the gate that keeps them out of the "formal" dining room, which is also never used, unless you count the many items on the table and on the floor. If it all blew away tomorrow, there isn't anything in particular, except for Jeff's pilot bag that I'd miss. Like clothes that you don't wear, the items in that room haven't been missed in a very long time. Purge perhaps?
When I finish "talking" with all of you, I will go upstairs and get on a sweatshirt to keep me warmer, and then proceed with putting the laundry away. Can you say boring? Of course, you can. The washing and drying of clothes is easy, and then it becomes to "fold" the clothes. And, that last little bit, is where I tend to stumble and fail. It would be super easy to just stuff said clothes into drawers. Some wrinkles I can live with.

While this isn't a picture of Daisy or myself, you get the general idea.

Happy Friday everyone.



Thursday, January 10, 2019

Who Thinks This Stuff Up?


When I'm having my breakfast, I either like to watch a television show (preferred), or second best browsing through a catalog. This morning, the catalog won.

While flipping through the pages, I found several things that I didn't, and perhaps you didn't either, existed. I'm not saying that we couldn't live without these things, because we clearly are doing so at the moment.

So here we go:

Freezer Frost Remover - you spray it on and the frost's all gone. Feeling skeptical about this. If it works as advertised, then this would be very helpful. I think the big question is the IF factor. Reasonable priced at $7.00, which in theory is less than a meal at McDonald's.

Just Pump It - it snaps onto your soda drink. Then with a few pumps to the lid, it re pressures your drink. Now this sounds handy. I seldom finish a can of soda, so a lot of the drink goes down the drain. This device came from Pepsi, and costs only $5.00. 

Keeps Urine In The Bowl - as advertised, it keeps urine from splashing down the front and onto the floor. Now, I personally think this is a great idea, and I wish I had known about, while raising 3 boys. Yours for only $19.00.

Headstone Maintenance - who really thinks about this product. In only 60 seconds, you can restore the beauty of the headstone with a quick spray. While the price is more than fair at $6.00, I don't personally know anybody that goes to the cemetery on a regular basis.
Chork - a three-in-one eating device for eating foods that generally are eaten by chopsticks or a fork. This device has: a fork; training chopsticks (is that like learning to ride a bicycle); and the finally chopsticks.

Chork - a three-in-one eating device for eating foods that generally are eaten by chopsticks or a fork. This device has: a fork; training chopsticks (is that like learning to ride a bicycle); and the finally chopsticks. 

Automatic Coffee Device - Instead of using those little brown stirrer sticks, now there is a device that mixes your hot drink for you by using a swirling method. How could you possibly not need one of these? Oh, I know, people who drink their hot beverages without sugar or cream! Like me, for instance.

I promise you that there are scores of most useless inventions out there. I have only begun to scratch the surface.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

How Do You Get This Sucker Open!


In 2009, 7 people were killed after using Tylenol that had been injected with potassium cyanide.  Up to that point, your medicines came in regular bottles with regular tops. Easy to open, for all ages.

After the 2009 incident, packaging started to change. Mind you, I know that the new packaging is safer, with childproof tops for instance. The childproof tops are a good thing, don't get me wrong. Problem is, that for me personally, I can't seem to get into any bottle or or those individual pills that you have to "pop" out.

I am confident that Benjamin could open these childproof bottles, but I can't. So I waste time and energy trying to "hack" into my bottles. It's probably a good thing that Jeff puts my pills in those daily boxes. Otherwise, by the time I managed to open the bottles, I would be worn out!

Obviously, if I took fewer pills, then the opening of bottles would take less time. But, to keep my "mentalness" (made up word) up to par, I take pills. Not proud of this, but it is what it is.

Ada who cleans my house came this morning, catching me off guard. Normally, I have the morning to "pick up" around the house.You ladies know what I'm talking about. While they are cleaning the house for you, you want the house to not be too messy. But, Ada came this morning, and I am really not ready.  So, while the cleaning is being done, I'm blogging to all of you. I'll get over the embarrassment that I haven't made my bed, or cleaned the kitchen. The two ladies talk in Spanish, so I have no idea what they're saying, and perhaps I just don't want to know! 

Tomorrow, I'm going to physical therapy to start work on my current head spinning thing. I don't know how they fix this, but I have high hopes that they can. If, they can "fix me", then perhaps Jeff will take me out to a parking lot, so that I can practice my driving, like I did in 2013. I don't really have anyplace to go, but I like the idea, that if I did, I could go.

I'm closing for now, because Ada needs to clean my office. Not there is much to do in here, I have several big pieces of furniture in here, and they take up most of the floor.  

More tomorrow.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...